Principal's Newsletter
February 2020
Read What Is Happening At Your Child's School This Month
The month of February is filled with statewide testing and soccer games. WIDA testing, which is an assessment for our ELL students, started in January and will continue until the end of this month. This test is the precursor to the statewide testing that our students will face in the coming months.
February is also the official start of soccer season. Please join us to support our our wolves’ girls’ and boys’ soccer teams. Please contact the front office personnel for game schedules.
The soccer teams will hold a Valentine's Day Dance to raise money for a banquette. The dance will be in the school's cafeteria from 6pm-9pm on Saturday, 02/15/2020. This dance is for students in 6th-12th grade ONLY. Ticket is $10 which includes snacks and drinks.
Again, as always, thank you for your continuous support!
Valentine's Day Dance
Where: West Campus Cafeteria, Team Success
Who: 6th-12th grade students
Tickets: $10
President's Day- No School
Early Release Day- 02/05/2020
Progress reports for Quarter 3 will be sent home on Thursday, February 6, 2020. Please review your children’s grades for every class that they are taking. It is required that all students who have a “D” or an “F” in any subject must have a parent conference meeting with the teachers. The progress report is to show where your child is academically, so that he or she can improve those grades before report cards. When we all work together, our children succeed.
Location: 202 13th Avenue East, Bradenton, FL, USA
Phone: 9417147260