Peirce Update
May 8, 2022
Happy Mother's Day!
Enrolling Now for Next School Year!
Enrollment Forms
The form below is to only be filled out if your child will be entering Peirce School for the first time. Kndg.-7th grade parents that already have their child(ren) attending Peirce do not need to re-register. Someone from the main office will be contacting you via email with enrollment forms.
If your child will be transferring schools...
Summer Programming At Peirce
As we begin to design this program, please complete the survey below to indicate your interest in having your child participate along with the types of classes/activities that your child would like to participate in.
More information will be shared with families once we know if we received the additional funds to support a summer program.
Summer Interest Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgWCinhdXRghYfe8nOd4e93j5nqQh1-RBtEsP-iTaZI9m2Ow/viewform
Register here: https://depaul.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Ccwc25G9sMcPky
DePaul University College of Education’s inSTEM program was designed to serve female students who are in underserved or underrepresented STEM populations. The virtual program is an engaging and rigorous two-week STEM summer program for rising 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade middle-school female students. inSTEM aims to broaden access to STEM learning for girls, particularly from underrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds and those in low-social economic Chicago-land areas.
The program focuses on exposing middle school girls to hands-on experiences in science, technology, engineering, and math while developing their leadership and communications skills. The academic experience will directly address the following three priorities: Engage students in innovative STEM activities; provide challenges in the form of Project-based tasks; and foster creative thinking by building STEM mindsets.
Due to the high interest in inSTEM virtual program enrollment, participants must commit to the full two-week virtual summer program.
Grades: Rising 6th – 8th graders (Female students only)
Dates: July 18th - 29th
Days of the week: Monday - Friday
Time: 10:00 am - 1:15 pm (with a 15-minute break between sessions)
Session 1: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CDT (Monday - Thursday)
Grade Level Programs:
6th grade - Solar Car Building
7th grade - Robotics
8th grade - Coding
Session 2: 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM CDT (Monday - Thursday)
All Grade Level Program:
STEM Fridays: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM SGH: Exploration in Engineering
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Fun Science with Dr. Shelby
Location: Google Classroom and Zoom Virtual platform
***(a laptop, iPad, tablet, or PC and internet access are needed to participate in the program)
We will use Zoom for the following anticipated program activities:
● Group chats and multiplayer games
● Video conferencing for group programming
● Media sharing (for example, uploading images of artwork or other projects
Materials: While enrollment for the inSTEM Summer Program continues to be offered at no cost, this year, due to our virtual platform, there is a small materials cost for the 6th-grade program. In addition, Fun Science will require some materials that can be obtained at a relatively low cost. All materials and supplies can be located at a local grocery or dollar store. The materials list can be found here: inSTEM_Materials_2022.pdf
**For rising 6th-grade parents/families, the solar car kit can be ordered through Home Science Tools Website.
Important Notice: Completing this registration form does NOT guarantee enrollment of your daughter(s) into the summer virtual program. All parents/guardians will need to complete potential participant(s) inSTEM's 2022 Minor Waiver and the Photo/Media Consent forms. All documents have to be completed, signed and emailed back to us in order to finalize the participant's registration process for enrollment.
Note: Priority will be given to our returning participants and to new participants from underrepresented populations who attend Chicago Public School or private schools in the Chicagoland areas.
Potential Participant Information: Please review camp requirements prior to registering a participant. Carefully read and provide the following information for the participant you are registering.
** If you have many students to register, you must complete an individual form for each participant.
Garden Volunteers Needed
Ms. Baumgarten & Ms. Fabianski are coordinating planting days for the school garden on May 13th and 20th. If you are interested in volunteering to support the planting days, sign up at the links below. Volunteers will need to have at least level 2 status to participate.
Questions? Email Ms. Baumgarten at glbaumgarten@cps.edu or Ms. Fabianski at bmfabianski@cps.edu.
City Resources Available
The Chicago Resilient Communities Pilot will be open between Monday, April 25 at 9:00 a.m. and Friday, May 13 at 11:59 p.m.
As part of Mayor Lightfoot’s commitment to ensuring an equitable recovery, the pilot will provide $500 monthly cash payments to 5,000 residents hit hard by the pandemic over the course of 12 months. We encourage you to reach out to your community and let them know that the time to prepare for this application is now. Learn more at chicago.gov/cashpilot
Chicago residents who meet all of the following requirements are eligible to enter the lottery:
· You reside in the city of Chicago AND
· You are 18 years of age or older AND
· You have experienced economic hardship related to COVID-19 AND
· Your household income level falls at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Level (click here to find out where your household income level falls)
The state application deadline for gas electric debt relief from LIHEAP is closing on May 31st. For financial assistance on a gas or electric bill, residents may contact CEDA to see if they qualify for LIHEAP assistance (all Chicago residents, including undocumented residents, may be eligible). Assistance is available this year through May 31, 2022. Visit CEDA's website for intake site contact information. For other questions regarding payment options or to be reconnected if your service is disconnected, call ComEd or Peoples Gas:
- CEDA: 800-571-2332 or https://www.cedaorg.net/find-services/gas-and-electric
- COMED: 800-334-7661
- PEOPLE’S GAS: 866-556-6001
Pre-School Application Is Open
Friends of Peirce Upcoming Events
Peirce Trivia Night
Trivia Night
Fri. May 13 • 7-10pm
Empirical • 1801 W. Foster
Leave the kids at home, and come out for a fun night of trivia. Compete for prizes and bragging rights to trivial knowledge. Festivities will be hosted by Peirce parent Sandy Weisz, who runs The Mystery League!
Registration Cost (come as a team to save!):
$35 individuals | $120 team of 4 | $180 team of 6
Included are 3 hours of trivia and games, 1 drink ticket per person (more can be purchased) & light appetizers. Space is limited! Empirical can accommodate about 120 people for this event. Register your teams early to ensure you can be part of the fun! You do not need to be a member of the Peirce community to play or be on a team. This event is not appropriate for kids.
Don’t Wait! go to: bit.ly/3rFlQN3
Sponsored by Friends of Peirce (FOP). For more info visit our website at www.friendsofpeirce.org.
Proceeds from the event will support important initiatives, activities, and programs at Peirce School.
If you have any questions or need to adjust your registration, you can reach out to tanya@friendsofpeirce.org.
Peirce Day @ Replay
Tuesday, May 17 • 12pm-12am • 5358 North Clark
Enjoy food, beverages, and FREE video arcade games.
Family time from noon- 6:30pm. An adults-only night out 6:30pm - midnight.
Replay is donating 100% of the day’s profit back to Friends of Peirce.
Let’s give them a big turnout!
Summer Camp Opportunity
Crossing Guard Needed
PEIRCE has the following vacant post(s):
- Post Location(s): BRYN MAWR/ BROADWAY
- AM Shift: 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM
- PM Shift: 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM
If you know of any parents or community members interested in supporting our school community as a Crossing Guard, please have them email us at crossingguard@cps.edu with their name and contact information.
Peirce Staff Shout Outs
Shout Outs to Peirce staff are included in our weekly staff bulletin.
COVID Updates
Vaccine Rates Added to CPS COVID Dashboard
In order to provide more data to our families and school communities about the pandemic, CPS is now publishing student vaccination rates on our COVID-19 data dashboard. Vaccine numbers will be available at the District level, and families can also search for vaccine rates by their individual school.
As a result of the update to the district COVID dashboard, the internal document will no longer be updated.
Upcoming Events
10th Friends of Peirce Meeting, 6:30pm
13th Progress Reports Distributed
13th Trivia Night sponsored by FOP
17th Bilingual Advisory Council Meeting, Time TBA
19th Local School Council Meeting, 6:00pm
20th Spring Dance sponsored by PSO - Tentative
30th No School - Memorial Day
1st Move A Thon
3rd PSO Meeting at 8:15am
3rd New Family Orientation at 9am
7th Friends of Peirce at 6:30pm
8th Move-A-Thon Rain Date
13th 8th Graduation
14th Last Day of School
19th Juneteenth
July 6th-29th Summer Programming
August 18th - Tentative Back to School Festival & New Family Orientation from 3:00 - 5:00pm
August 22nd - First Day of School
Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies
Email: lzaimi@cps.edu
Website: peirce.cps.edu
Location: 1423 W Bryn Mawr Chicago, IL
Phone: 773-534-2440
Facebook: facebook.com/peircecps