North Star News
April 29, 2022
North Elementary
440 N. 10th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Phone: 317-773-0482 Fax: 317-776-6274
Follow us on Twitter at @Northelem2
Follow us on Facebook at North Elem and North Elementary School PTO
Principal's Point
Hello North Families,
The National PTA and PTO organizations have designated the first week of May as Teacher Appreciation Week! What a wonderful way to show our admiration and gratitude to those that teach our children every day!
This year, at North, we are going to celebrate all staff and instead have a staff appreciation week.
The North administration is lucky to have such a terrific group of staff members at our school. Each teacher, assistant, cafe worker, bus driver, custodian, etc has worked so hard to provide a consistent, safe and caring environment for all of the children at our school. To show them our appreciation for all that they do, we would like to coordinate some special activities that we hope each parent & child will take part in during Staff Appreciation Week.
Attached to the newsletter today is a daily celebration we hope you will join in on.
Along with celebrating our staff, I want to send a shout-out to all of our 3-5th grade students. After two weeks of testing the majority of our students are done. They worked very hard and we are very proud of them!
Have a great weekend.
Mr. Lugo
North Elementary
Mr. Lugo's BrainBuster
What 2 things can you never eat for breakfast?
Upcoming Activities and Reminders
May 6 North's Global Play Day (see flyer below)
May 9-13 Principal Appreciation Week
May 18 Night with the Stars 6:30-8:30
PTO Volunteers Needed
All volunteers must have a level 3 background check on file. The background checks cost $18.95 and are good for 6 years. Click on the link below if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.
The PTO is looking to fill some positions on the board for next year. If you would like more information, please contact the PTO at northelementarypto@gmail.com
Counselor's Corner
The sweetest way to support the Ronald McDonald House Charities
It takes approximately 1,128 pop tabs to equal one pound. They typically receive between $0.40 to $0.50 per pound of pop tabs. This program brings in an average of $6,000 each year. Last year, over 13 million pop tabs were donated. The tabs can come from soda pop cans, energy drinks, soup cans, or anything with a metallic tab.
The Pop Tab program is important because it provides extra revenue that can help make up for the donations that families cannot make. It is between $100-$140 per night to house one family at the Ronald McDonald House. Families are asked for a $10 per night room contribution, but no family is turned away based on the inability to pay.
The Ambassadors will be collecting pop tabs through the end of the school year. Please keep collecting those pop tabs!Notes from the Nurse
PARENTS OF 5th GRADERS: Immunization requirements for 2022-2023:
ALL 5th graders going to 6th grade will need: 1 MCV4 (Meningococcal) and 1 Tdap (Tetanus and Pertussis). These are shots only given to this age group and/or when entering middle school. Noblesville Schools require a complete record by the first day of school. Once your student receives their immunizations, return an updated copy of your student’s shot records to the school nurse.
IMMUNICATION CLINIC: May 25, 2022 from 3:00-6:00PM. Location: 18025 River Road, Noblesville, 46062. If you would like to participate in the immunization clinic, please complete the online form at: patients.vaxcare.com/registration. Enrollment Code: IN65942. Select: Noblesville-5/25. Walk-ins the day of the clinic are also welcome.
Bring your insurance cards. We accept and bill all insurance (commercial, Medicare, Medicaid). There is no cost to those without insurance.
All who participate in the clinic will be vaccinated with all CDC recommended vaccines. We will consult the state immunization registry to assess the immunization needs of each individual. If you would like to refuse a specific vaccine, please contact the Indiana Immunization Coalition at least 48 hours prior to the event: clinic@vaccinateindiana.org or call 317-628-7116.
NHS Marching Band school wide contest - "A Million Dreams
Your Student’s Voice Could Be in the Marching Millers Competition Show!
The NHS Marching Millers invite students in grades K-8 to enter for a chance to win their Million Dreams contest. Your student’s voice, describing the world they dream of, could be highlighted in the band’s competition show for the upcoming school year! Three winners will be chosen. For more information go here.
Cafe News
Nutrition and Food Services is looking to hire several positions. Hours work great with kid's schedules, no nights, weekends, or holidays. For more information contact Erin Brattain at 317-773-3171 ext.10420 or erin_brattain@nobl.k12.in.us.
Community News
Grinders cheer call out meeting
Monday, May 2nd from 6 -7:00 PM at Hazel Dell Elementary School.
Tryouts will be open to students who will be in the 5th and 6th grade during the 2022-23 school year.
Contact lynnminick@gmail.com with any questions.
NEFL Youth Football & Cheer (K-6)
Registration is open and closes July 4th.
Click here for more information
Miller Explorers Summer Camp
Click here for registration information.
Noblesville Learn to Swim
Swim lessons (Age 4-14)
Click here for more information.