The Cub Corner
Expect Excellence In Everything
May 12, 2023
A Message from Dr. Brown
Happy Mother’s Day to our Woodward Mill Family!
Dr. Brown
*Special thanks to our Woodward Mill PTA for the wonderful treats bestowed on our Faculty and Staff this week. You are the BEST!
Important Dates
5/16 Cubs Care Club 7:30am
5/17 Play2Learn Wednesday 9:00am-10:30am
5/18 ESOL Parent Night 6:00pm-7:00pm
5/23 5th Grade Walk 2:00pm
5/24 5th Grade Ceremonies 9:00am and 10:45am
5/24 Last Day of School
ESOL Parent Night: May 18th
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Invites you to attend
Open Door Workshop: Understanding the ELL ACCESS Test Scores
Scores will determine the student’s level in the program for next year. Please, don’t miss it!
Where: Woodward Mill Media Center
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2023
Time: 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Hosts: Crystal Johnson & Erica Stephens
Programa de Inglés para Estudiantes que Hablan Otros Idiomas (ESOL)
Lo invita a que asista a la reunión de Padres para
Entender los Resultados del Examen ACCESS de su Hijo
Este puntaje determinará el nivel de apoyo de inglés que su hijo recibirá el siguiente año escolar. Por favor NO falte!!!
Lugar: Biblioteca Escuela Woodward Mill
Fecha: jueves 18 de mayo, 2023
horas: 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Invitan: maestras del departamento de Inglés
Complete la invitación de la parte de abajo y envíela de regreso a la maestra de su hijo. Si tiene alguna pregunta relacionada con esta reunión puede contactar a Mrs. Johnson at (678) 407-7590.
Kids Heart Challenge
Woodward Mill was able to raise $3,269.76 this year. Way to go, Cubs! Mrs. Jones team won this year! See the picture below of the Pie in the Face.
Student medications
Please pick up any medications that your student may have in the clinic by 3:00 on 5/25. Medications that aren't picked up by that time will be disposed of. If you have any questions please e-mail or call Mrs. Bacon in the clinic. Thank you.
End of Year Meal Charge Procedure
May 15-19, 2023
Monday: Chicken nuggets, lasagna, or hummus basket
Tuesday: Nachos, chicken dumplings, or PBJ
Wednesday: Boneless chicken or yogurt basket
Thursday: Pizza or BBQ chicken sandwich
Friday: Dill chicken, pinwheel, meatball sub, or PBJ
*Menu is subject to change due to supply shortages.
Spotlight: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Watercress by Andrea Wang
Embarrassed about gathering watercress from a roadside ditch, a girl learns to appreciate her Chinese heritage after learning why the plant is so important to her parents.
Kindergarten and First Grade – All books are due by Friday, May 12
Grades 2 - 5 – All books are due by Tuesday, May 16
All books that are outstanding after these dates will be marked as lost. Per GCPS policy, the fine for a lost or damaged book is $15.00. Fines will appear in the fees section of MyPaymentsPlus. Fines can be paid by credit card in MyPaymentsPlus, in cash, or with a check made payable to Woodward Mill ES. If the book is found, a refund will be generated and mailed to the home address. Thank you for your help in closing out our student media accounts. Please contact the media center staff if you have any questions.
Coming Soon!
Summer Reading Challenge Dates: June 1- July 31
All students that read and log 600 minutes in their SCHOOL Beanstack account will be recognized and rewarded in August 2023!
All summer reading minutes will be logged into our school Beanstack accounts this year. Follow the Beanstack instructions on the media center link of the school website to access your account. If you have any questions, please email
May 1-30, 2023
During the month of May, encourage your child to read and log at least 300 minutes in the Teacher Appreciation Challenge! Students will login to Beanstack using their GCPS student number and their birthday month and date (MMDD) as their password. Students are able to log reading minutes either on their laptop or on a mobile device.
Refer to the media center link of the school website for helpful resources to get your child started with Beanstack. Contact if you have any questions about this digital reading program.
As we approach the end of the year, it is important for students to come to school, on time, every day! We are learning up until the last day! Keep in mind that seasonal allergies are not a reason to stay home from school. Please contact Ms. Bacon in the clinic if you have questions about managing your child’s allergies at school.
Character Word of the Month: Perseverance
The character word of the month for May is perseverance. What a great word to focus on for the end of the school year! Perseverance means to keep trying your best, even when you’re tired. We want our students to do their best, right up until the last day of school! Teachers will be looking for students exhibiting perseverance to be recognized as the student of the month with a free ice cream!
Join us on Facebook for more updates & upcoming PTA meeting information!
Do you have a MyPayments Plus account set up for you students? Need help setting one up? Watch the video below to learn how to set up a MyPaymentsPlus account for your family. Remember, at the beginning of the year, each student will need to have the beginning of year documents signed off! MyPaymentsPlus is also how you add funds to your students’ lunch accounts.
Publix Partners
Support your school every time you shop!
Publix Partners has contributed $38.7 million to more than 4,950 schools across the Southeast since the program's inception.
Participating is easy! Simply sign up for Club Publix or log in to your existing account, click Publix Partners, and select a school. Then, every time you shop at Publix, pay with the Publix app or enter your phone number at checkout. We’ll give back to the school of your choice—one of the many perks of being a Club Publix member!
Business Partners
Woodward Mill would like to take this opportunity to thank the numerous business partners that support the students and teachers at our school. Our business partners support our school in various ways such as sponsoring after-school clubs, providing teacher appreciation gifts, donating supplies, and mentoring students. Please check out our wonderful business partners below:
Woodward Mill proudly thanks our business partners! Please support these businesses that support our school!
Smiles Forever Orthodontics
Whiz Learning Kids
Heo's Tae Kwon Do
About Us
Location: 2020 Buford Drive Northeast, Lawrenceville, GA, United States
Phone: 678-407-7590