Instructional Minute
June 6, 2023

Week of June 5th
- A Thank You to You!
- 90/90/90
Thank You For Another Great Year!
Dear Educators & Staff -
As we approach the end of the 2022-2023 school year, the Instructional Division wanted to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude for everything you have done for our students. This year, you have demonstrated unwavering dedication, resilience, and passion. From adapting your teaching methods to promote evidence based learning models, to providing constant support and encouragement, you have gone above and beyond to ensure our students' well-being and academic growth.
As we wrap up this school year, we want to acknowledge the immense sacrifices you have made and the countless hours you have dedicated to shaping the minds of our students. Your dedication has not gone unnoticed, and the impact you have made extends far beyond the classroom.
This will be the last Instructional Minute for the 2022-2023. Looking forward to sharing best practices with you again for the 2023-2024 school year!
Wishing you a well-deserved break and a summer filled with relaxation and rejuvenation. You have truly earned it.
Some of Our Favorites Books for Summer Reading List
- 10 Mindframes for Visible Learning: Teaching for Success John Hattie and Klaus Zierer
- Achieving Equity & Excellence: Immediate Results From Lessons of High-Poverty, High-Success Schools - Douglas Reeves
- Bringing Words to Life - Isabel Beck
- Explicit Instruction - Anita Archer
Lost at School - Dr. Ross W. Greene
- Ruthless Equity - Ken Williams
- Teach Like a Champion 3.0 - Doug Lemov
- The Impact Cycle - Jim Knight
The Knowledge Gap - Natalie Wexler
The Reading Comprehension Blue Print - Nancy Hennessy
The Reading Mind - Daniel T. Willingham
90|90|90 - Weekly Wonderment
90|90|90 Schools are identified as having 90% or more of the students eligible for free and reduced lunch, 90% or more of the students were members of ethnic minority groups, and 90% or more of the students met district or state academic standards in reading or another area. (Reeves, 2000)
90|90|90 Practices to Improve Achievement and Close the Equity Gap
- Impact of Collaboration
- The Value of Feedback
- The Impact of Time
- Action Research and Mid-Course Corrections
- Aligning Teacher Assignments with Teacher Preparation
- Constructive Data Analysis
- Common Assessments
- The Value of Every Adult in the System Cross-Disciplinary Integration
📸 Share pictures of your class during the Workshop Model 📸
We would love to feature them in the Instructional Minute.
Email them to: michelle.lake@lansingschools.net
In addition to the photo, please be sure include your name, school and grade level.
Gradual Release Model
Direct Instruction (mini-lesson) follows the gradual release model, in which the teacher first demonstrates the teaching point, models the new learning (I Do), then provides the students guided practice (We Do).
Amplify Videos
Amplify Science videos that will help out all teachers! Whether you are a novice or expert, there is something here for you! Click the link below.
Teach Like a Champion 3.0: 63 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College Companion Site
- Click here to access the specific videos related to Teach Like a Champion.
No Opt Out is the perfect strategy to follow Cold Calling! (Holds Students to High Expectations)
This is from the Teach Like a Champion Field Guide