Westbrook Families Weekly Updates
Week of November 6, 2023
Welcome Back 😊
This week...
- 10th graders have free dress - all week 😊🎉
- we will continue NWEA Testing this Monday/Tuesday
- we are hosting an open house for potential families to take a tour of our school this Tuesday
- the senior class is off to the Sola Teach center and ELAC this Wednesday
- there is no school on Friday - Veterans Day
NWEA Testing
Therefor it is extremely important that students ...
- are not absent during testing dates (11/02, 11/03, 11/06 and 11/07)
- try their best
- be well rested in order to allow them to focus
Please help remind your student to try his/her best and not be absent during testing sessions.
Thanks 😊
10th grade Free Dress Week
New Families Open House
After School Attendance
We have started a new way for students to sign up and be accounted for all after school activities. Every student staying after school must first sign up that day via a survey that is emailed daily during Power Hour. The expectation is that ...
- students complete the survey accurately and before 3:20pm - if a student does not sign up for a class = they can not stay
This new requirement will allow us to address several after school concerns, including …
- Student safety – In order to make sure all students are being monitored by an adult and are accounted for in case of an after-school lockdown or any other emergency, we need to know what adult is responsible for any given group of students.
- Limit student wandering – We have several students who stay after school but are jumping from section to section, or simply roaming around, thus not using the time productively and causing a disruption to several programs; The attendance sheets would allow us to ban students who are simply wasting time after school from participating in after school activities, as we do not have the staff capacity to babysit.
Please make sure to talk to your student about the expectation, if he/she stays for any after school program.
November Attendance Challenge 😊
Westbrook High promoting our school at High School Fairs
This week...
MONDAY 11/06/2023
NWEA Special Bell Schedule
- PT 8:30 - 8:35
- PT 3:29 - 3:35
During Lunch Time
NHS in room 102
After School Tutoring
- Angulo room 204 (APUSH)
- Carter room 103
- Garcia room 205
- Pouget room 203
- Rob room 110 (12th grade)
- Celentano room 109
- Moreno room 109
After School Clubs/Sports
- MESA room 102
- JKL room 105
- Basketball (meets outside by the volleyball court)
TUESDAY 11/07/2023
NWEA Special Bell Schedule
- PT 8:30 - 8:35
- PT 3:29 - 3:35
After School Tutoring
Tran room 114
Le room 102
Pastor room114
Pouget room 203
Garcia room 205
MacDonald room 104
R. Lopez (RSP support) room 103
After School Clubs and Sports
Theater Production room 105 with Medina
Theater Acting room 109 with Moreno
THURSDAY 11/09/2023
Modified Stack Day Schedule
During Lunch today
- Girls Build LA room 204
After School tutoring today
Angulo (AP World) room 204
Moreno room 109
Keila room 105
MacDonald room 104
R.Lopez room 103
After School Clubs
Lego Club room 109
Theater room 110
Game Club room 203
MESA room 102
Art Club room 205 w/Garcia
After School Sports
Run Club
Bell Schedule
After School Clubs
School resumes on Monday, November 27.
Winter Break
School resumes on Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Uniform Policy
Please note that uniform checks are conducted daily and every student is expected to abide by the uniform policy.
Student wearing slides, slippers, sandals or any shoe deemed a safety hazard will remain in the main office until parent is able to bring them a change of shoes.
Students who are not in uniform will…
Lose PBIS points
Serve nutrition and lunch detention that day
Receive a parent phone call, asking to be brought a change of clothes
If you need to purchase additional uniforms, reach out to Faith Uniforms at (323)432-2388 or contact the main office at (213) 348-6850 - as we do have a few extra uniforms.
Consequences for ordering food will include...
- 1 week of nutrition and lunch detention
- A parent conference
- Confiscation of the food order, which will only be provided to the students guardian after school
If you have any questions or concerns - please feel free to contact the office directly