Paradise Intermediate
Weekly Update - October 2nd
Important Dates
- Monday, Oct. 2nd - Day of Truth and Reconciliation - No School for Students
- Tuesday, Oct. 3rd - Classes resume, it will be Day 6 on our schedule.
- Monday, Oct. 2nd - Friday, Oct. 6th - Kids Eat Smart Week
- Wednesday, Oct. 4th - Kids Eat Smart Walk to Breakfast
- Monday, Oct. 9th - Thanksgiving Holiday - No School for Student
- Wednesday, Oct. 18th - District Close Out PL - No school for students
- Monday, Nov. 20th - Professional Learning Day - No School for Students
- Thursday, Nov. 30th - Term 1 Report Cards Released
- Thursday, Nov. 30th - OPTIS opens to book Term 1 Interviews
- Thursday, Dec. 7th - Term 1 Interviews
School Cycle Days - Calendar
A link to our school cycle of days calendar has been linked below and also posted to our school website. Tuesday, October 3rd will be Day 6 on our schedule.
Website Updates
Upcoming Professional Learning
Our upcoming professional learning days have been listed above and have been posted to our school calendar. During our professional learning sessions, teachers and staff will be involved in continued learning surrounding the implementation of new curriculum and ongoing development and implementation of our School Development Plan.
There are two professional learning days currently scheduled prior to our winter break. Three more days will take place prior to the end of the school year. Dates for these days will be released to families as soon as they have been approved.
Kids Eat Smart Week
TD Walk for Breakfast will be taking place on Wednesday, October 4, 2023. If families would like to make a donation to our breakfast program, they can do so at anytime through the link below. Please be sure to select Paradise Intermediate when designating your donation. Thank you in advance to our school community for your support of this valuable program.
Thank you to our families for making use of and becoming familiar with our RYCOR system. Our goal is to have the majority of our families signed in and using RYCOR by the end of October. Currently, approximately 75% of our school population are using our online system. We encourage families to sign into RCYOR using the information sent home with students on our first day of school. If families are experiencing any issues with sign in, please visit the link below. Families are advised that we do have some upcoming field trips planned for both our grade 7 and grade 8 students that will require form completion and payment through the RYCOR system.
School Clothing
We are currently working on developing our online clothing store with the inclusion of some new school items for our current school year. We anticipate that our online store will open this week. Once open, the link will be forwarded to families via email as well as posted to our school website.
Outreach October
Throughout the month of October, our Student Leadership Committee will be dedicated to highlighting some community outreach initiatives.
Beginning tomorrow, October 3rd until Wednesday, October 17th, students will be collecting non-perishable food items for the CBS-Paradise food bank and gently used winter clothing for VOCM's Coats for Kids Campaign. Donations can be placed on collection tables located in our main foyer.
Thank you to our school community for their support of these initiatives and our Student Leadership Team.
Our school Recycling Team has started for another year at our school. All proceeds from our recycling funds go directly back into the school to provide to our students and support various activities throughout the year. When dropping off your recycling at any Depot, please consider supporting our recycling team and our school by entering our school account number, 7821867. Thank you to our community for your continued support.