September Newsletter
"Wherever corn grows and FFA members meet...."
Record books! Record books! Record books!
October FFA Meeting
There will be a parent meeting about the Miller Grove Livestock Show during the FFA meeting.
Tuesday, Oct 1, 2019, 06:00 PM
Miller Grove School, Cumby, TX, USA
Meat Sale Fund Raiser Due October 9th
The meat sale brochures have gone home with students! All orders are due back Wednesday, October 9, 2019. Payment is due at the time of order. Make checks payable to Miller Grove FFA.
If you have a Jr FFA member and would like a meat sale brochure, please email me and I will send one to the elementary school for them.
Texas FFA Officers are coming to Miller Grove!!!!
**Visitors, please check-in at the office prior to coming to the gym.**
~Important FFA Dates~
September 20 - MAJOR SHOW Broilers Orders due
September 20 - MAJOR SHOW Swine Tag Orders due
September 23 - Red River Valley Creed & Public Speaking Contest
September 25 - Red River Valley Cutting Torch Contest
October 1 - FFA Meeting @ 6:00 pm
October 9 - Meat Sale Orders Due
October 7 - State Fair Livestock Judging Contest
October 14 - FFA State Officer Visit
**October 14** (NEW DATE) - County Steer & County/State Heifer Validation @ 6-7 pm
October 22 - Major Show Entry Night @ 5:30-7:30 pm
October 24 - County/State Lamb & Goat Validation @5:30 pm at Civic Center
October 24 - Miller Grove Fall Carnival
October 31 - TAMU-Commerce LDE Contest
November 5 - FFA Meeting @ 6:00 pm
November 5 - Alba-Golden LDE Contest
November 7 - Paris District LDE Contest
November 20 - Area VI LDE Contest
November 22 - NETLA Pig Tag Orders & NETLA Broiler Orders Due
The goal of the MGLS is to be a scholarship show for our FFA members that graduate and have received their FFA Lonestar Degree. We will have a MGLS parent meeting during the October 1st FFA meeting! We need lots of parent help for this event..... so please come and sign up to help at the show!!!
Saturday, Jan 11, 2020, 07:00 AM
Cross Trails Cowboy Church, Farm to Market Road 1563, Wolfe City, TX, USA
Livestock Announcements
Animal Shopping
Northeast Texas Livestock Association Show - February 27-29, 2020
NETLA Entry Forms are available on the Miller Grove FFA website.
**Quality Counts**
If your child completed QC last year, but has moved up a division in grade (Junior grade 3-5, Intermediate (grade 6-8) and Senior (grade 9-12), they will need to renew their QC number. I can't pull kids out of class to complete this, but they are welcome to come in before/after school and lunch (grades 6-12) to work on it.
For more info, see Mrs. Martin. Don't wait until the last minute to complete this.
If you want to order broilers (chickens) for San Antonio Stock Show, Houston Livestock Show and/or Rodeo Austin, have your child pick up an order form from Mrs. Martin. Orders are due Friday, September 20th. **THIS IS NOT FOR NETLA/HOPKINS CO SHOW**
NETLA Broiler Orders Due Friday, November 22, 2019. Tentative NETLA broiler pick-up date scheduled for January 16, 2020. More information coming soon.
NETLA Swine Tag Orders Due Friday, November 22, 2019.
NETLA Validation Dates
**DATE CHANGE** NETLA Steer & NETLA/State Heifer Validation is Monday, OCTOBER 14th @ 6-7 pm at Cattlemens Vet Clinic. This will be COUNTY ONLY steers and STATE/COUNTY heifers.
NETLA/State Lamb & Goat Validation is Thursday, October 24th @ 5:30 pm at the Civic Center.
Please contact me at least 1 week in advance if you need transportation to validations.
Dairy Show
Hopkins Co. Dairy Festival ~ June 12-20, 2020
Dairy Show ~ June 13, 2020
Major Show Entry Night
Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019, 05:30 PM
Miller Grove School, Cumby, TX, USA
Contact Us
Email: kmartin@mgisd.net
Website: https://millergroveffa.ffanow.org
Phone: 903-459-3288
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MillerGroveFFA/