Jeremiah Gray Elementary
Newsletter 2/10/2023
This years school theme is Here We Grow/It's Grow Time! Our focus is on growth, and everyone doing their best. This mirrors the districts focus "We Grow Kids".
Douglas Smith
Assistant Principal
Becky Arkins
5225 Gray Rd
Indianapolis, IN 46237
Main Line 317-789-4300
Attendance 317-789-4320
School Hours
Students Arrive: 7:55 am
School Begins: 8:10 am
Tardy: 8:11 am
Dismissal: 2:55 pm
Wednesday Early Release: 2:30 pm
*If your child is dropped off after 8:10am, please come sign in**
**If your child is absent, please call the attendance line 317-789-4320**