Avoca West News
September 7, 2023
Caregiver To-Dos:
Say Cheese! Picture Day is all set for Tuesday, September 12th. Students should have brought home a picture day form/envelope earlier this week. In case that hasn't make it your way, feel free to reach out to your child's teacher or check out the information online via the picture below.
Instructional Fees are due by September 15th. Caregivers who need to still pay fees may do so by stopping into either school's front office or reaching out and paying online.
The Avoca Parent-Teacher Council (PTC) is already up and running and bringing resources to our schools to support all we do for kids. Get involved in our community by checking on their website and tuning into the news they share in the Avoca Weekly News. Thanks in advance for all of your support!
Save the Date! Open House on Facilities and Finances (Multiple Options)
We know that we can count on our Avoca caregivers to be enthusiastic supports of all things Avoca and hope to see many of you at one of the Open Houses below. The information will be the same at each session and will offer an opportunity for attendees to learn more about our current facilities and finances, to ask questions, and to share your thoughts about what the future might bring for our students. Please consider inviting a neighbor or anyone else you know who lives in our District boundaries who might not currently have a student in Avoca. Their voices matter as well and help us get a fuller sense of our community's wishes.
October 14 from 9 a.m. to noon at Avoca West
October 17 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Marie Murphy
October 18 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Avoca West
October 25 from 3 to 7 p.m. at both Avoca West and Marie Murphy
Thanks for your partnership in getting the word out as we try to connect with as many District residents as possible!
Panorama SEL Survey - Gathering Student Insights
Avoca District 37 is committed to supporting our students’ social-emotional skills in order to develop healthy relationship skills with self and others. Throughout the year, students will engage in lessons and activities that directly teach and practice social emotional skills and competencies. Next week, students in grades 3-8 will reflect on their own experiences, mindsets and approaches to learning via an online SEL survey they will be completing at school. The survey content will ask students to self-reflect on self-management, social-awareness, emotional regulation, teacher-student relationships, and sense of belonging and connectedness. The survey takes about 15-20 minutes to complete and is given 3 times per year. Student responses will be completely confidential, but provide invaluable insights into their experiences at school and how we can improve and adapt our district’s practices to their needs. If you prefer that your student not participate in the SEL screener/survey, please complete THIS FORM (also linked in Dr. Osburn's message last week) by the end of the day on Friday, September 8th.
We are also preparing for Additional emails and links regarding Opt out for Specific Lessons related to health
Information re: Other Health & Sex Education Topics
The State of Illinois has identified specific standards related to sex and/or health education. Please note that all lessons, whether delivered by a classroom teacher or an outside provider (ex: Victor Pacini) will be age and developmentally appropriate. Not all topics or standards pertain to every grade.
The forms below (linked) indicate those Health and Sex Education topics that could be covered this year in school for each of the grade levels. This form is where you as a parent or guardian indicate you DO NOT want your student present in class when this topic is addressed through a specific lesson delivered by a teacher or outside provider.
Only complete the form if you DO NOT want your student present in class when the topics indicated are covered.
Kindergarten Caregiver Opt Out Form
1st Grade Caregiver Opt Out Form
2nd Grade Caregiver Opt Out Form
3rd Grade Caregiver Opt Out Form
4th Grade Caregiver Opt Out Form
5th Grade Caregiver Opt Out Form
We will have a Caregiver Information Night via Zoom on October 2nd for anyone who would like to learn more about our Erin's Law sessions for students.
Opportunities for Students!
Don't miss out on Chess-Ed's Chess Enrichment Program this fall 2023! Registration is now
open for the after-school program, which will run for 17 weeks on Tuesdays from 3 PM-4PM,
starting from September 19th, 2023 and ending on January 30th, 2024.
This program is perfect for beginners and novice players, with professional instruction covering
the basics and continuing with opening theory, middle game planning, and end game
combinations for more advanced students. Playing chess has numerous benefits, including
improved memory, analytical and critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities,
responsibility, sportsmanship, social skills, and more.
To register, simply visit https://avocawestchess.eventbee.com For additional details about the
program, please refer to the program flyer (below). Chess-Ed is excited to welcome all chess enthusiasts to this enriching experience!!
You're Invited! Watch our Avoca Students in Action!
Coming Soon! Avoca West Viking VIPs!
Mark Your Calendars!
Tuesday, September 12th -- 📸 Picture Day!
Thursday, September 14th -- PTC's Ice Cream Social (hosted at Avoca West)
Monday, September 25th -- No School
Monday, October 2nd - 6pm - Erin's Law Caregiver Information Zoom session
Monday, October 9th - Erin's Law Presentations at Avoca West & Marie Murphy
For future dates, see the Avoca West and District calendars on our website!
Follow Us for Daily Smile-Makers!
Questions? Comments?
Website: http://avoca37.org/avocawest/
Location: 235 Beech Drive, Glenview, IL, United States
Phone: 847-724-6800
Twitter: @AvocaWest37