White Marsh Elementary School
2023 - 2024
Week of January 1 - 5, 2024
B Week
Greetings, White Marsh Families!
Welcome to 2024! I hope you had a wonderful Winter Break!
Schools reopen for students on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. We look forward to seeing all of our Bears ready to continue working hard!
On Wednesday, our Joe Corbi's fundraiser begins. You will receive information in Wednesday folders. Thanks for supporting this fundraiser. It is a great opportunity to have tasty treats available while you are watching those winter sports games! Also on Wednesday there will be a Site Based Volunteer Training at 6 pm. Anyone who has not yet completed this training this school year is encouraged to attend. The training will occur right before the PTA meeting at 6:30.
Friday is Spirit Day! The Bears are encouraged to wear blue or their WMES clothes on Friday.
Have a great week!
Another Successful Character Tea- Thankful and Caring Bears!
Congratulations to the following students for being recognized as Thankful:
Kindergarten: Makenna F, Torrence M
Grade 1: Harper M, Maleena W
Grade 2: Lillian Y, Brooke B
Grade 3: Thalia P, Lukas C
Grade 4: Charlie R, Sadie W
Grade 5: Kensley L, Lenox K
Congratulations to the following students for being recognized as Caring:
Kindergarten: Josie W, Davina N
Grade 1: Jaxon J, Lyon C
Grade 2: Mason F, Claire F
Grade 3: Braden H, Brooke M
Grade 4: Isabella P, Maverick A
Grade 5: Jase K, Emma B
Dr. Smith Visits WMES!
The 5th Grade Bears enjoyed their visit from Dr. Smith and Student Member of the Board Lillian Kibler. The Bears talked about all of the things that make White Marsh great! Some things they noted: the teachers, friends, attendance trophy, school dance, book club, positive notes home, data meetings, Bear Crawl, football game, White Marsh rap, book buddies, Honey Pot News... Just a few reasons why it's great to be a White Marsh Bear!
Ms. Kibler referenced the visit in her remarks to the Board of Education on December 13, 2023. Watch it here!
SMCPS Evening Counseling
Upcoming Events
Jan 10 Battle of the Books, 3:45 - 4:30
Jan 15 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Jan 17 Robotics Club, Grades 4 & 5
Jan 19 Dress For Success Day!
Jan 24 Grade 1 to Science Center
Jan 24 Robotics Club, Grades 4 & 5
Jan 26 Professional Day; No School for Students
From the Music Room...
Band and Strings students are asked to bring their instruments to school every Wednesday! Sincerely, Mr. Guy
The following are general reminders:
SMCPS Instructional Terms and Resources Definitions
Volunteer/Chaperones Reminder
1) register to be a SMCPS volunteer
2) attend a WMES Site Based Volunteer Training.
The SMCPS Volunteer information can be found on the WMES Family Links document, and the next WMES Site Based Volunteer Training can be found on the WMES website by accessing the calendar.
Have you Completed the Acceptable Use Agreement for your Student(s)?
Early Sign-outs and Late Arrivals
WMES Family Handbook
WMES Links for Families
Important Information: Electronic Devices
Chronic Absenteeism
Chronic Absenteeism: Students are chronically absent when absent 10% or more of the school days while enrolled at that school. For example, a student who is registered to attend a school for 30 days and who is absent 3 of those 30 days is considered chronically absent.
WMES will follow up with chronically absent students through the Pupil Services Team, Pupil Personnel Worker, and the Department of Student Services. In order to reduce the number of our students with Chronic Absenteeism, incentives to encourage good attendance include participation in the Bear Crawl, Running Club, and School Dance.
Text Alerts
SMCPS Text Alerts are a great way to get information quickly. They are not sent often, and usually only in the event of an unexpected school delay or closure. On occasion, WMES will send a text alert about a late bus, substitute bus, or school event. Click the link for information about registering for text alerts.
White Marsh Elementary School
Email: jwsteele@smcps.org
Website: wmes.smcps.org
Location: 29090 Thompson Corner Road, Mechanicsville, MD, USA
Phone: (301)472-4600
Twitter: @wmes_smpcs