CSD Newsroom
The Latest from Camas School District
Fall Planning Edition
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Camas Community Update: Week of July 13, 2020
CSD Families,
As promised we will begin weekly updates again about what we believe school may look like for our students and staff when we return this fall given the State’s Reopening Washington Schools 2020 guidance.
We understand, from your feedback this spring, that a primary objective in developing our plan should be to maximize the number of students who can safely engage in on-campus learning, while also providing flexible learning options for students. We want to return to campus as well and must do so in a way that aligns with the safety guidelines provided by our state. Student and staff safety is critical. The situation with the pandemic continues to evolve. The planning information shared below is based on current state guidelines. The changing conditions of the pandemic could alter planning in the coming weeks. We will continue to monitor the situation and update you on any changes.
Elementary - preschool through grade five
Learning Delivery Models
On-campus - Our current safety guidelines call for “a plan to maintain six feet of distance when all students and staff are seated” (Reopening Washington Schools: FAQ for School Districts). Because of our class sizes and spaces, we can accommodate our school population with on-campus learning at the elementary level. It will require us to repurpose some spaces, reorganize furniture, and establish new procedures to keep students and staff safe. During the first week of school, we are considering a staggered start. Students would attend school on campus one day that first week to work in smaller groups. This will allow for the intentional teaching of health and wellness practices, new instructional routines, and begin to establish school and classroom community. The other two days that week are planned remote learning days with the goal of making sure families are able to connect with their student’s class and teacher remotely. We think it is important to be prepared for the possible need to flex to remote learning at some point during the school year. The following week all students would attend school on campus for in-person instruction utilizing the new procedures and routines.
Connected Learning - Students who are not able to, or would prefer not to return to campus can stay connected and continue to receive a robust education through Camas Connect Academy.
Secondary - grades six through twelve
Learning Delivery Models
Blended learning - Students on our comprehensive campuses would transition back to school in a cohort model that blends on-campus and remote learning. Students would be assigned to either cohort A or cohort B and would engage in on-campus learning at least twice per regular school week. Days not on campus will be designated remote learning days. This plan creates the physical space necessary to follow social distancing guidelines.
Connected Learning - Students who are not able to, or would prefer not to return to campus can stay connected and continue to receive a robust education through Camas Connect Academy.
We are currently working through our transportation plans and health screening protocols. We are vetting those plans with staff and parents who have volunteered to help with planning. In the coming weeks, we will be refining processes within our schools including food service, recess, arrival and dismissal, and vet those as well. Our goal is to provide specific communication about the plans to you from your school beginning in August.
As we look across the country, we can see how the impact of the pandemic continues to play out. It is critical for us to provide an engaging learning experience for each of our students in the safest way possible. As you consider the learning delivery options above, it would be helpful for us to know your preference. Please complete this Learning Delivery Model Preference Survey for each of your students (click the blue button below).
You will not be held to this preference. We will check in with you again in August. We’ve asked you often for your feedback and will continue to do so - thank you for your patience!
We understand that our students, staff, and families want certainty and we will do our best to provide as many answers as we can throughout the summer as the result of any changes to the State’s Reopening Washington Schools 2020.
Part of the guidance includes information about face coverings. We have linked some suggestions based on information from the Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics. If you are planning on selecting an on-campus learning option in the fall it could be helpful to give students opportunities to practice wearing a face-covering prior to returning to school.
We anticipate questions regarding our plans and have started a FAQ to provide answers.
As a reminder, we are committed to sending updates with our finalized reopening plan the week of August 3. Thank you to our community for your support. Please know that we are excited and ready to serve your students.
Jeff Snell, Superintendent
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My Mask Protects You, Your Mask Protects Me
If you have questions about wearing face coverings, check out pages 2-3 of the OSPI Reopening FAQ document.
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Chromebook Password Reset
Contact Us
Email: communications@camas.wednet.edu
Website: camas.wednet.edu
Location: 841 Northeast 22nd Avenue, Camas, WA, USA
Phone: 360-335-3000
Facebook: facebook.com/CamasSchools
Twitter: @CamasSchools