Doe Run Parent Newsletter
November 2023
Principal Message
Hoping this message finds you and your family well.
Fall is here in all of its majesty. Beautiful colors, delicious apples, and baseball. Wait... baseball? As a Phillies fan, it has been two wonderful years of celebrating fall baseball. My appreciation of watching the Phillies came to a crashing halt this year with two terrible losses to the Diamondbacks. As I reflected on these losses, I started to think about the importance of perseverance. Here at Doe Run our month was filled with perseverance. We did some great lessons in our classrooms on perseverance, we ran at the FunD Run while we raised money for the PTO, and we continue to work our best each day. This perseverance may not bring a World Series Championship but it will pay off in making our school and community a better place.
Have a great month,
Mr. Paynter
Perseverance Character Champions
Important November Dates
11/6 - PTO Meeting 6:30pm in A101
11/9 - Picture Retake Day
11/15 - Baron Breakfast (limited parking available - no parking at BIC)
11/20 - Conferences 5-8pm
11/21 - Early Dismissal 11:15 (3 hours early)
11/21 - Conferences 12-3 and 5-8
11/22-24 - Vacation -No school
11/29 - 4th Grade Baron Stage Musical Auditions
Baron Breakfast
Our sign-up will be a bit different this time - 50 slots for cars. Please indicate the driver AND the number of passengers so we can get an accurate count for breakfast. If you sign up and cannot attend, please let the office know, or cancel your sign up, so someone else can use that spot.
The link to sign up will be sent on Wednesday, 11/1 in the afternoon.
PTO Updates
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered for our Fall Fund Run on October 19. It was a beautiful day and our students had a great time running the fields and enjoying an ice pop. We raised a grand total of $25,619! THANK YOU for donating so that we can continue to carry on the PTO mission of enriching the educational experiences for the Doe Run students, staff, and families! Because we hit our goal of at least $25,000, all learners participated in Twin Day on October 27!
Looking ahead, we will provide snacks and a lunch for teachers during Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday and Tuesday November 20-21. If you would like to help with setup and/or cleanup on either day, please email and let us know.
Friday, December 8 is our Holiday Craft Workshop. Students selected a craft from a variety of options and they will be creating these during school. Be on the lookout for more information if you would like to help.
Our next PTO meeting will be held on Monday, November 6, at 6:30 p.m. in room A101 or via Zoom (link provided below). Child care is provided and all in attendance will receive a raffle ticket to win $50 for the Spring Scholastic book fair.
Doe Run PTO
Remember to order your yearbook! If you order before 11/10/2023, yearbooks will cost $20. Starting on 11/11/23 the price will increase to $25.
You can order a yearbook at this link by typing in “Doe Run Elementary School”. Please let us know if you have any questions!
Remember - all 4th grade learners will receive a FREE yearbook from the PTO.
Thank you,
Ms. Pells & Ms. Carter, Doe Run Yearbook Co-Advisors
Parent Conferences
In order to schedule a conference time with your child’s teacher, please utilize the online scheduling program - Meet the Teacher.
Monday, 11/20:
5:00-7:00 pm - IN-PERSON and 7:00-8:00 pm Virtual/Zoom
Tuesday, 11/21:
12:00-2:00 pm IN-PERSON and 2:00-3:00 pm Virtual/Zoom
5:00-7:00 pm - IN-PERSON and 7:00-8:00 pm Virtual/Zoom
The link will be open starting Monday, November 6th - we will be sending out a Blackboard message on 11/6 with instructions and the link to sign up. Feel free to schedule additional meetings with various other teachers that are involved in your child’s education for music, physical education, health, art, or library. Special Education teachers, Speech and our Reading Specialists will also be available.
If you do not have internet access, please contact the office at 717-665-8811 with your preferred time.
We have transitioned to Trimesters for the 23-24 school year. The end of the 1st trimester is December 4th. Reports will be available the 2nd week in December
Late Drop-Off
Our doors open at 7:15 and close at 7:44. Classes start at 7:45 so if you are dropping off after that time, or do not see an adult at the drop-off spot, they will need to be walked in.
October Learner of the Month
Picture Retake Day
If you would like your child to have their picture retaken - please return the entire packet. If your child was absent on Picture Day, they will have their picture taken. If you had already selected a package and paid, nothing else is needed. If not - please call the office and we can send a picture day flyer home.
After School Dismissal Notes
The office receives many bus notes each day. In order for us to inform the correct buses of the changes, please include the following:
All notes should include:
~ student's first AND last name~ legible parent name and teacher
~ Bus number if you know it
This helps us get the correct student on the correct bus.
If a child is going home with another student, BOTH parents must send a note giving permission.
Baron Stage - Spring Musical
Library Book Link
Once we have received your request you will receive instructions via the email address you entered.
From the Nurses
- Colds are the most contagious during the first 48 hours.
- A child who has a fever should remain at home until "fever free" for a minimum of 24 hours without fever-reducing medications.
- A child who has started antibiotics needs to be on the medication for at least 24 hours before being considered non-contagious and no green, yellow, tan/brown or thick nasal drainage should be present for your child to be able to return to school. Your child should be physically able to participate at their baseline in all school activities upon return to school.
- Keeping a sick child at home will minimize the spread of infections and viruses in the classroom.
November School Closings
11/22-11/24 - No school for students.
November Lunch Menu
Also - you can find the menu on the MC Website under Departments, Food Services. This page also gives you links to a Superkids Nutrition Newsletter and Tips, and also a Harvest of the Month information sheet.
Teacher to Parent Communication
Flexible Instructional Day
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) approved the use of Flexible Instruction Days (FID) as an alternate form of instruction in place of a day otherwise canceled due to inclement weather. PDE will count this as a full day of school and MCSD would not need to use a snow make up day. The District has been approved to use up to a maximum of five (5) FID for the 2023-2024 school year.
On a FID Day, learners will complete work from home. The FID is an asynchronous (not live) school day that is run on a 2-hour delay schedule. Assignments will be handed out in advance and attendance is determined by work submission. All work must be completed and submitted electronically by the end of the FID for a student to be “present”. In the event work is completed with pencil/paper, it can be turned in at the start of the next school day for attendance. Regular attendance procedures apply for excused/unexcused absence.
We will use our Blackboard email system to notify parents 24-48 hours beforehand that there is potential for an FID day. We would then use our phone system, local news, and social media to announce on the day of the FID.
Traditional Snow Day Closures may still be used.
We will be testing our Emergency Communications systems on Friday, November 3 at 5PM. The purpose of this test is to check and see that our contact information and protocols for communication are up and running in case of emergency. The following will be our process for families:
a. Parents/Guardians/Staff/Admin will receive a blackboard voice and email communication on Friday.
b. Hello this is the Manheim Central School District and this is NOT an emergency. This is a TEST of our Emergency Communication system. This communication has been sent to all “emergency contacts” that parents and guardians listed in our system. Please check with your emergency contacts to ensure they received this message. Additionally, as a reminder, note that this weekend we need to change the clocks back one hour as Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 5, 2023, at 2:00 A.M.
Lost and Found
Periodically we post pictures of the Lost and Found on our Doe Run Facebook page. If you see something that could be yours, please email the teacher.
Doe Run Elementary School
Location: 281 Doe Run Road, Manheim, PA, USA
Phone: (717)665-8800
Twitter: @DoeRunSchool