Titan Talk

October 3, 2022
10/2 to 10/14
- 10/3 to 10/7 - National Custodian Appreciation Week
- 10/3 to 10/19 - Band Fundraiser
- 10/3 - PTSA Meeting in the Media Center
- 10/3 - FBLA Club goes to Fall Rally Conference at Six Flags, departing at Elkins Pointe at 8:00 AM.
- 10/3 - Hampton Film Academy, after school until 5:30 pm in the Media Center.
- 10/3 - Girls Volleyball Tryouts, after school until 5:30 pm
- 10/4 - 10/5 - Yom Kippur
- 10/4 - Jr. Beta Meeting in Ms. Young's classroom @ 8:25 AM
- 10/4 to 10/7 - MAP Testing Window
- 10/4 - GRLS Club during 8th-grade lunch in the WINN Lab (Room A-150)
- 10/4 - Boys & Girls Volleyball Tryouts, after school until 5:30 PM
- 10/5 - Wellness Wednesdays - All teachers/staff wear jeans & Titan blue t-shirts to Connect to Wellness. 💙
- 10/5 - Hampton Film Academy, after school until 5:30 PM in the Media Center
- 10/5 - Tennis Tryouts for Boys & Girls, after school until 5:30 PM
- 10/5 - Soccer Game at 5:30 PM - Taylor Road vs. EPMS (home game)
- 10/6 - Student Council Meeting in Ms. Graves's classroom @ 8:25 AM
- 10/6 - Math in the Morning Parent Workshop & Principal Chat from 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
- 10/6 - GRLS Club during 8th-grade lunch in the WINN Lab (Room A-150)
- 10/6 - Boys Volleyball Tryouts, after school until 5:30 pm
- 10/6 - Fall Chorus Concert in the Gym @ 7:00 PM
- 10/7 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays! We are AVID School-wide!
- 10/7 - Interact Club in Ms. Chapman's classroom @ 8:25 AM
- 10/7 - Due to date to register for Spin with the Eagles.
- 10/8 - Roswell Youth Day Parade @ 9:30 am - Come walk with the Elkins Pointe float!
- 10/10 - Columbus Day Holiday (Schools Closed)
- 10/11 - Professional Development Day (Student Holiday)
- 10/12 - Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)
OCTOBER 6 @ 8:30 AM
Math in the Morning & Principal Chat
in the Media Center at 8:30 AM
* All Parents Invited!
OCTOBER 6 @ 7:00 PM
*Students report at 6:15 pm
OCTOBER 8 @ 9:30 AM
*Come march with the float at 9:30 am
and/or cheer for the float at the parade!
"Blessings in a Backpack" sponsored by EPMS Interact Club & Roswell Rotary
Donate non-perishable food items from the list between now and Friday, October 14th.
Bring food items to the labeled box in the Media Center.
NOVEMBER 1, 2022
All parents are invited to attend this online workshop at 6:30 PM on Microsoft TEAMS.
*Learn about Fulton County Schools' testing platforms, i.e., Georgia Milestones, iReady, etc.
Greetings Titans,
This week Elkins Pointe will have a Math Workshop for parents in the morning on Thursday, October 6th at 8:30 am in the Media Center. I invite all parents to join our Math teachers, Ms. Rebecca Abramson, and Ms. Lori Sneed, as they present. After the parent workshop, parents are invited to stay for a Principal Chat with me.
The MAP Growth Assessment will be administered starting on Tuesday, October 4th. The MAP test is designed to measure what students already know based on their grade level and individual growth. Because the MAP adjusts to each student's performance level, please encourage your child to do their best on the test.
The Youth Day Parade is coming this week on Saturday, October 8th, and the theme is "Love Your Parks!" All students, parents, and teachers/staff are invited to walk behind the Elkins Pointe Youth Day float! The float is a group effort by the PTSA, the school, and the community. Thank you to Mr. Loch and Mrs. Tina Sturrock for loaning us their trailer. PTSA Youth Day Chair, Ms. Whitney Mollura, has been coordinating with our Parent Liaison, Ms. Lisa O’Hanlon Cowles, and teachers to create what we hope will be another award-winning float!
Our float is unique because the middle school students are building it in Mr. Moffit's Construction classes. Ms. Roberts' Art classes are creating the textile design for the trailer skirting using hand-carved Linocut stamps. Students are also helping with the float decorations in the Media Center Makers Space with METI Ms. Patricia Hutchison. Thanks to Dr. Erika Edwards's “Connecting to Wellness” initiative, all students can color a "Love Your Parks" coloring page in the Atrium on Wednesday morning.
If your family is in town this weekend, come to the Youth Day Parade to walk with the Elkins Pointe float or cheer from the sidewalk. Please make sure to go to Mimosa Blvd. at 9:30 am to thank Mr. Thomas Mollura, EPMS dad, for driving our float down the parade route.
Thanks for all you do!
Damian Bounds
Principal of Elkins Pointe Middle School
"Every Day, Every Student, College & Career Bound: Go Titans!"
The Annual Frances McGahee Youth Day floats will depart on the Parade route at 10:00 AM sharp. This year's theme is "Love Your Parks."
Roswell Area Park will close to traffic at 9:30 AM and will not reopen until the parade ends.
Roads will close no later than 9:30 AM. Roads will open as the parade completely clears a road.
The parade line-up area is in front of Roswell First Baptist Church on Mimosa Boulevard.
For parade participants, parking and drop-off will be available at the parking lots behind First Baptist Church.
Please wear comfortable shoes, and bring water, a hat, sunscreen, and a bag for candy collecting!
All parents are invited to come to a "Math in the Morning" Parent Workshop on Thursday, October 6th at 8:30 am in the Media Center. After the workshop parents are invited to stay and chat with Principal Bounds.
If you missed the Technology Workshop, please take some time to view the recording on YouTube (above) and the Technology presentation (below).
Please provide feedback use the link: https://bit.ly/FCSEvaluation_Survey
- Please select your school type: "Middle School"
- Please select the Middle School where you attended the meeting: "Elkins Pointe Middle"
- Please indicate who you are: "I am parent at this school."
- Please select the meeting you attended: "Technology Night/Workshop"
- Continue until the end of the survey...Thank you!
Come to a Parent University Workshop
Parent Workshops are held throughout the year to help connect parents information they need to help their children at home. To see the Parent University Workshops, click HERE.
Attendance Spirit Week!
The Titans showed up and showed out for Attendance Spirit Week. Students came to school in sunglasses, with crazy hair, and dressed for success! In a surprise finish by a nose, the 6th grade pulled ahead of the 7th grade to win the September Attendance Derby! The 6th graders were treated to popsicles for being the grade with the best attendance in September. The horses are off to the races again in October, and let's see if the 6th grade will win again, if the 7th grade will redeem their narrow loss, or if the 8th grade will decide they are all in!
Reflections is a contest for students to express their creativity in various ways. The 2022-2023 Reflections theme is Show Your Voice! Students can submit an entry in one or more categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts.
All entries will be due to the Media Center on the last day of September. It's time to get creative, Titans...AND show YOUR voice!
Register by October 7th and your student can SPIN with Molly and the Milton Band!
Did you know that each parent and student can sign up for a PTSA member for only $10?
Elkins Pointe PTSA is still active for their annual Membership Drive and Team Up with the Titans Fundraiser. We will give out prizes soon as we reach our goal of at least 300 members and $15,000 for the Team up with the Titans Fundraiser.
Be sure to sign up for membership AND donate to Team up with the Titans to be eligible to win some wonderful prizes.
Greetings Parents and Guardians,
I hope you and your families are doing well, and thank you for all the support you have shown the faculty and staff here at Elkins thus far! It is very hard to believe that we are already approaching the 3rd month of this school year!
With that being said, it is now time for our Fall Sports!!!! We will kick off this season with girls’ and boys’ volleyball teams! We will also host a tennis team! These teams will begin tryouts/practices during the first full week in October (10/3 – 10/6). Note: Only 7th and 8th grade students are eligible.
o Coach Sneed (sneedll@fultonschools.org)
❖ Girls Volleyball Tryouts: October 3rd and 4th from 4:30-5:30 pm. (In the Gym)
o Coach Rhodes (rhodesa1@fultonschools.org)
❖ Boys Volleyball Tryouts: October 4th and 6th from 4:30-5:30 pm. (In the Gym)
o Coach Hughley (hughleyl1@fultonschools.org)
❖ Tryouts/Practices begin on October 5th and 6th from 4:30-5:30 pm. (Report to the gym after car rider/walker dismissal)
***Please make sure that your child has been able to get a physical! They will not be able to practice/try out/play if they do not have a physical. All forms needed to play can be found on the Fulton County website: https://www.fultonschools.org/athletics. Feel free to email me, Isaiah Tyus (Athletic Director) at tyusi@fultonschools.org if you have any further questions!
Let the games begin!!!
Isaiah Tyus
Athletic Director
Elkins Point clubs and sports have started up. If you would like to know all about the extracurricular offerings, please look on the school website, under TITAN HEADLINES for "Clubs & Sports."
The Interact Club is sponsoring a snack and food drive for hungry children in the North Fulton Community. Please help fill up the backpacks for school children to take home.
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) is the largest business Career and Technical Student Organization in the world. Each year, FBLA-PBL helps over 230,000 members prepare for careers in business. Elkins Pointe FBLA will attend the FBLA Fall Rally Conference at Six Flags on October 3rd, departing at Elkins Pointe at 8:00 AM. The club sponsor is Business Teacher Mr. Keith Gilliam. Meetings will be held after-school and sometimes during the school day.
FBLA Club Meeting Schedule for the Fall Semester:
- Monday, Sept. 26th, after-school
- Monday, Oct. 3rd - FBLA will be going to Six Flags during the day for the conference.
- Monday, Oct. 17th, after-school
- Monday, Oct. 24th, after-school
- Monday, Nov. 7th, after-school
- Monday, Nov. 14th, after- school (This is the week the of the Fall Leadership Conference)
- Monday, Nov. 28th, after-school (The day after Thanksgiving Break)
- Week of December 1-7 (Meeting TBD during the school day)
- Monday, Dec. 12th, after-school (Last meeting of the semester)
SGC MEETINGS 2022-2023
School Governance Council at Elkins Pointe
The Elkins Pointe School Governance Council (SCG) meets monthly at 7:45 am on Microsoft TEAMS. SGC is composed of parents, teachers, and the principal. Members are elected and appointed. SGC meetings are open to the public. Please click HERE to view the school website or click on the box below to join a meeting. If you have any questions about SGC, please feel free to reach out to any SGC members by using the SGC Council Member Directory.
Katha Stuart Community Meetings 2022-2023
- 10/19/2022 at 6:30 p.m. at Roswell HS
- 11/16/2022 at 9:30 a.m. at Mountain Park ES
- 12/7/2022 at 9:30 a.m. at Vickery Mill ES
- 1/18/2022 at 9:30 a.m. at Holcomb Bridge MS
- 2/15/2023 at 9:30 a.m. at Sweet Apple ES
- 3/22/2023 at 9:30 a.m. at Mimosa ES
- 4/19/2023 at 9:30 a.m. at Crabapple MS
- 5/17/2023 at 9:30 a.m. at Elkins Pointe MS
Redistricting Information
Redistricting meetings scheduled for North Fulton:
- Round One - September 12, 2022 (6:00 to 8:00 P.M.) at Alpharetta High School
- Round Two - October 3, 2022 (6:00 to 8:00 P.M.) at Alpharetta High School
- Round Three - October 18, 2022 (6:00 to 8:00 P.M.) at Alpharetta High School
The Final Recommendations will be first read on November 8, 2022, and the final action will be announced on December 15, 2022.
- 10/12 - Wellness Wednesdays - All teachers/staff wear jeans & Titan blue t-shirts to Connect to Wellness. 💙
- 10/12 - PTSA Surprise & Delight for the Teachers the Staff on Work Day!
- 10/14 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays! We are AVID School-wide!
- 10/14 - 8th Grade Band & Chorus Night at Milton High School!
- 10/15 - Orchestra1 – All State Round 1 (offsite)
- 10/17 to 10/21 - Bus Driver Appreciation Week!
- 10/17 - FBLA Club meeting, after school in Mr. Keith Gilliam's classroom (A-152)10/17 - Hampton Film Academy, after school until 5:30 pm in the Media Center
- 10/18 - Jr. Beta Meeting in Ms. Young's classroom @ 8:25 AM - 8:50 AM
- 10/19 to 10/21 - 8th Grade Georgia Trip - Journey Around Georgia
- 10/19 - Wellness Wednesdays - All teachers/staff wear jeans & Titan blue t-shirts to Connect to Wellness. 💙
- 10/19 - FCCLA Club Meeting @ 8:25 AM in Ms. Thomas’ Room (A157)
- 10/19 - Katha Stuart Community Meeting @ Roswell HS from 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
- 10/19 - Hampton Film Academy, after school until 5:30 pm in the Media Center
- 10/20 - Student Council Meeting in Ms. Graves's classroom @ 8:25 AM
- 10/21 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays! We are AVID School-wide!
- 10/24 to 10/28 - Red Ribbon Week
- 10/24 - FBLA Club meeting, after school in Mr. Keith Gilliam's classroom (A-152)
- 10/26 - Wellness Wednesdays - All teachers/staff wear jeans & Titan blue t-shirts to Connect to Wellness. 💙
- 10/26 - Orchestra Fall Concert
- 10/27 - Picture Day. October 27th
- 10/28 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays! We are AVID School-wide!
- 10/31 - Hampton Film Academy, after school until 5:30 pm in the Media Center
- 10/31 - Lost & Found donated at the end of the day
- National French Week from 11/1 to 11/7
- 11/1 - Understanding Assessments Parent Workshop on Microsoft TEAMS at 6:30 PM
- 11/1 - Jr. Beta Meeting in Ms. Young's classroom @ 8:25 AM (meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month)
- 11/1 - PTSA Board Meeting @ 8:30 AM in the Media Center from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM in the Maker's Space
- 11/2 - Wellness Wednesdays - All teachers/staff wear jeans & Titan blue t-shirts to Connect to Wellness. 💙
- 11/2 - French Café in the Media Center (All day) The French café will be in the Maker's Space. Students will bring in pastries, and parent volunteers will help serve. This event will be all class periods.
- 11/2 - Hampton Film Academy, after school until 5:30 pm in the Media Center
- 11/2 - Volleyball Game: Haynes Bridge vs. EPMS (home) from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
- 11/3 - Student Council Meeting in Ms. Graves's classroom at 8:25 AM (Meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month)
- 11/3 - Cluster Concert at MHS from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM (Required event for ALL 8th-grade and Advanced 7th-grade regardless of zoning). The concert is at Milton High School in the MHS auditorium.
- 11/4 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays! We are AVID School-wide!
- 11/4 to 11/11 - Book Fair in the Media Center
- 11/4 - Interact Club in Ms. Chapman's classroom at 8:25 AM (Meetings are the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month.)
- 11/4 - Volleyball Game: Crabapple vs. EPMS (home) from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
- 11/5 - Band - Fall Solo and Ensemble (All day, voluntary/optional, off-site)
- 11/5 - Orchestra Fall Solo & Ensemble (All day, voluntary/optional, off-site)
- 11/7 - Book Fair in the Media Center – Come to buy a book!
- 11/7 - FBLA Club meeting, after school in Mr. Keith Gilliam's classroom (A-152)
- 11/7 - Hampton Film Academy, after school until 5:30 pm in the Media Center
- 11/7 - Band - 6th Grade First Concert & 7th Grade Concert at EPMS Gym from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
- 11/8 - Remote Day Learning for Students (All day)
- 11/9 - Book Fair in the Media Center - Come to buy a book!
- 11/9 - Wellness Wednesdays - All teachers/staff wear jeans & Titan blue t-shirts to Connect to Wellness. 💙
- 11/9 - Hampton Film Academy, after school until 5:30 pm in the Media Center
- 11/9 - Volleyball Game: F.A.S.T. vs. EPMS (home) from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
- 11/10 - Book Fair in the Media Center - Come to buy a book!
- 11/11 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays! We are AVID School-wide!
- 11/11 -Veterans' Day
- 11/11 - Book Fair in the Media Center - Come to buy a book!
- 11/11 - Volleyball Game: Taylor Road (away) vs. EPMS from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
- 11/14 FBLA Club meeting, after school in Mr. Keith Gilliam's classroom (A-152)
- 11/14 - Hampton Film Academy, after school until 5:30 pm in the Media Center
- 11/15 - Jr. Beta Meeting in Ms. Young's classroom at 8:25 AM - 8:50 AM (Jr. Beta meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.)
- 11/15 - "Hands-on STEAM Game Night and Healthy Minds over Matter: Family Mental Health Awareness" Family Workshop from 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM. *All Titans on Deck for this why this FANTASTIC event!
- 11/16 - Wellness Wednesdays - All teachers/staff wear jeans & Titan blue t-shirts to Connect to Wellness. 💙
- 11/16 - Katha Stuart Community Mtg @ Mountain Park ES from 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
- 11/16 - Hampton Film Academy, after school until 5:30 pm in the Media Center
- 11/17 - Student Council Meeting in Ms. Graves's classroom @ 8:25 AM (StuCo meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month.)
- 11/18 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays! We are AVID School-wide!
- 11/21 to 11/25 - Thanksgiving Break. No School.
- 11/28 - FBLA Club meeting, after school in Mr. Keith Gilliam's classroom (A-152)
- 11/28 - Hampton Film Academy, after school until 5:30 pm in the Media Center
- 11/30 - Wellness Wednesdays - All teachers/staff wear jeans & Titan blue t-shirts to Connect to Wellness. 💙
- 11/30 - Hampton Film Academy, after school until 5:30 pm in the Media Center
- 11/30 - Lost & Found donated at the end of the day.