CTE and CCMR News
A Publication of ESC Region 11 • August 2023
ESC Region 11 CTE
Happy Holidays!
1451 S. Cherry Lane
White Settlement, Texas 76108
A Note from Chelsea and Lisa
Hello, Region 11 CTE and CCMR!
As we embark on a new academic year, it is with great enthusiasm and a sense of purpose that we come together as a unified team. Welcome back to our seasoned educators, and a warm greeting to those who are joining us for the first time. We are thrilled to have each of you as part of our exceptional CTE/CCMR family in Region 11.
The past year has shown us resilience and strength within our educational community. Despite the challenges we faced, we stood firm in our commitment to empower our students with the skills and knowledge necessary for their future success. As we move forward, let us build upon the lessons learned and the triumphs achieved so that we can continue to shape the lives of our students in impactful ways.
Region 11 has always been at the forefront of innovation and educational excellence; this year is no exception. Thanks to your dedication and unwavering support, we have exciting plans and opportunities in store for our students. Our focus remains on fostering a dynamic learning environment that nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and real-world skills, preparing our students for the challenges of tomorrow.
Together, we form a collaborative force of educators, mentors, and role models, shaping the future of our students and, in turn, our society. Your passion for teaching and commitment to student success make all the difference in their lives, and we are immensely grateful for your contributions. We look forward to opportunities to see all of you this year!
With sincere appreciation,
Chelsea and Lisa
August To-Do List
Review the 2023-2024 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for updates.
Welcome staff, mentor new staff, and offer Professional Learning.
Welcome your students back!
Collect all Industry-Based Certification results from June 1, 2023 - August 31, 2023 (Earned/Passed/Failed)
Gather a completed DD Form 4 "Enlistment/Reenlistment Document-Armed Forces of the United States" for graduates who committed to the military. (Submit in March 2024)
CCMR Tracker Part 2 review.
Start-of-year materials for 2023-2024 should be arriving; catalog upon arrival.
Final review of master schedule and balance class counts.
Calendar the 2023-2024 ESC Region 11 opportunities so you don't miss out!
Helpful Information Straight from TEA!
2023-24 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook
Summary: The proposed amendment would adopt by reference the 2023-24 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. The handbook provides student attendance accounting rules for school districts and charter schools.
Publication in the Texas Register: June 16, 2023
Public Comment Period: June 16-July 17, 2023. A form for submitting public comments is available on the proposed Commissioner of Education Rules web page.
Proposed Effective Date: October 3, 2023
CTE begins on page 159
Programs of Study Refresh
Perkins V is federal legislation requiring states that receive federal Career and Technical Education (CTE) funds to align CTE programs of study to high-wage, in-demand, and high-skill occupations. Texas’ State Plan indicates that the Texas Education Agency (TEA) will review programs of study every four years to ensure they meet the needs of the Texas workforce. TEA’s Career and Technical Education team conducted a statewide listening tour and obtained feedback from over 685 participants. Stakeholder feedback and labor market information analysis were provided to a CTE advisory committee of district leaders, teachers, postsecondary staff, and industry leaders. The CTE advisory committee used this information and feedback to guide recommendations for the Programs of Study Refresh to be implemented during the 2024-25 school year.
TEA is soliciting additional public comment on the recommendations through August 14, 2023. Click here to view the recommendations from the CTE advisory committee for TEA’s 14 career clusters. The proposed updates include elements of the 53 currently approved statewide programs of study, two regional programs of study recommended for statewide approval, and four proposed new statewide programs of study.
Click on this survey to provide feedback on the proposed programs of study updates. The survey will allow you to make comments on one or more programs of study.
Based on the feedback received during the public comment period, additional updates may be made to the programs of study before they are finalized and released in the fall of 2023. Updates to the programs of study will be implemented beginning in the fall of the 2024-25 school year. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CTE team at cte@tea.texas.gov.
CCMR Tracker and Verifier
The College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) Tracker Stage 2B will include the type of Industry Based Certification (IBC) a student has earned and if the IBC is on the sunsetting list. The sunsetting limit is applied within Student Achievement and School Progress, Part B: Relative Performance Domains in 2023 accountability.
A Sunsetting IBC did not meet one or more criteria listed in 19 TAC §74.1003. Sunsetting IBCs will continue to generate CCMR credit, but a per-campus limit will be applied based on students who only qualify for CCMR credit via a sunsetting IBC. The limit ensures that districts offer their students paths for postsecondary success and is set at five graduates, or 20 percent of graduates, whichever is higher. More information on IBCs can be found on the Industry-Based Certifications webpage and on the IBC Frequently Asked Questions document.
The Final 2023 College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) Student Listing will be released within TEAL Accountability application in late July. This data download will contain the 2023 CCMR data for 2021 – 22 annual graduates and 2021 – 22 non-graduating 12th graders, including applicable corrections submitted and approved through the 2023 CCMR Verifier. This data will be used to calculate the College, Career, and Military Readiness components for 2023 accountability ratings.
What are the opportunities for data correction in TSDS PEIMS?
The accuracy of all accountability reports is dependent on the accuracy of the information submitted by districts through TSDS PEIMS. The TSDS PEIMS data collection has a prescribed process and set calendar for correcting errors or omissions discovered after the original submission. Districts also have the option to access various summary reports through the TSDS PEIMS application to assist them in verifying the accuracy of their data prior to submission deadlines. For each submission, a resubmission window allows districts an opportunity to resubmit information if an error is detected. Data submitted to the Working File are not used in accountability calculations. See the Texas Education Data Standards at Texas Education Data Standards | TSDS (texasstudentdatasystem.org) for more details about the correction windows and submission deadlines.
The TEA Cancels PLTW Gateway Courses
Effective immediately!
When will TEA collect CCMR Military Enlistment Data?
TEA will collect enlistment data March 2024-May 2024:
Beginning with 2023 annual graduates for Fall 2024 Accountability, TEA will award CCMR credit to graduates for whom the district uploads the required military enlistment documentation. Districts must obtain a completed DD Form 4 Enlistment/ Reenlistment Document-Armed Forces of the United States from a student who has enlisted. Districts are responsible for the forms until the DD Form 4 submission window for 2023 graduates opens in March 2024. This will be a secure upload housed in TEAL Accountability, similar to the current CCMR verifier process.
Performance Reporting Calendar
Late July: CCMR Final Listing (2022 Graduates)
Summer: 2023 A-F Refresh Parent Resources, Explanatory Materials, Videos Released
Summer: 2023 Refresh Parent Resources, Explanatory Materials, and Videos Released
Early Fall 2023: Final 2023 Accountability Manual (All Chapters and Appendices) Release
September 26: Accountability Ratings Published (TEA and TXschools.gov) & Accountability Registration Window Opens
September 28: 2022 What If Ratings Public Publication (TXschools.gov)
Fall: Results-Driven Accountability Integration Taskforce Meeting
Late September: PEG List Posted
January 2024: Appeals Resolved; Final Ratings; TAPR; School Report Card: and Federal Report Card Posted
Submitting IBCs
- You are required to submit all IBC exams taken, passed, earned, and failed.
- Some IBCs require no second step to earn and can be entered as earned with the documented passing of an exam (held locally). Others require additional steps such as fingerprinting, background checks, submitted applications, etc. Be sure to know the difference!
- Each student can earn multiple IBCs, but the district can only be reimbursed for one over their entire high school career. (Have a process to manage this in case you are ever audited.)
- A district can be reimbursed for a passed or earned exam but not for a failed one.
- Entering the cost in your student information system is necessary to gain reimbursement. Each SIS looks a little different, be sure to clearly know what is required! (Once the window for submission closes, there is no opportunity to correct for reimbursement or accountability.)
Here is a link to the state IBC webpage.
Phase in for CTE Accountability
Proposed: The phase-in was delayed by one year.
Helpful Resources for A-F Refresh
What resources does TEA have to help districts communicate with school boards and other stakeholders about the A-F refresh?
Resources have been added to the 2023 Accountability Development Materials page. This includes a newly added A–F Refresh Overview available in Spanish.
- A–F Refresh Template District Presentation to School Board: An editable PowerPoint presentation template that district leaders can customize to use to communicate to School Boards and other stakeholders
- Supplemental A–F Refresh Info: Additional slides on the context of the A–F refresh, including the purpose of the A–F accountability system, A–F design commitments, and A–F refresh changes
- A–F Refresh Overview (English): A brief overview of the A–F system and the A–F refresh
A–F Refresh Overview (Spanish) - Commissioner Video Message to School Boards: Commissioner Mike Morath discusses the A–F refresh and the importance of communicating changes this year
Did you know?
FAFSA is changing!
Supports you can access
NCAN Better FAFSA Website
Better FAFSA Awareness Toolkit
The new Better Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is coming! If you are from a National College Attainment Network (NCAN) member organization or similar organization that helps students and their families complete and submit the FAFSA, there is plenty you need to know before the new form opens in December. Use this awareness toolkit to stay up-to-date on major Better FAFSA developments, upcoming trainings, webinars, and news from NCAN's blog.
uAspire Webinar Series: Preparing for FASFA Simplification
This free webinar explores key changes coming to the 2024-25 FAFSA form. We are closely following FAFSA simplification developments to understand how it will impact students and families. We will share what we learn, answer questions based on the information available, and distribute resources for further learning.
College Board Webinar: The Bottom Line: 2023 Financial Aid Updates for Counselors
Financial aid changes and updates for the 2023-2024 school year will impact the bottom line for your students and families. This session will provide helpful details related to the streamlined FAFSA and CSS application forms. Listen in as key Financial Aid leaders share insights, address important questions, and identify the next steps for families navigating the process.
Wednesday, August 2, at 2:00 p.m. CT, register here
ApplyTexas Updates
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)
THECB is excited to update you on the progress of the ApplyTexas project. The redesigned experience will go live in Spring 2024! ApplyTexas will continue to support the ongoing application cycle for the academic year 2024-25 in addition to the new cycle for the academic year 2025-26.
Since January, the ApplyTexas team has made significant progress. Ongoing research and collaboration with students, counselors, and institutions utilizing ApplyTexas have been instrumental in shaping and implementing highly focused enhancements to the system. Additionally, our Apply Texas Advisory Committee remains closely connected to the work, providing consistent feedback on key product decisions.
- Fall 2023: Institutions will have access to materials regarding the new ApplyTexas experience that demonstrate to applicants what to expect when applying for Fall 2024.
- Early 2024: Institutions will be provided with technical requirements for integration and launch.
- Spring 2024: Student-facing launch of new ApplyTexas for all open applications.
- July 1, 2024: Student-facing launch of new ApplyTexas for all new applications.
My Texas Future
Graphing and Analyzing Academic Progress Monitoring Data
2023-2024 Leader Meetings
2023-2024 CCMR/CTE Leadership Meetings
Save the date for the 2023-2024 Leader Meetings:
- September 14, 2023
- October 19, 2023
- Pathways to Texas CCMR Summit: November 1-2, 2023
- December 14, 2023
- Expert-to-Expert: Connecting Industry Practitioners and Educators, January 30, 2024
- February 22, 2024
- March 28, 2024
- April 18, 2024
- May 9, 2024
Registration is open! New to 2023-2024: Monthly Leader Meetings will be scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and sponsored lunches are included. The afternoon will offer collaborations, industry tours, CLNA coaching, etc.
Save the Date for 2023 CCMR Summit & 2024 Expert-to-Expert
2023 Pathways to Texas CCMR Summit: November 1-2, 2023
2024 Expert to Expert: Connecting Industry Practitioners and Educators: January 30, 2024
Registration Links
CCMR Summit and Expert to Expert will include our Regional Industry Advisory Board Panel, industry-specific collaborations, and unique breakout sessions.
Register, Save the Date, and Don't Miss Out!
CTE Teacher Professional Development Opportunities!
CTE New Teacher Surviving Your First Year — Registration is open!
- Thursday, August 3, 2023 • 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
CTE Leader Trainings created by TEA!
Summer 2023 New CTE Leader TEA Training
Click on the links to register!
For New Leaders (second time offered)
August 2, 2023 • Module 3: Program Design
August 9, 2023 • Module 2: Partnerships
August 16, 2023 • Module 1: Data-Driven Decision Making
Affordable Connectivity Opportunity!
Last week, more than 300 national and local organizations joined the Education Department and Civic Nation to launch Online for All, a digital equity campaign working to close the digital divide by focusing on internet access, affordability, and equity for students and families (press release and fact sheet).
The groups kicked off a Week of Action to drive enrollment in the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). An estimated 28 million households in the U.S. do not have high-speed Internet at home, and two-thirds of these households are offline because they need help affording an available internet connection. The ACP, created through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, significantly reduces the cost of Internet, and millions more eligible households could still benefit.
Secretary Cardona launched the Week of Action by headlining a virtual event alongside the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the National Education Association (NEA), and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), to provide educators with the tools they need to educate families about this opportunity and keep students connected over the summer.
Vice President Harris also released a video encouraging families to sign up for the ACP at GetInternet.gov.
Construction Conference Opportunity
Association of General Contractors (AGC) Construction & HR Conference
From AGC:
AGC of America has opened registration for the new HR and Workforce Conference that is taking place in Atlanta from November 6-8. The HR and Workforce Conference combines the best elements of our earlier HR Conferences and the Workforce Summits AGC organized in 2021 and 2022. Attendees will learn about the latest HR and workforce development solutions, share their success stories, and interact with members, fellow chapter staff, and educators who are preparing the next generation of construction professionals.
Because having educators in the room is so important, all construction educators – including CTE teachers, local school officials, construction professors, and union training instructors – can register for FREE to attend the HR & Workforce Conference. Educators can contact Meredith Woods at Meredith.woods@agc.org to find out how to register for free.
Connect Education and Careers and Thrive in CTE!
The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) offers several free resources, fact sheets, and infographics on career and technical education (CTE) and high-demand industry sectors. As the nation’s largest professional association for CTE professionals — including educators, administrators, counseling and career development professionals, and others at all levels of education — we provide our members and the CTE community with:
- Professional learning and networking opportunities
- Leadership and recognition programs
- Advocacy and awareness resources
- And much more!
Learn more about CTE to help drive innovation in today’s global workforce!
ESC Region 11 CTE Website
ESC Region 11 Resources
Other Resources
- CTAT Resources
- Connect CTAT Online Forum
- Resource Google Doc by Pathway
- Texas CTE powered by TEA
ESC Region 11 CTE
Lisa Harrison, M.Ed.
Administrator Coach for CTE and CCMR
Email: lharrison@esc11.net
Website: https://www.esc11.net/CTE
Location: 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX 76108
Phone: (817) 740-7527
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ESC11CTE/
Twitter: @ESC11CTE
Chelsea Reeves, M.Ed.
CTE Coach
Email: creeves@esc11.nert
Website: esc11.net/CTE
Location: 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX, USA
Phone: 817-740-7654
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ESC11CTE/
Twitter: @ESC11CTE