The Eagle Express
Antrim Elementary School January 6, 2023
Welcome Back!
Important Dates Coming Up:
January 10 - PTO meeting 3:45
January 13 - Community Meeting 8:50
January 16 - No School
First Grade News
A Note from Miss Gilbert
When fourth grade heard that the preschoolers enjoyed receiving letters for their post office box, we immediately jumped on the opportunity of writing them letters! It was a very special treat to hand deliver the letters and read them to our new friends. Our preschool friends even invited us to dance with them to a holiday song and we gladly danced along with them. Thank you to the preschool for inviting us in!"
"The 4th graders have been letter-writing machines! Recently the 4th-grade class received two letters in the mail, one was from Arizona and one was from North Dakota. Both letters were from other 4th-grade classes inviting us to join the Great Mail Race! The Great Mail Race is a literacy and social studies integration project where we send letters to two different fourth-grade classes in each of the 50 states and hope to receive a letter back from each state. Our letters contain information about New Hampshire as well as questionnaires for the class to fill out and send back to us so that we can learn a little more about their state and the local area! We are very excited to be sending out the letters and we hope to get one back from each state by the end of the school year!
You are Invited!
AES is hosting a family math night/spaghetti dinner on March 9, 2023, and we need your help. If you are interested in helping out for this special event, please come to the next PTO meeting Tuesday January 10, 2023 at 3:45 in the Multipurpose Room, or contact Sarah Edwards (sedwards@conval.edu) with your interest in helping.
Hope to see you next Tuesday!
Stephanie Syre-Hager, Principal
Email: ssyre-hager@conval.edu
Website: aes.convald.net
Location: 10 School Street, Antrim, NH, USA
Phone: 603-588-6371
Twitter: @aes_ssh