Norton Creek Elementary
Thursday Tidbits - August 11, 2022
8/11/22- Special Board Meeting(Haines)5:30pm
8/15/22- Learning and Teaching Meeting(Haines) 5:30pm
8/19/22- Popsicles In The Park 6:00-8:00pm
8/23/22- PTO Meeting(LRC) 5:00pm
8/29/22- Business Services Meeting(Haines) 5:30pm
8/31/22- Early Release Day-Dismissal is at 2:10pm
9/2/22- Institute Day(No Students)
9/5/22- Labor Day(No Students)
From The Principal Tony White.......
This quote from the IIRP founder, Ted Wachtel, sums it up perfectly: "The fundamental premise of restorative practices is that people are happier, more cooperative and productive, and more likely to make positive changes when those in authority do things WITH them rather than TO them or FOR them."
You'll hear me say (and may have heard me say a hundred times before) that "every kid deserves a great place to learn, and every adult deserves a great place to work." We owe it to our students and ourselves to make Norton Creek amazing, and if we're going to make this school the school of our dreams that everyone deserves, it's not a me's a we thing.
And that's the secret to Norton Creek's success really...and we haven't "arrived" yet. We're going to keep growing and learning. But, any success we've had so far has been due to our continued focus on going WITH one another, working together, and builidng partnerships that last well beyond an Eagle's time here at Norton Creek.
Thank you for your trust in our school and each of us that work here to serve our Eagles. It's an amazing responsbility and an even more awesome privilege. None of this is work we take lightly, but it's also work we don't do alone. It is our pleasure and honor to partner with you in service of each of our Eagles. There is nothing like the opportunity to begin again, and that fresh start and renewal is part of the magic of the first day of school. Thank you for being the best partners a school could ask for, and let's make 2022-2023 the best school year yet. TOGETHER.
School Picture Day is Coming August 24th
STCE Volleyball Camp Information Below
Cub Scouts Information Click Below
Arriving Late To School
Kindergarten thru 5th Grades-
Students can be dropped off at 7:45am for the school day. It you arrive before that time please keep your child with you until 7:45 as there is no supervision outside until then.
Our school office is open from 7:30am until 4:00pm on school days.
New Email For All Families To Use
Attendance For Students
Please call the school attendance line if your student will be absent/tardy/leaving early from Remote Learning at 331-228-2700. Please spell your students first and last name or their student ID number when you leave a message. If you are emailing the teacher please also email indicate students first and last name.
Prearranged Absence
Students must apply for the privilege of using prearranged absence days through the principal’s office.
This completed form must be turned in at least (2) school days prior to the requested absence to the main office.
The building principal or designee has the authority to grant up to (5) days of excused absence per year
for the following types of absences:
Participation in regional and/or national contests or awards
Family vacation—qualified by the phrase “accompanied by parent”
Special religious events
Dismissal/Bus Changes
Organic Life
2nd Grade:11:00-11:20
5th Grade: 11:20-11:40
Kindergarten: 11:40-12:00
RISE Students: 11:40-12:00
1st Grade: 12:00-12:20
3rd Grade: 12:20-12:40
4th Grade: 12:40-1:00
If your student forgets their lunch please email the classroom teacher and drop off at the main office. Please label with the students full name.
PTO News
Happy first week! We loved meeting so many of you at Meet the Teacher night. We hope to see even more of you at Popsicles in the Park on 8/19 (and we will have NEW spirit wear for sale!).
Upcoming Events:
Friday August 19 - 6p-8p -Popsicles in the Park! We need volunteers! Sign up here
Tuesday August 23 - 5:30p - Welcome Night PTO meeting in LRC
Wednesday Aug 24 - 4p-8p - Eagles Eat Out - Colonial Cafe
Big thanks to Susan Brewster, Shannon Dalhem, and Cyndie Ruhstorfer for kicking off the school year right by welcoming our new families and getting school supplies to our students!
Visit our PTO website and Facebook page to stay up to date with all things Norton Creek PTO and share pictures of your first day of school!