Patrick Henry Post
January 24th, 2020
Time to Bundle Up
January is always a difficult time of weather ups and downs, and this week was the perfect example of what St. Louis weather can be like. We swung from mid-60s sunshine to a complete winter wonderland. We have been working hard to keep our students as active as possible during this snowy and cold season. Indoor recess (pictured below) gives our students the opportunity to play games with each other, laugh, and have fun in their classrooms. There are plenty of other fun activities you can do in the classroom or at home to give our students some fun physical activity! Check out some of the resources listed below for ideas on what to do with these cold days!
As a reminder, make sure your phone number is updated with the school and the district to make sure you get notices for snow days and early dismissals.
Create a free GoNoodle account to access hundreds of kid-appropriate, funny, and silly videos that get kids to move, relax, stretch, dance, breathe, or play!
Scholastic Inspiration
Click on the link below for 10 indoor recess ideas from Scholastic, Inc. from Educators
WeAreTeachers has 40 ideas for making indoor recess a success. Explore their thoughts at the link below:
Cosmic Kids Yoga
Watch kid-specific yoga videos on this YouTuber's channel to get your child moving!
Stay Active
Try out some of these tips for how to stay active even when you're stuck inside:
Brain Games
Take a look at ideas for kid-friendly games that will activate the brain and challenge students of different ages:
Congrats, Steven Turner!
Steven is a kindergartener in Ms. Wildermuth's class who just tested out of SIPPS entirely! Steven proudly showed off his work in the main office to prove his level of excellence, and we were so impressed with both his intellect and his hard work to continually move up levels. We love to see our students succeed, and we love celebrating those successes!
The Importance of the Morning Routine
If you have ever received an attendance phone call from us, you know how much we value attendance and students arriving at school on time every day. Arriving at school on time means that children get to participate in one of the most important parts of the day: the morning routine. Each class is different, but they all have that special way to start the day in the right way. Ms. Ivory greets each of her students with a special handshake and greeting, Ms. Wildermuth provides morning work, second grade starts with a Do Now and music in the background, first grade begins with a journal writing activity and a series of songs. It sounds so simple, but making sure students know what to expect as they start their day with us is incredibly important! It makes students feel safe, comfortable, relaxed, and prepared. It helps them feel secure to know what happens first, especially when the first activity of the day is a positive greeting and a moment to connect with their teacher.
2nd Grade
Students are ready to start their Do Now and put their belongings away in the coatroom.
Students start their day with morning work at their clean and tidy work space
Morning Attendance
Our pre-schoolers drop off their attendance folder at the office with Ms. O'Shea
Lighting the Way
Our youngest students use their morning to show off their creative sides at the light table
Classroom Jobs
Classroom helpers are chosen by each teacher to handle the attendance for the day
Teacher Routine: Student Work
Even teachers have routines they have to follow, and the structure helps us keep our school looking beautiful and full of students' work! Here, our pre-school staff has displayed student work and it changes every month. Keep an eye out for new displays!
Teacher Routine: Themes and Crafts
Our teachers use the season to plan their artistic assignments thematically. This helps add to the sense of routine around the building, as we fall into the structure of the seasons and present our students with a way to celebrate each month of the year.
Highlight on Community Partnerships: Building Futures
Ms. Bryant's art classroom received a beautiful gift this week: all new tables built by our community partner, Building Futures! The tables are the right size for Ms. Bryant's stools to fit under them with students able to sit much more comfortably now. The old tables will be used in a new area on the second floor intended for collaborative learning spaces in the hallway. We have so many beautiful spaces throughout our building, and it is our mission to make sure we use each inch of it for student learning. Thank you to Building Futures for these spectacular tables, for beautifying Ms. Bryant's room, and for making it possible to create a new collaborative learning space!
Henry Honors
Every month, our teachers select a special student from their class who has exhibited strong character traits. This month's Henry Honors theme was Leadership. Teachers selected students who showed us not only that they can make excellent choices for their own well-being, but they can also help their peers and those around them to make positive choices. We are so proud of each of our students for this great accomplishment! Thank you to Ms. Hill and Mrs. Terrance for the awesome celebration!