Weekly Beacon
April 16, 2021
Marine Science and Technologies High School
Email: Cory.Johnson@carteretk12.org
Website: https://mast-ccs-nc.schoolloop.com/
Location: 3505 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC, USA
Phone: (252)222-7990
Facebook: facebook.com/MASTCIHS
Twitter: @MaSTHighSchool1
Dear MaST Family,
We hope you had a wonderful week. Report cards will be sent to student email addresses today. We have already begun the last grading period for the year. Final exams for CCC and MaST are rapidly approaching.
We will discontinue taking student temperatures as they enter the building beginning Monday, April 19th. Masks will still be required in the building. We will also continue to ask students to clean their hands throughout the day. Please keep students at home if they are feeling sick.
We are currently making plans for summer school. Students that failed one or more high school courses will be encouraged to attend. Please look for additional information in future newsletters.
We are currently collecting funds for our Evening in the Garden. Information is provided with the link at the top of the page. Students are encouraged to see Mr. Johnson or Ms. Bernstein if you need assistance with attire for the event.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Cory Johnson
Save the Date
4/16--- Report Cards (Emailed to student email accounts)
5/13--- MaST Dinner/Formal (7:00-10:00)
5/25---Math 1 &3 End of Course Exams
5/26--- English 2 End of Course Exams
5/27--- All other exams (0nline) Teachers will provide details