"The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people"
- (Unknown)
Greetings Team C.I.A.,
I wish to take this opportunity to appreciate all members of the C.I.A. community for your hardwork, resilience and cooperation. As we embrace another exciting month, I want you to take a moment to reflect on a core value that defines our educational philosophy: international mindedness.
At Cornerstone International Academy, our mission to empower all our students through the nurturing of their individual capabilities in a fast - changing world to be responsible and contribute to the world, drives our passion to nurture global citizens who are not just well-prepared academically but also equipped with the skills, mindset, and empathy to thrive in our interconnected world.
International mindedness lies at the heart of this mission.
The concept goes beyond simply recognizing the diversity of our community. I believe being internationally minded means embracing diversity, respecting different cultures and perspectives and using these differences as opportunities for growth and learning. It is about fostering a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world around us, and encouraging our students to become active, responsible global citizens.
The school community collectively strengthen our commitment to this vital principle of international mindedness and foster diversity through school events such as International Literacy Day Celebration, International Mother Language Day celebration, Francophone Day, Independence Day Celebration, Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day, Primary Year Program Exhibition, Curriculum Integration etc.
International mindedness is not a destination but a journey, and I invite each and every one of you to be an active participant in this ongoing exploration. Together, we can prepare our students to be compassionate, informed, and engaged global citizens who make a positive impact on the world. As we progress through the academic year, let us keep international mindedness at the forefront of our minds and actions.
Let us embrace the opportunities that international mindedness brings and continue to learn, grow, and make a difference together.
Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to our shared mission.
Semper Fi!!!
Always Faithful!!!
Mrs. Veronica Jodie Osei-Owusu
Acting Head of School
Being open-minded is having the willingness to listen to others and consider their views. Here are some ways to encourage children to be open-minded:
1. Set the example
Naturally, children imitate the actions of adults. Thus, whatever positive or negative conduct you embrace has an impact on the thinking scope of a child. If adults are accommodating and kind to all, children will hence follow.
2. Celebrate diversity
Expose your children to other cultures different from theirs. It is essential that they understand the way of life, religious beliefs, food, dress, and festivals of the different races so they can exhibit open-mindedness in society.
3. Answer questions honestly
When children ask sensitive questions regarding gender, race, disabilities, etc., do not shy away from it or shun them. Rather, encourage them to accommodate our human differences and the diverse views pertaining to life.
4. Teach good manners and habits
Children need to know the requisite skills needed in any social setting. Thank you, please and I am sorry are the least basic ones. Appreciate your children when they behave well so they recognize others who do the same. Let them understand the significance of words and how to communicate properly.
5. Seize teachable moments
Correct children when they are rude or offensive unknowingly. Use some courtesy books and articles as a springboard to educate them on the effects of bad manners.
6. Encourage your children to have and accept friends who are not like them
If possible, travel with your children. It can be within a nation or international. Expose them to nature and different environmental settings to broaden their minds.
7. Expose your child to different cultures
Encourage your children to be good listeners by listening to them when they are expressing their feelings and views. Do not underestimate their potential. Listening to others talk is also a form of learning.
8. Teach them how to listen
You have to be able to listen to others before you can understand a different point of view. Listening to someone else’s concerns, desires, aspirations, fears, and struggles will remind you that there is more to your life than what you see from your own perspective. Unless you make an effort to tune in to others, you’ll be limited to the box that contains your own narrow version of the world.
Our world needs more open-minded and accepting people, start at home. Teach your children what open-mindedness means and how it can change the world.
One of the most significant and distinctive features of the IB Primary Years Programme is the six Transdisciplinary Themes.
These themes are about issues that have meaning for and are important to all of us. The programme offers a balance between learning about or through the subject areas and learning beyond them. The six themes of global significance create a transdisciplinary framework that allows students to “step up” beyond the confines of learning within subject areas. The programme focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the homeroom and in the world outside.
Unit Preview with Parents meetings (UPP) provide an excellent opportunity for parents and the academic team to work together, exchange ideas, and review the objectives for the upcoming unit. By involving parents in some of the activities that will be explored during the unit, they gain a better understanding of their child's learning experience and become more engaged in their education. UPP meetings are a valuable way to promote collaboration and support student success.
UPP was super fun with parents as every grade showcased their knowledge and skills acquired during the unit.
Grade 1 – Signs and symbols
Grade 2 – Farm to table
Grade 3 – Ocean resources
Grade 4 – Energy
Grade 5 – Digital media
As part of the Grade One unit celebration on healthy lifestyle, Holi Foods, a catering service, was invited as a resource to educate students on the importance of eating fruits and vegetables, as well as some simple recipes for preparing fruit juice and smoothies. The students were given the opportunity to share their ideas on the benefits of healthy living. To make the occasion special, the students wore colored shirts to represent the different colors of fruits and vegetables. It was a fun-packed day!
A unit celebration is an educational event or activity designed to mark the completion of a particular unit of study or a specific topic within a curriculum. It's a way to wrap up learning on a positive note, reinforce key concepts, and allow students to showcase what they've learned in a fun and engaging manner.
In celebrating the unit on ecosystem, students created the ecosystem diorama of the three different types of habitats, thus terrestrial, aquatic and polar.
Grade four students had the opportunity to embark on a field trip to the Ghana National Museum. They embarked on this trip to observe, learn and broaden their knowledge and understanding on the cultural and historical context about the emergence of beliefs in order to gain a better appreciate the diversity of beliefs and develop a deeper understanding of how beliefs shape individuals and societies.
To celebrate the unit on body systems under the theme "Who We Are," students showcased their discoveries on the effective interactions of the body systems that contribute to the health and survival of the human body. They also explored the impact of lifestyle choices on the body and how the body systems are interconnected.
As part of this celebration, students created posters and representations of the body organs using recyclable materials.
Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day, which is celebrated on September 21st every year to honor the birthday of Osagyefo Ghana's first President was commemorated on September 20. Kwame Nkrumah was a remarkable figure in Ghanaian politics, known for his role in leading the Gold Coast to independence from Great Britain.
It's great to hear that the staff and students of C.I.A. commemorated this day with engaging activities such as drama, skits, poems, and dance. These activities are a great way to remember history and create lasting memories.
This year’s International Literacy Day was celebrated worldwide under the theme 'Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies' This year's celebration was an opportunity to join efforts to accelerate progress towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) on education and lifelong learning and to reflect on the role of literacy in building more inclusive, peaceful, just and sustainable societies.
In C.I.A., we created opportunities for literacy spaces all over the school under the theme; "Sustaining Literacy, Empowering Imaginations for a Better World"
We engaged in various activities such as poster making, story writing, poem recital, drama, puppetry shows, word puzzles, jigsaws, etc. It was an opportunity for the entire school community to read more and wide, write more and explore more!!!!!
"Reading gives us a place to go when we have to stay where we are ".
To further understand the unit "Puberty", two medical personnel were invited to share their expert knowledge on the topic. Dr. Ngozi Thompson facilitated the session with the female students and Dr. Cudjoe Diaba facilitated that of the male students. The sessions were interactive, fun and informative.
Art has a magical way of bringing imagination to life and our Grade 5 students at Cornerstone International Academy have truly embraced this magic with their incredible portrait drawings. Using the renowned Loomis approach, these budding artists have taken on the challenge of drawing front views of faces and the results are nothing short of spectacular!
It is yet another academic year and we are quite excited for an opportunity for our 5th-grade students to share their learning so far with the school community through our "Primary Year's Program Exhibition (PYPx)"!
The PYP exhibition allows students to showcase their learning over the years by identifying a global problem and coming up with creative solutions. To prepare students for this, we have started an exhibition orientation where students are gradually piecing together what an IB PYP exhibition looks like, what is expected of them, and how to prepare for this much-awaited learning experience. So far, our 5th-grade learners are displaying much interest in the exhibition. We hope this enthusiasm would be the burning torch to this wonderful expedition.
A fire drill in a school is a planned safety exercise designed to prepare students, teachers, and staff for what to do in the event of a fire emergency. The primary goals of a fire drill are to ensure the safety of everyone in the school and to practice evacuation procedures efficiently.
It was an educative but fun experience as C.I.A. community went through a fire drill experience to prepare staff and students in a case of a fire outbreak or emergency.
Random preparatory tests have been instituted to help test the content knowledge of students, equip them with basic examination techniques, and build their time management skills. The RPT’s focus is mathematics, Language Arts, and Science.
It will be written on a weekly basis to assess the students and identify the areas for improvement with respect to Math, Science and Language Arts skills.
Our 5th-grade students and parents participated in a "Keep Fit" event on September 30, 2023, which served as the culmination of their unit on puberty. The event included aerobics and discussions on healthy living. These are snapshots taken during the event which captured the enthusiasm and energy of both students and parents, promoting the importance of fitness and well-being in our school community.
We are in the semi - finals of the spelling bee competition, hurray!!!!!
It has been an exciting journey with lots of fun and emotions. We are proud of every single students who took part in this competition.
A big congratulations to a students who qualified to level 4. We wish students all students the very best!!! Go for gold !!!
Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day Celebration
In a recent assembly, our school came together to commemorate Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day, paying tribute to the remarkable leader who played a pivotal role in Africa's fight for independence and the dream of a united continent. The assembly featured powerful poetry recitations, a heartfelt song on African unity, and an enlightening video that showcased Nkrumah's life and achievements. Through these activities, students not only learned about Nkrumah's legacy but also connected with his vision of a united and prosperous Africa. As we reflect on this day, let us carry forward the lessons of unity and freedom that Nkrumah advocated for, working together to create a brighter future for Africa and its people.
MYP Sharing
On September 16, 2023, our Masua campus hosted the IB Middle Years Program (MYP) Sharing Conference. This event was a crucial opportunity for parents to gain a deeper understanding of MYP activities, subjects, and assessment styles.
Grand Finale for Decoding the Author in Me
Our "Decoding the Author in Me” writing challenge showcased the impressive writing talents of our students in two exciting levels, each designed to nurture and celebrate the budding authors among us, students engaged in different activities at every stage of the competition which included plot mastery (level 1) , and fictional mastery (level 2).
Math Matrix Competition: Unleash Your Mathematical Genius!
Math Matrix is not just a competition; it's an opportunity for students to showcase their mathematical prowess and boost their confidence. It's a platform where they can put their problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and logical reasoning to the test.
Grade 8 students building a model of the human skeleton with clay. With precision and dedication, these young scholars fashion each bone, bringing anatomy to life. They build their collaborative skills as they assemble this educational masterpiece.
Grade 7 students exploring different chemical reactions with practical demonstrations. The students complied with all safety lab precautions as they observe color changes , precipitation and evolution of gas from different chemical reactions.
Social Emotional Day
Our Middle School students were excited to welcome Ms. Vanessa-Marie for our Social Emotional Day dubbed "The Teen in Me". Ms. Vanessa shared insight on what it means to be a pre teen/teenager and the changes that come with it. We grow together as we learn together!
Our staff orientation program is meticulously crafted to equip facilitators with the essential knowledge and resources to ensure a successful academic year. This comprehensive program familiarizes facilitators and non teaching staff with our school's culture, policies, and procedures while fostering connections and relationships among all staff members.
We are delighted to share that the legal team, under the guidance of Mr. Emmanuel Broni Bediako, contributed significantly to this enriching experience.
Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory condition of the membrane that lines eyelids and covers the sclera, which is the white part of the eye. Conjunctivitis is highly contagious, most often this is caused by a bacterial or viral infections. Conjunctivitis usually affects men, women and children and can either be acute or chronic. Although pink eye is usually common, it is transmitted through direct contact to objects or eyes.
1. Itchiness
2. Puffy eye
3. Redness
4. Discharge
5. Vision impairment
1. Practice personal hygiene by washing of the hands with soap and water frequently especially before and after touching the eyes. Avoid touching and rubbing the eyes to prevent the spread of infections.
2. Staying away from people with active conjunctivitis symptoms and encouraging them to seek medical intervention. Avoiding crowded places and close contact with others during the outbreak.
3. Disinfecting and cleaning surfaces such as doorknobs, eyeglasses and smartphones by using a disinfectant.
4. Seeking medical attention when one starts experiencing symptoms like itching, blurred vision, discharges, redness and isolate if needed.
5. Practice allergy management by taking the allergy treatment serious.
6. Providing and promoting health education through communities, friends, families and social media on how to prevent conjunctivitis.
1. For bacterial infection, we use antibiotics like eye drops or medications for its treatment.
2. Washing of the eye with clean cloth or warm water.
3. Washing of the hands with soap and water regularly
Email: correspondence@mail.cia.edu.gh
Website: https://www.cia.edu.gh
Location: East Legon, Accra, Ghana
Phone: 0265055439 0202068221
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cornerstoneinternationalacademy.gh
Twitter: @CIA_Ghana