Spring 2021 - #1
Please read the entire newsletter!
CHOIR T-SHIRT - required
Everyone will need to buy a spring show t-shirt. Students will wear them in the live concert and in videos they record for the performance. Use the link to order online (or click on the picture). Garments will be delivered to the school individually packaged. Or you can pay extra and have them shipped to your home. The back of the shirt has a roster of choir students.
MISD has provided guidelines for have in-person performances!! We will be able to have a Spring Concert with a live audience - though it will still be different. Here are the highlights - more details will come later. Put the dates on your calendar.
- Each choir will have its own separate performance time.
- Shows will be here in the Lake Ridge PAC.
- May 17 - B-day classes and Show Choir
- May 18 - A-day classes
- Attendance is mandatory for in-person students and counts as a major test grade.
- Virtual students are encouraged to attend as well - it is the easiest way to earn the test grade. Be on the lookout for a survey.
- All students will turn in a video recording of "One Song" and maybe another song as well.
- Students will wear masks and be socially distanced on stage.
- Audience members will also be distanced and wear masks.
Again - more information will be announced during class. Students pay careful attention to announcements, Remind messages, and Canvas.
Check out the first installment of our senior spotlight on Instagram. Click on the icon to the right. We will also be celebrating our seniors at the Spring Concert and Banquet.
Woohoo!!! There will also be some sort of choir banquet to celebrate the end of the year. The Booster Club is developing plans now in keeping with district protocols. More details to come!
Lake Ridge HS Choir
IG: lrchoirboosters
Email: philipglenn@misdmail.org
Website: lrhschoir.edublogs.org
Phone: -682-314-0468
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lakeridgechoirboosters/
Twitter: @LRChoirBoosters