BBP Heritage Association
~ January 2021 Newsletter ~
Happy New Year!
Christmas Raffle at Meadow Croft
In Bayport during WW 2
July 2016
Imagine the scene in this old photograph. The photo was taken in February 1943 at what today is the Grey Horse Tavern (now JT's Farmhouse). In the old days, it was Gene Amann's "Bayport House."
This photo is from the archives of the BBPHA. It was donated by Gene's cousin, Shirley McLaughlin in 1992. In her 1992 note attached to the photo, Shirley McLaughlin wrote: "This picture was donated by my cousin, Doris Hanson, of Vero Beach Florida (formerly of Bayport). It was taken on the occasion of an anniversary party for her parents, Retta and Arnold J. Hanson, Sr., which was held at Gene Amann's Bayport House. The horse-drawn vehicle was used to transport out-of-town guests from the Bayport LIRR station (there was gas rationing at that time, so pleasure-driving from the city was frowned upon)."
The sign on the side of the horse drawn carriage reads:
The Suffolk County News dated February 19, 1943, contained this article: "A group of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hanson of Oakwood Avenue, Bayport, gave them a surprise dinner party at Gene Amann's Bayport House on Sunday in celebration of their 20th wedding anniversary. The guests who arrived by train were met at the station by a horse and carriage and taken to the hotel."
Plaster work at Meadow Croft
Nominations for the BBPHA
The nominating committee is developing a slate of members for the 2021 board. There are several seats open; including directors. Any current paid BBPHA member may serve on the board. It requires only one meeting per month. If you would be willing to serve for the 2021 year, please contact John Amato at johnfamato@optonline.net.
We are also looking for members to serve on various committees throughout the year. You can work from home! If you have a particular skill or interest (house tour, special events, light clerical and organization) please contact us at BBPhistorical@gmail.com.
Email: bbphistorical@gmail.com
Website: www.BayportBluePointHeritage.org
Location: Meadow Croft Estate, Middle Road, Sayville, NY, USA
Phone: 631-472-4625
Facebook: facebook.com/BayportBluePointHeritageAssociation
Twitter: @BayportHistory