Uplifting Urbandale
UCSD Newsletter 9.22.23 #upliftingU
2023 Homecoming Celebrations: September 18–23 Go J-Hawks!
Valerius Kindergarten Students Learn About Safety
2023 UHS Homecoming Court
Congratulations to our 2023 Homecoming Court!
Front row: Avery Clayton, Dayna Spencer, Alex Mackie, Taylor Mulligan, Ava Bibbs, Kate Pargeon, Linda Lako, Addie Carroll, and Norah Seeley
Back row: Taylor Beron, Gabe Carver, Jacob Barnes, Dane Stotts, Jon Hudak, Gavin Moore, Owen Hamann, Mason Moran, Rockne Carver, Kailen Ha, Mitchell Klaas
Photo Credit: Katherine Hanson
Open Interviews For Special Education Associates: September 23
Webster Students Share School Goals: Safe, Kind & Responsible
On Friday, September 8, Webster Elementary held their kickoff assembly to start off the 23-24 school year. Student leaders talked about their building-wide goal of being safe, kind, and responsible this year, while also showing acceptance of themselves and their peers with Urbandale's “U Belong” campaign. We are excited for another great school year! #WebsterPride More Photos
National IT Professionals Day
Pictured Below: Josh Whitver, Clarence Smith, Jeremy Mead, Quinten Burnett
Not Pictured: Jim Van Dorn
Flu Vaccine Clinics: September 27 and October 25 at Urbandale High School
The Polk County Health Department will offer Flu Vaccine Clinics for Urbandale students, staff, parents, siblings, and community members.
Dates: September 27 and October 25, 2023
Time: 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location: Urbandale High School Commons (cafeteria) (Note: Please enter the high school through the main entrance and turn right to walk toward the Commons.)
Reserve Your Flu Vaccine Appointment Online
It is highly recommended that you visit the website and pre-register to make your visit quicker – thank you!
Please make note:
Most major insurance plans accepted.
Please bring your insurance card.
Flu vaccine for uninsured is $25 or what you can pay.
Parent/guardian of students under 18 must be present and sign consent.
Do your part to stop the flu!
WASH your hands
COVER your cough
STAY home if you’re sick
GET vaccinated
Valerius Elementary Community Open House
Reminder: No School Dates October 2023
Please make note of the following dates in October 2023 when school will not be in session.
- Monday, October 23: No school due to a teacher in-service/professional development day
Karen Acres Elementary
- October 9 – October 13: No school due to Intersession
- October 16 – October 20: No school due to Intersession
Add UCSD Notification Phone Number To Your Contacts
Please save the UCSD notification phone number to your contacts in order to quickly recognize the UCSD Notification phone line which is 515-457-5009. When district-wide notifications are sent out (e.g. weather delays, early dismissal, cancellation, etc.) you will receive a phone call from the UCSD Notification line. If you have not yet saved the notification line as a contact, the automated calls may be coming through as ‘potential spam’ which may limit the ability for the phone call to reach you. By adding 515-457-5009 “UCSD Notification” as a contact on your phone, the number will no longer be flagged as spam.
UHS Distinguished Alumnus Award: Virtual Silent Auction Closes September 23
Join Us In Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 – October 15
Join us in celebrating our Hispanic and Latine students, families, staff, and community members during National Hispanic Heritage Month!
Every year, the United States honors the history and legacy of Hispanic and Latine people by observing National Hispanic Heritage Month. From September 15 to October 15, we celebrate the cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. National Hispanic Heritage Week was first recognized by President Lyndon Johnson in 1968 and expanded to 30 days by President Ronald Reagan in 1988. Ultimately, it was enacted into law on August 17, 1988.
There are many great resources to learn more about National Hispanic Heritage Month including this collection of documentaries and programs on PBS. We'd like to take time to recognize and honor our students and staff of Latine descent. We'd also like to empower and educate our non Latine students and staff surrounding the contributions and impact Latine people made and continue to make in our community, state, nation, and world. We are #strongerwithU! #UBELONGSeeking Applicants for Instructional & Library Reconsideration Committee
Per Board Regulation Policy 0631C-R(1)-R(1) the board appoints annually members of the community to be part of the Instructional & Library Reconsideration Committee. This committee meets as needed when materials are under reconsideration. We are looking for interested individuals that would like to be part of this committee. The Board of Directors will then determine the four individuals from the community to be part of this committee should it need to meet to reconsider instructional or library materials. If you would like to be considered for this committee please fill out the form below.
Instructional & Library Reconsideration Committee Application
Student Assistance Program—Free, Confidential Counseling
All UCSD students and their household family members (parents, guardians and siblings) have access to the Student Assistance Program (SAP) provided by Employee and Family Resources. The Student Assistance Program is here to help you and your family members manage the concerns in your life through free, confidential counseling. You can count on your SAP for guidance and support when it comes to assessing your concerns and developing strategies for addressing any of the following:
School-life balance
Family or relationship issues
Emotional issues
Alcohol and drug-related issues
Other issues that interfere with your daily living, happiness, and overall well-being
You do not need a referral. The SAP is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is strictly confidential. You can call the number directly, let them know you are an Urbandale Schools family, and request assistance. Phones answered by a masters-level clinician. Make as many calls as needed (no limit). Call (515) 244-6090 or 800-327-4692 if you’re outside of the Des Moines area. Learn More
Voter-Approved Physical Plant & Equipment Levy: Vote November 7
On November 7, 2023, eligible voters living within the Urbandale Community School District (UCSD) boundaries will have an opportunity to vote on the renewal of the Voter-Approved Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (VPPEL). The VPPEL is a voter-approved levy that serves as one of the most important revenue sources for Iowa school districts. VPPEL funds can be used to enhance school safety and security, upgrade technology equipment, improve school buildings and grounds, and purchase items such as playground equipment and musical instruments.
The VPPEL has been in place since 2015 at a rate of $1.34 per $1,000 of assessed property valuation. The VPPEL is an annual property tax levy, not a bond referendum. The authorization for UCSD to levy this tax must be renewed by public vote every 10 years. The current authorization expires June 2025. Voters will be asked to consider the renewal of the voter-approved PPEL at the same rate of $1.34 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. The VPPEL is projected to provide $15 million to $20 million over its 10-year span. Renewing the VPPEL will NOT increase the property tax rate. Learn More
“The President’s Own” U.S. Marine Band Performing At UHS October 12
UCSD Educators: Apply For A ‘Making A Difference Grant’ By September 22, 2023
Save the Date! UHS Distinguished Alumnus Award and Celebration September 23
Join Our Team! We’re hiring for various positions and we’d like to hear from you!
Our newly posted positions include: Full-Time Substitute Teacher and UMS Math/Science Teacher Learn More
New Class Offerings With Urbandale Community Education
Come On Out & Support Your J-Hawks!
Check Out What’s New In The Flyer Hub
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Contact Us
Email: communications@urbandaleschools.com
Website: www.urbandaleschools.com
Location: 11152 Aurora Avenue, Urbandale, IA, USA
Phone: 515-457-5000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UrbandaleCSD
Twitter: @UrbandaleCSD