Ferson Creek eNews
January 14, 2022
From the Principal...Kristy McKnight
Mornings are so hard, especially in the winter! In case you haven't noticed, our drop off line in the morning has been very busy around 7:55 and a lot of cars are coming after 8:00 am. With school starting at 8:00, it is incredibly helpful if the kids can be here a little before so they have time to get to their classrooms for the start of the day. Thank you for your help with this.
As a reminder, there is no school on Monday due to Martin Luther King Jr Day and no school on Tuesday due to a School Improvement Day. Enjoy your 4 day weekend!
Kristy McKnight
Empower Update
Lotería del Programa Preescolar del Distrito D303
Las inscripciones para la lotería del programa preescolar del distrito se abrirán el 12 de Enero al 26 de Enero. Los nombres serán aleatoriamente seleccionados el 27 de enero, y los padres de familia serán notificados por e-mail si sus hijos están dentro del programa. Los alumnos que no sean seleccionados serán ingresados a la lista de espera, y serán notificados cuando se abra un espacio. ¡Presione aquí para inscribirse!Recess
Extra Masks Needed
Shield Testing & Vaccination
The School Board has approved an E-Learning plan that gives the district the option to offer remote learning in place of emergency days. Currently, our last day of school is Tuesday, May 24, which is the week before Memorial Day. As we move into the winter months, we want to update you on the plan for how the district will manage emergency days and e-learning days.
If we experience inclement weather, the first three days will be “snow days” that will be made up at the end of the school year on May 25, 26, and 27 as needed.
Subsequent emergency days will be remote days so the last attendance day will still be before Memorial Day.
If there is a long stretch of inclement weather (blizzard, polar vortex, etc.), we may split the days into “snow days” and e-learning days so as to not have too many non-attendance days in a row.
Important Dates
- Monday, January 17th - Martin Luther King Jr Day, No School
- Tuesday, January 18th - School Improvement Day, No School for Students
- Wednesday, January 26th - Early Release, elementary dismissed at 2:10 pm
Ferson Creek Elementary
Website: https://fersoncreek.d303.org/
Location: 38W160 Bolcum Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ferson-Creek-Elementary-1492773537612187/