November 2, 2023
Together Statewide Conference
The Minnesota State High School League is continuing its partnership with MASA, AMSD, MASSP, MSBA, MNIAAA, and MSHSCA and is now providing a statewide student conference for student leaders of our member schools. We are asking you as a district leader to encourage your school’s participation in this important experience. Please work with your Activities Administrator to register students from your school to attend the conference.
The conference will feature both large group keynote-style sessions and smaller breakout sessions where students and adults will work together to identify and implement practices that will result in safe, welcoming and inclusive League-sponsored activities and athletics. It will include a focus on addressing racial and gender-based hate and harm and will provide tools and strategies to interrupt and eliminate these behaviors.
When: Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Where: St. Paul RiverCentre
Time: 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Cost: $15 per student (includes t-shirt and lunch)
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, November 22
*MSHSL Foundation Form B Grants may be used to reimburse transportation costs for participation in the statewide conference. Foundation applications are due Wednesday, November 15.
Hockey Throat and Neck Protection
The League acknowledges the tragic loss of former Hibbing hockey player Adam Johnson and mourns with his family, friends and community. In the wake of Adam’s death, we have received a number of questions regarding throat and neck protection. It is important to know that throat and neck laceration protection is permissible in Minnesota State High School League hockey in accordance with NFHS Rules, and NFHS rules go further in recommending the use of throat and neck laceration protection.
The League continues to work with the MSHSL Sports Medicine Advisory Committee and the NFHS’s Ice Hockey Rules and Sport Medicine Committees to minimize risk in sports for all student participants.
Like the NFHS, USA Hockey recommends the use of throat and neck protection. The link below is a history of throat and neck protection in hockey. Dr. Stuart, who is referenced in the article, was a longtime member of the MSHSL Sports Medicine Advisory Committee.
If you have questions, please contact Bob Madison, Senior Associate Director, at
MSHSL Foundation Grant Application Information
All Member Schools are encouraged to apply for MSHSL Foundation Grants.
This year the Foundation will be awarding $700,000 through the Form A Grant process and $400,000 through the Form B Grant process. Applications for both Form A and form B are due November 15.
The Form A Grant process allocates funds to schools based on the unduplicated number of participants who qualify for educational benefits including free and reduced meals. Unduplicated means that each student counts only once, regardless of how many sports or activities they participate in. All Form A applications duly completed will receive an award.
The Form B Grant process allocates funds to assist member schools, school districts and related conferences or regions with costs in three specific areas including health and safety, leadership initiatives and transportation that reduce barriers to participation.
The MSHSL Foundation is funded through the collection of state taxes on all postseason tickets. State taxes are required on all postseason tickets and a legislative provision directs these funds to the Foundation to be distributed to member schools. The primary goal of the MSHSL Foundation is to award grants that assist, recognize, promote, and fund extra-curricular participation by high school students in athletic and fine arts programs.
Please visit for directions and requirements for grant applications. Grant applications are due November 15.