Central Linn District News
Summer Break 2023
Meet Our New Staff Members
Jr/Sr High Principal, Mr. Rech
Please contact me to schedule a time.
Email: dean.rech@centrallinn.k12.or.us
Phone: 541-369-2811
Jr/Sr High Vice Principal and Athletic Director, Mr. Wise
I am excited to work at Central Linn and am looking forward to getting to know you all personally as we will be working together in quite a few areas.
Please let me know if you wish to meet.
Email: kevin.wise@centrallinn.k12.or.us
Phone: 541-369-2811
Special Education Teacher, Mrs. Cornman
English Teacher, Mrs. Garland
Elementary Librarian, Mrs. Pugh
Facilities Technician, Mr. Farris
Back-to-School Supplies
Don't Miss Fall Sports Registration Night
Dear Central Linn Community,
As the new athletic director at Central Linn Junior and Senior High School, I am very excited for the beginning of the school year and fall athletic season. August 14th is the official start of practices, but our student-athletes and coaches have been putting in time and effort this summer to make a difference in the upcoming year. The fall season brings about opportunities for everyone to start fresh and excel in school and in the athletic arena.
There will be a Fall Sports Registration Night at the CLHS Office on August 8th from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. Forms can be picked up from the office or coaches and must be completed and signed, as well as a current physical on file, before student-athletes are allowed to participate in practices.
There will be a beginning of the athletic season meeting for parents, where all of you will have an opportunity to meet with the coach of the sport that your student-athlete participates in. Prior to this, I will meet with all of the parents to outline some of our expectations and guidelines. The date and time has yet to be determined, so please reference the school/district calendar and social media sites for updated information.
I am looking forward to an exciting year and positive growth and success in the classroom and on the playing field. I wish you all a great fall and ask for your support of our Cobra athletes.
Thank you for your support,
Kevin Wise
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Central Linn Middle and High School
Central Linn School District
Serving the communities and surrounding areas of Brownsville, Halsey, Shedd, and Peoria, Oregon.
Email: superintendent@centrallinn.k12.or.us
Website: www.centrallinn.k12.or.us
Location: Halsey, OR, USA
Phone: (541) 369-2813
Facebook: facebook.com/smorepages