Homework Help and Study Skills
WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR STRUGGLING IN A CLASS (before requesting a peer tutor)
1) Work with the teacher a few times, as much as you and they are able
2) Try one of the ACADEMIC HELP OPTIONS below
3) Study with friends in that class before quizzes and tests
4) if have IEP or are in AVID, check out Resource Rooms or AVID Tutoring times
For Most Teachers:
-FLEX- 12:30-12:45pm daily in their office or classroom space, or by appointment
(check with teacher)
For Math:
-Before school in the Math Department/Classroom Area
-Achievement Connections Tutors by appointment (Algebra 1 & Geometry)- teacher refers you
For Most 9th/10th Grade Math and Science Classes:
-Afterschool LMC Study Tables- Tuesday-Thursday until 5pm
A list of Private and Volunteer Tutors is available in Student Services. If you have tried all of the above, peer tutors might be available, but take time to find, so be patient please. Talk to your counselor/case manager.
Some Tips of the Trade
Be Organized
- use a planner or planning app on your device to keep track of daily homework & tests
- use spiral notebooks to take notes in each class, putting the date at the top of the page at the start of each class, writing down at least the key ideas from lecture
- use separate folders to keep handouts from each class (color coordinate with spirals)
- use a backpack or another type of bag to carry your school supplies in
- use locker during the school day so you don’t have to carry ALL of your materials all of the time
Seek Help when You Need It
- check-in with your teacher weekly to ask how you’re doing and what must be done to be caught up (use a progress report if needed)
- make time for extra help from Teacher, Friends, Family, Tutors
- make time to meet with other professionals if needed to work through other issues that are affecting your ability to concentrate or do your best (School Counselor, Social Worker, Psychologist, Multicultural Student Services Coordinator, AP, Dean)
- if you don’t need help and are very confident in a class, reinforce your skills by tutoring someone else in that subject area
Get Support From Those You are Close To
- ask friends for support in helping you to prioritize schoolwork daily
- find study buddies who have similar values/priorities as you regarding school
- ask your employer for flexibility in not working more than 20 hours per week and working shifts around important school-related things
- ask family members to support you in study routine and in problem-solving when needed
Use Self-Discipline to Get Things Done
- plan a routine time to do your schoolwork
- have a space that contains all of the right things to help you want to study there
- Music or no music?
- TV or no TV?
- Windows?
- Light?
- Something to drink?
- A clock?
- Supplies like paper, erasers, pens, and pencils?
- plan study breaks every 30-45 minutes filled with something you look forward to (not more than 5-10 minutes long)
- prioritize meals, fun plans, TV Shows (DVR them), texting, and phone calls AROUND study time
- if your home environment doesn’t allow for getting work done, find another daily work environment like the library, the coffee shop, or other places you like to be
- use study halls and after school study tables to get as much work done as you can BEFORE you get home
- hardest homework first, easier homework for later, as your attention fizzles away
- spend the most time on the things you find the hardest, but if you get stuck on something, plan for help on it the next day and move on
- if you get sleepy, do the work that makes you sleepy when you're the most awake (duhh)
- take lots of notes, and REVIEW THEM OFTEN
- USE INFINITE CAMPUS to make sure you are keeping up! (student ID, xBIRTHDAYX)
- Make eating in the morning and getting sleep IMPORTANT!
How Your Parents Can Help
- Check progress on Infinite Campus.
- Support “Good Study Habits” above.
- Support eating a good breakfast with some protein in it.
- Support getting 7 or more hours of sleep at night.
- Limit gaming and TV hours during the week. Monitor or limit texting and social networking.
- Maintain at least occasional contact with support team and teachers (by email, conferences, phone, etc.)
- Come to the scheduled parent nights for appropriate grade level.
- Talk about what things are going well, not just about what isn't, and try to keep up on friendships and social issues.
- Try to increasingly let your student do all that she/he can for her/himself and slowly transition the role to that of a collaborator rather than director by senior year.
- Encourage a balance between academic, extra-curricular, and personal-social time. Increasingly explore ways to express creativity and passions through classes, activities, and learning experiences beyond the classroom. Our internet-based tool, Career Cruising, is a very useful tool to help explore interests, careers, and training beyond high school.