CMIT North Middle School Newsletter
Week of November 27, 2022

Week of September 3, 2023
CMIT's Mission
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for middle and high school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
Administrative Announcements
Important Dates
CMIT Academy follows the PGCPS school calendar.
Import the CMIT North Middle School calendar to your own Gmail calendar to stay informed of all school-wide events.
9/4: Labor Day (Schools and Offices Closed)
9/6: Back 2 School Night
9/25: Yom Kippur (Schools and Offices Closed)
10/5: 1st Quarter Progress Reports Released (Online)
10/9: Indigenous People's Day (Schools Closed for Students)
10/9: Parent-Teacher Conferences
10/20: Professional Development Day (Schools Closed for Students)
11/2: 1st Quarter Ends
11/3: 3-Hour Early Dismissal (11:49 am)
11/10: Professional Development Day (Schools Closed for Students)
From the Principal's Office
Dear Scholars, Parents, and Guardians,
A big thank you to our Educators, Staff, Students, Parents, and Administrators for an amazing first week of school! It was great to see all of our new and returning students fill our halls again.
Last week, we began laying the foundation for a successful year as staff and students focused on establishing a positive culture in the classroom, classroom routines, math and reading literacy, academic expectations, and classroom tools.
On Wednesday, students received their locker assignments. Students may visit their lockers before school, before lunch, and after school to store or retrieve needed items.
This week, educators will begin a deeper dive into curriculum and content, and students will begin establishing their daily routines by preparing for each class, transitioning to classes on time, engaging in the lessons, and striving to achieve their academic goals. Additionally, administrators will hold Student Rights and Responsibilities presentations for students.
Parents can support their scholar's achievement by holding daily conversations, reviewing assignments, checking Schoomax and Canvas, and developing study routines at home.
We are off to a great start. I'm excited to see what our scholars achieve this school year!
Educationally Yours,
Principal Andrew Brauer, M. Ed
School Hours
CMIT North Middle School is open for students from 8:15 a.m. to 2:49 p.m. daily.
Dismissal begins at 2:49. Dismissal is usually complete by 3:15.
Fees will be assigned to parents for students dropped off early and/or picked up late.
Before and After Care Enrichment is available through the Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation (CLF) Enrichment Program.
6:30am - 8:15am: Before Care (Zero)
3:00pm - 4:00pm: After Care (Stars)
4:00pm - 6:00pm: After Care (Scholars)
Arrival/Departure Routine
Arrival/Departure Routine
Please see the Traffic Flow Map of the driving routes and drop-off/pick-up locations. Please note: All parents, carpooling or individuals, must drop off and pick up in the rear of the building. The side parking lots are designated for high school overflow and commercial vans/buses only. Only students that ride on a commercial van or bus will be permitted to exit to the side parking lot.
As you pull into the car line, please pull as far forward as possible so more cars can pull in behind you. This will speed up the overall process safely.
Everyone will become more accustomed to the drop-off and pick-up routine as the school year progresses. The process will become more and more efficient. Typically, by the third week of school, all vehicles are gone within 15 minutes of the dismissal bell.
Please be patient and follow the instructions from those directing traffic. No one's time is more valuable than the safety of OUR children. It takes all of us, faculty and parents, working together to ensure a safe environment at all times.
Please complete the Dismissal Questionnaire.
Parent Involvement Survey
This is the year of collaboration at CMIT! We aim to give our scholars the best environment for learning, discovery, and STEM education as we can. The way we can do that is only together. This survey is not to hold you responsible for volunteering if your schedule does not allow it, but to help us know how we can build our program with our current community and will serve as a sort of "census".
Also, I will be using the email list generated from the parents who complete the survey to send out information for free afterschool tutoring from our CMIT teachers, after-school clubs, Saturday school, and field trips. If you would like to be kept abreast of this communication, please fill out the survey using the link: https://forms.gle/Pt8Go5M2hU6LojL1A
Mr. Field
STEM Coordinator
Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
PTO Double Good Fundraiser
We hope everyone is able to set up their Double Good Fundraiser Pop Up shop in support of the PTO Double Good Fundraiser. The fundraiser starts September 7 at 9am through September 11 at 9am.
Event Name: CMIT North MS PTO
Event Code: EZYGKC
Important Notices
Back 2 School Night
Back 2 School Night will be September 6th from 5:30-8 pm, doors open at 5:00 pm.
We will be following a schedule that allows parents to visit each of their scholar's teachers. We kindly ask that parents arrive on time to ensure a smooth and seamless evening.
Back 2 School Night is designed to give parents some insight into the courses and curriculum your scholars will be studying this year, as well as, to experience the environment in which they will be spending much of their time.
The event will be in person this year and we are very excited to welcome you to the school.
Food and Nutrition Services (School Meals)
All parents are encouraged to apply for Free or Reduced Meal Services (FARMS). This information impacts school funding which equals $$dollars$$ in our classrooms.
Even if parents don't think they qualify, they are encouraged to apply at MySchoolApps.com. Online applications are processed within 24-48 hours.
Students who are not eligible for free or reduced-priced meals must pay for their meals. See Meal Prices. Parents and guardians can easily monitor and add funds to student meal accounts using MySchoolBucks.
We are pleased to have you as partners in this educational year. As the year progresses, and as you become either more informed or more puzzled, we encourage you to call the school and talk with those who might be of help. If your question deals with in-class events, grades, or curriculum please ask to speak with the teacher. Teacher contact information will be provided to you on the student’s syllabus, as well as, on our school website at https://ms.cmitacademy.org/about-us/staff-directory/.
We always encourage parents and students to call our Main Office to be directed to the appropriate personnel at any time. Our Main Office phone number is 301-350-6051 or email Mrs. Petit-Homme, Receptionist, at monica2.petithomme@pgcps.org.
Each Sunday a Newsletter is published and emailed to parents and students. Please review this newsletter with your scholar to promote them being informed citizens in the CMIT community. The newsletter often has information pertaining to Teacher of the Month, Student of the Month, class projects, assessment dates, clubs, athletics announcements, PTO announcements and other activities.
Additionally, we strongly encourage all parents to activate their Family Portal account and keep their contact information up to date. The Family Portal allows parents to get timely updates through email, text, and robocalls. In the case of an emergency, this is PGCPS' method of communication, so it is vital that parents are enrolled.
Help Your Child Transition to Our New Digital Learning System!
Prince George’s County Public Schools is continuing our transition to Canvas as our primary learning management system. Starting next school year, teachers and students at most middle and high schools will exclusively use Canvas as their digital learning environment. However, at the elementary level, Google Classroom will remain available for at least one more school year to allow for a phased-in transition of Canvas. Regional centers, K-8 academies, and charter schools are not impacted by this timeline.
What is a learning management system?
A learning management system (LMS) is a software application designed to create, distribute and manage the delivery of educational content. As an LMS, Canvas provides teachers with a platform to share classroom resources and digital assignments, in a single location.
Why is PGCPS moving to Canvas?
We have chosen Canvas as our exclusive learning management system for several reasons:
Robust and Integrated: Canvas is a more powerful learning management system that seamlessly integrates with many of our district tools, making it easier for students to access multiple resources in one place.
Secure Environment: Canvas provides a secure digital learning environment, promoting safety and privacy for our students and staff.
Consistency: Having a single learning management system streamlines instruction and communication between teachers and students, reducing confusion among multiple platforms.
Real-World Preparedness: Since Canvas is used in many higher education institutions, students will be better prepared for a future beyond our school system.
How can I help my child learn Canvas?
To support you in learning more about Canvas, we encourage you to view our Canvas for Families Overview and Canvas Family Guide. These resources will help you and your child familiarize themselves with the platform before next school year.
We believe that Canvas will be a valuable addition to our schools and will be a benefit to our students. Thank you for your flexibility as we modernize our technology applications to meet the demands of today’s digital world.
Athletic Eligibility
CMIT North Middle School participates in competitive athletics with other PGCPS middle schools. To be eligible students must have the following:
1. Complete the Athlete Participation Packet and return completed forms to the Athletic Director, mark2.mccain@pgcps.org;
2. Have and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA;
3. Review and agree to the PGCPS Parent/Student Athletic Handbook;
The requirements must be completed prior to stepping on the field for tryouts.
Fall Sports: Baseball, Softball
Winter Sports: Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Cheer
Spring Sports: Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer
Families are encouraged to complete the requirements over the Summer months to ensure eligibility when seasons begin. Athlete Participation Packets and physicals are good for the entire school year.