GC Journeys Newsletter
Leadership Programs Welcome General Breedlove
During his visit, he taught a class on American foreign policy and offered unique perspective on the conflict in Ukraine based on his past experiences with NATO. Breedlove also shared his ideas on "peace engineering," which is an interdisciplinary approach to solving international conflicts.
General Breedlove's Usery Forum was filled to capacity with over 100 members of GCSU student body, faculty, and staff attending. For those who missed it, be sure to watch the forum here.
Research Day (March 29th)
Research Day will take place on March 29th and is currently accepting proposals. Please encourage students to submit by March 1st. GC Journeys and MURACE are partnering with the Graduate School, the John Salstrom Honors College, the Library, Student Life, Career Center, Women & Gender Studies Symposium, Barnes & Noble, and the Office of the Provost. For faculty teaching during this time, please consider diverting your classes to encourage student to attend. Presentation and poster proposals due March 1st at 11:59pm. Learn more about Research Day and submit your proposal on the Research Day webpage.
Research Day Abstract Workshop
Feb 22nd from 4-5pm (A&S 2-51).
Student Research Circle
Jan 18th
Feb 22nd
March 22nd
For questions, email murace@gcsu.edu
Apply for GC Journeys Project Mini-Grants
GC Journeys is excited to offer support for GC Journeys Transformative Experiences. These mini-grants will provide funding support for supplies, etc. for individual projects, so faculty leading transformative experiences in Spring 2022 can apply. These will be decided on a rolling basis.
To apply, visit:https://gcsu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9zCgWJEAxDSYB38
Email: journeys@gcsu.edu
Website: https://www.gcsu.edu/gcjourneys
Location: Carl Vinson House