KISU Newsletter
Number 506 ................................9th January 2022
Director's Message
Below I have included a copy of a PowerPoint that will be shown to all secondary students so that secondary parents have an idea of what the first day will look like; just click on the title. For Primary children the first day will be largely spent with their class teacher.
We will be using the same set of SOPs as we did last year with a couple of minor changes. Early years' children should enter school through the gate nearest the main gate. Parents can accompany them to the entrance of EY where their temperatures will be recorded. All other student enter via reception. We will allow students into school from 7.30am.
Whilst we will be continuing with online learning some changes have had to be made:
- Home visits and outside social events will stop.
- Some lessons will not be able to be online eg. Swimming, Lego, PE and practical lessons.
We would strongly encourage all students who are able to return to school and take full advantage of what we have to offer.
I have two requests:
- If your child is unwell please keep them at home.
- If your child is back at school then please send them every day and not dip in and out of physical learning. This makes planning very difficult for teachers.
News from KG3
This week in KG3 under our topic TOUCH and a sub heading of ‘Gloop & Slime’ the children were introduced to measure and estimation!
They were given various projects to work on and one of the activities asked the children to guess (estimate) how many scoops of ice cream they thought they could put on top of a cone before it fell off? This activity hopefully provoked their imagination and provided an excellent opportunity for problem solving.
Follow the link below if you would like to get some more ideas to do this at home!
Key Stage 2 Assembly
Secondary merit awards
Year 7 Charles
Year 8 Serena and Liam
Year 9 Jamal
Year 10 Mohammad, Sheeba, Ariannia and Tinotenda and Nkunzi
Year 11 Elizabeth
DP1 Yasmine
DP2 Lucy
The most merits for this week were given to Jamal!