Panui / Newsletter
Rāmere Friday 16th September Mahuru 2022 (T3: W8 of 10)
Our Tumuaki / Principal
Updates and developments to share with you this week include the following...
- Safety Breach: Regretfully yesterday I had to communicate a breach of compliance at our school in relation to a person being on-site, whilst our school photos were being taken, who should not have been. Throughout this whole process, we know the children were supervised and safe. We have subsequently been reassured that all digital images have been secured and this person will not have any access to them whatsoever.
- New School Board 2022 - 2025: A big thank you to everyone who participated in the recent School Board elections, from those who put their names forward, to those that voted and to Tracey Lockhart our Returning Officer. I'd like to welcome aboard our new School Board of Jacob Smyth, Sarah Cupido, Narissa Webber, Daryl Martyn and Richard Abbott. They are off to a busy week next week with an induction meeting on Monday night and an AGM and General Meeting on Tuesday. There is a lot happening at the school and we have a great mix of continuity and experience from the previous School Board and new members to take us forward.
- Senior Production: There is a lot of work going into our biennial Senior Production. Mrs Jenny Coyle, Miss Sanne den Boon and Miss Sarah Botting are working hard with the children. Next week is 'the' big week and so I'd like to wish them all the best. I suspect that a few stars will be born.
- Monday 26th September Public Holiday: As part of showing respect on the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II, our nation is having a day of remembrance on Monday 26th of September. School will be closed that day.
- 2022 Principal's Conference: From Wednesday to Friday of this week I have been at the New Zealand Principals' Conference being held at Christchurch in their new convention centre. There was a wide selection of keynote speakers and break-out sessions to add to our knowledge and understanding of the educational landscape. Four Lower Mataura Valley Community of Learning (COL) Kahui Ako Principals attended, enabling and affirming strong connections in our area.
- Community of Learning and Rural Education Activities Programme (REAP) Art Extension: It is wonderful to be part of the Community of Learning. Recently our COL organised for 20 of our Year Five and Six children from across our schools to receive an art extension day. We were able to send down five of our children to encourage and extend their artistic ability. It was educational and fun! The next COL+REAP extension partnership is in Term Four focusing on Robotics and we will be selecting several other students to attend that as well. Further plans for 2023 are already in play to enable our learners to grow and excel in their areas of talent.
- Whanau Picnic BBQ Helpers: We are having a whanau picnic on the last day of Term Three and are looking for around five parents to help with the barbecue. Please contact the office if you have been police vetted and can help.
Acknowledging - Team Edendale
- Student Council: What a great day we had last Friday celebrating our whakapapa. It was wonderful seeing children coming to school in traditional dress. Thank you to the Student Council, mentored by Mrs Coyle, for adding value to our school. The amount raised will get us along nicely towards our chicken coop. Exciting.
COL and REAP art extension.
COL and REAP art extension.
COL and REAP art extension.
Our Events Coming Up
Term Three 2022
Week 9 (of 10)
- Monday 19th September - New School Board Induction, 6.00pm, staffroom.
- Tuesday 20th September - School Board AGM and General Meeting 7pm, staffroom
- Thursday 22nd September - Senior Production 1pm, 7pm
Week 10 (of 10)
- Tuesday 27th - 29th September - Life Education
- Friday 30th September - School Picnic
Our Kura News and Information
Edendale Lunch Orders - Thursday Update
Please note there will be no lunch orders next Thursday 22nd September due to a change in the school schedule for the Senior Production.
School Lunches - Energy to Learn
Our children have some amazing lunches with all sorts of nutritious energy-filled items.
When packing a lunch, for our younger children, we would encourage parents to let the children know what items are for what part of the day. For example, fruit and baking items are for fruit break and morning tea, sandwiches or rolls are for lunch.
One other encouragement that we would make is that from Year Three upwards children start putting together, with your guidance and support, their own lunches. This ensures that they know what is there and, because they made it for themselves, they like what is there.
Edendale School - Senior Production
The Edendale School Senior Production is next week!
This special event for our Year Five and Six students occurs every two years and rehearsals have been underway this term.
This year the students are performing ‘Hoodwinked’ - a musical version of the tale of Robin Hood and his foe, the Sheriff of Nottingham.
The shows are being held at the Christian Activity Centre on George Street, this Thursday 22nd September.
There is a 1pm matinee and a 7pm evening show. The rest of the school will attend the 1pm show.
Entry to the shows is $5pp (for Year 7 students upwards) and the show runs for about an hour. Profits will be used for our TearFund sponsor child, Grace.
The cast have been busy learning their lines, actions and songs - it is all coming together really well and everyone is looking forward to putting on a great show for whanau and friends.
Our Team for this Week - Team Pukeko
Tena koutou katoa! Team Pukeko have had a fantastic, busy term, with a lot of learning and fun taking place.
In the first part of the term, we enjoyed ‘exploring’ Antarctica for our DRIVE inquiry about creatures of the Earth…we learnt about the blue whale and then focussed on penguins. This led us to finding out more about our native Hoiho (Yellow-Eyed Penguin) and what we can do to help protect this special bird.
We enjoyed preparing for the Polyfest performance and it was really exciting to be on the big stage supporting our awesome Kapa Haka group with the songs we had all been learning.
Ice-skating was a lot of fun - we all showed our have-a-go attitudes; those of us who found it difficult at first were able to persevere and show resilience to keep trying until we could stay on our feet and move around the ice with our friends.
Last week’s Bush School visit to Kamahi Reserve was a great outing. We had a goal to find out more about some of the ferns that grow there, and we are grateful to Rodney Trainor from the Hokonui Runanga for his help in identifying them. It was great to see our national emblem, the silver fern, on some ponga (tree ferns) in the reserve.
We have been thrilled to have Mrs Belinda Knapp with us for the last five weeks of term as she completes her final teaching practicum for her University of Otago Bachelor in Education.
She has been working with us on our second DRIVE inquiry, looking at Hau Ora (well-being) and exploring aspects of how we can look after our physical and mental health, along with building positive relationships with others.
We have been talking about healthy diets, brushing our teeth, exercise, drinking water, using kind words to others, showing cooperation and fair play, and using a have-a-go attitude with tasks or activities that are difficult. Our visit with Harold the Giraffe and Teresa from the Life Education van in the last week of school will be a wonderful way to end our inquiry.
Mrs Knapp has also been helping us with our reading, writing and maths - many of us are excited to have moved up reading levels this term, and a lot of us are about to move onto new PR1ME Math books, which is exciting progress.
We are also lucky to have Mrs Liz Scott working with us as our Teacher Aide - she helps so many of us with our daily practices for reading, writing and maths, as well as oral language, and we are very grateful for her help. Liz is always excited to see the progress we make, and we always feel so good when we know we are improving.
Our writing skills are really improving with the language choices we make, how we structure our sentences, and our punctuation for capitals and full-stops. This week we have been writing about our favourite places and how they make us feel to be there.
Mrs Knapp also been helping us learn to sing Kei Raro i te Moana for our te reo Maori lessons and we will share it today at Celebration Time. We love the actions that go with the song.
Mrs Knapp has been with us through the year for her practicums and she has grown from strength to strength with her teaching skills - she has a super relationship with the children and runs the classroom programme so smoothly. The children have had a lot of fun working with Mrs Knapp and we know she will be an absolute asset to the lucky school that employs her next year!
Ka kite,
Jenny Coyle (Teacher) and Team Pukeko
Character Values Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L): Term Three Excellence Tohungatanga
Excellence means we aim for a high standard and continuous improvement and is shown through reliability, consistency, flexibility, reflection, change, innovation, accuracy, completion, dedication, practice, effort and attitude.
Work hard, have a go and do our best.
Leave everything how we would want to find it.
Wear our uniform with pride.
This week's Principal's Values Award goes to: Koby Hunter
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Tui
MVP for Excellence - Tohungatanga in Team Tui this week is Libby Blackmore!
Libby is a super-duper role model for Excellence and all of our other school values because we can always trust Libby to be doing the right thing even when no one is looking.
Libby puts her best foot forward and gives everything a go to the best of her ability. Libby never complains and just gets on with the job or task at hand.
Libby is a fine example of how to persevere to help improve her skills in all areas of her learning, especially with her maths and reading.
Libby produces work that is neat, tidy and well-thought out, showing that she is proud of what she completes and achieves. She also takes on any advice given with a positive mindset.
You can often see Libby stepping up and helping out younger members of the class when she can or tidying up the classroom or her group table, making her a real team player. Libby encourages her peers and is happy for her peers' achievements as well as her own.
Libby, keep your goals and dreams high as I know you can achieve anything you put your mind to superstar!
Tino pai!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kea
Rouh Raluto is a lovely young man who is Team Kea’s MVP for Excellence - Tohungatanga.
Rouh arrives to school with a tidy uniform and a happy smile. He knows our routines and quietly gets himself organised for the day.
Rouh is very polite and uses fantastic manners with the people around him. He is a valued member of Team Kea as he is often smiling and easy-going, making him a good friend to be around.
Rouh consistently works hard with his learning and has been making excellent progress in all learning areas. He is keen to learn new things and tries his best. It is awesome to see you have the confidence to start conversations with your friends and teachers, Rouh.
Thank you for having patience and perseverance when learning new things. I love how you have a positive attitude towards school. It has been a privilege watching you start your learning journey and I cannot wait to see your future achievements.
You are a superstar, keep shining!
Writer of the Week - Lukas Bourke (Team Pukeko)
On Friday we went to Gore to ice-skate.
“Wheeeeee!” I said.
On the ice you might fall over, so be careful!
Our Kaitiaki School Board
Board Meeting - Timeframe
- New Board Induction: Monday 19th of September starting at 6.00 pm. Tea is provided.
- New Board AGM and General Meeting: Tuesday 20th of September at 7.00 pm. The meeting pack goes out a week prior.
Our Home and School
Next Meeting - Term Four 2022
The Term Four 2022 meeting of the Home and School is scheduled for Monday 31st of October at 7.30 pm in the school staffroom.
Our Community - News
Wyndale T-ball - AGM
The Wyndale T-ball AGM will be held on Tuesday 20th September, 7pm at the Pioneer Tavern. If your child is interested in playing Term 4 come along and give us some new ideas for the up and coming season. PM apologies to Wyndale T-ball. Jasna Hunter 0212399598
Boys Outreach and Girls Rally - Tonight (Friday)
- Boys Outreach is this Friday from 7.00 pm to 9.40 pm.
- 9 years old and up welcome.
- Activity Centre, George Street.
- Ten Pin Bowling
- Cost $10
- Girls Rally is on this Friday from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm
- Minute to Win it Challenges
- Contacts: Johno Ferguson 206 6878 or Liz Pask 027 657 4615.
Youth Group - Saturday
- Ski Trip
Springer Spaniel Puppies - For Sale
Black and white Springer Spaniel puppies for sale. $1500 each 2 girls 4 boys. Text or phone Kimberlee Ross 027 948 9648 for viewings or more details.
Edendale Community Pool Society - Summer Season
Kia ora! Our summer season preparations are underway!
At the recent AGM, Jeannine Cunningham was re-elected as our Chairperson, and Jenny Coyle will also continue her role as Secretary/Treasurer.
In her annual report, Jeannine thanked our wonderful team of committee members and volunteers who ensure the school pool is available to our community outside of school hours. This team is continuing for the 2022-23 season.
In preparation for the season, there will be some repairs to brackets of the seats on the south wall, the paddling pool is being stripped and repainted, and there will be painting occurring for the concrete repairs to the lip of the main pool.
We are also organising to get some flags/bunting above each end of the pool, and the new pool covers are ready to be installed.
We have the old pool cover available for free to anyone who would like to pick it up; it may be useful insulation for a shed, maimai, or could be used as weedmat…let us know ASAP if you want to take it.
We have a tentative opening date of Labour Weekend. There will be two working bees before then: Sunday 2nd October and Saturday 8th October. We will confirm times very soon and will appreciate any help you can give.
We are pleased to be able to host private swimming lessons during Term Four: JC Swimmers will again be sharing the pool for one-to-one lessons on three afternoons a week (Tues, Thurs, Fri), and Johnson Waters Swim School will have sole-use on Wed afternoons for their group lessons. Check their Facebook pages for enrolment information.
We still have some lesson rebate funds available (from our SDC Community Partnership Fund grant) for those who are eligible according to the criteria. The swimming lesson providers have details of that.
Current ECPS members (ie tag-holders from last season) will soon receive renewal information in their email in-boxes - keep an eye out for it!
Information about how to sign up for new memberships will be advertised shortly via this newsletter, or on our Edendale Pool Facebook page.
Subscriptions have stayed the same: renewals are $85 (for those who have the tag from last year) and new memberships will be $100.
Nga mihi, Jenny Coyle
ECPS Sec/Treas
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool