Bear Boulevard News
July 28, 2023
Translate the Newsletter to Your Preferred Language! ¡Traduzca el boletín a su idioma preferido!نیوز لیٹر کو اپنی پسندیدہ زبان میں ترجمہ کریں ! 将新闻稿翻译成您的首选语言!
Welcome to the '23-'24 School Year!
A Word From the Director
Dear Bear Boulevard Families,
It is with great excitement that I welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year. We are so excited to get to know each of our families and students. I am entering my 18th year as a campus principal, 14 of which have been in SBISD, and the opening of school is always one filled with excitement and butterflies as we prepare for the first day of school. I cannot wait to see our sweet faces begin their journey to become a T-2-4 graduate.
In Spring Branch ISD, you will hear the phrase T-2-4 graduate a lot. The term references the notion that we want every SBISD graduate will attain a technical certificate, military training, or a two-year or four-year degree. Through the work of many collaborative teams, we have developed Core Characteristics of a T-2-4 Ready Graduate and have defined who we want our students to become as they grow and develop during their years in SBISD. These six Core Characteristics have guiding statements, three big supporting ideas each and milestones from the student perspective. During each phase of their education in SBISD, we will be monitoring and supporting the development of those characteristics and that work begins August 16th in Pre-Kindergarten! For more information on the SBISD Core Characteristics, please click here.
This newsletter contains information you may have received during registration, but my hope is that the electronic one is helpful to you and your families as the information will be in one spot. Additionally, there are sections that cover school safety, arrival and dismissal, the SBISD Volunteer Registration Process and other content.
I look forward to seeing you on August 14th or 15th for our Meet the Teacher Orientation and September 28th for our Open House from 5-6 p.m.! If I can be of assistance to you, please reach out to me at stefanie.spencer@springbranchisd.com. Additionally, you may use our campus website as a resource, as well. If you are a Twitter user, be sure to sure to follow the Bear Boulevard School: @BBS_Learns!
Please feel encouraged to forward this newsletter to families who have not registered their child- registration dates are below. We would love to get everyone registered well in advance of the start of the school year, preferably by August 3rd so that bus transportation for the first day of school can be scheduled for every child! See you soon, Bears!
Let's make it a great year, Bears!
Stefanie Spencer, Director
Una palabra de la directora
Es con gran emoción que les doy la bienvenida al año escolar 2023-2024. Estamos muy emocionados de conocer a cada una de nuestras familias y estudiantes. Estoy entrando en mi decimoctava año como directora de escuela, 14 de los cuales han sido en SBISD, y la apertura de la escuela siempre está llena de emoción y mariposas mientras nos preparamos para el primer día de clases. No puedo esperar a ver nuestros dulces rostros comenzar su viaje para convertirse en graduados de T-2-4.
En Spring Branch ISD, escuchará mucho la frase T-2-4 graduado. El término hace referencia a la noción de que queremos que todos los graduados de SBISD obtengan un certificado técnico, entrenamiento militar o un título de dos o cuatro años. A través del trabajo de muchos equipos de colaboración, hemos desarrollado las características básicas de un graduado listo para T-2-4 y hemos definido en quiénes queremos que se conviertan nuestros estudiantes a medida que crecen y se desarrollan durante sus años en SBISD. Estas seis características básicas tienen declaraciones de orientación, tres grandes ideas de apoyo cada una e hitos desde la perspectiva del estudiante. ¡Durante cada fase de su educación en SBISD, estaremos monitoreando y apoyando el desarrollo de esas características y ese trabajo comienza el 16 de agosto en Pre-Kindergarten! Para obtener más información sobre las características básicas de SBISD, haga clic aquí.
Este boletín contiene información que puede haber recibido durante el registro, pero espero que el boletín electrónico sea útil para usted y sus familias, ya que la información estará en un solo lugar. Además, hay secciones que cubren la seguridad escolar, la llegada y la salida, el proceso de registro de voluntarios de SBISD y otro contenido.
¡Espero verlos el 14 o 15 de agosto para nuestra Orientación Conozca al Maestro y el 28 de septiembre para nuestra Casa Abierta de 5 a 6 p.m.! Si puedo ayudarlo, comuníquese conmigo a stefanie.spencer@springbranchisd.com. Además, también puede utilizar el sitio web de nuestro campus como recurso. Si es un usuario de Twitter, asegúrese de seguir a la escuela Bear Boulevard: @BBS_Learns.
Siéntase animado a enviar este boletín a las familias que no han registrado a sus hijos; las fechas de registro se encuentran a continuación. ¡Nos encantaría que todos se inscribieran con suficiente anticipación al comienzo del año escolar, preferiblemente antes del 3 de agosto para que se pueda programar el transporte en autobús para cada niño durante la primera semana de clases! ¡Hasta pronto, Osos!
Stefanie Spencer, Directora
BBS Registration Information
Please share this information with neighbors and friends who you know have children zoned to Bear Boulevard school. We would love to see everyone registered by August 3rd so that we can guarantee bus service for the first week of school. Those who register thereafter will be added to bus routes starting the second week of school, so please emphasize to families that early registration is key!
In-Person Registration:
- July 31st- August 3rd (Mon-Thurs): 8:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1-3:30 p.m.
- August 7th-10th (Mon-Thurs): 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1-3:30 p.m.
- August 14th (Monday): 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1-3:30 p.m. (Registration may close during Open House from 2-3 p.m., please note)
- August 15th(Tuesday): Morning ONLY 8:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Registration may close from 9-10, please note)
- August 16th: NO registration on this day.
To register a child, please bring:
- Your child's Birth Certificate
- Proof of Address
- Parent ID
- Immunization Record
SBISD PreKindergarten is both tuition-based and free based on certain qualifiers. To qualify for prekindergarten without tuition, students may qualify through income, language, foster care status, parental military service, or parental Star of Texas Award qualification. If you qualify for any of the above, simply contact the office to learn what documents you need to provide. Otherwise, families who do not qualify through those mechanisms may pay monthly tuition to enroll their child.
Información de Registro en BBS
Registro en persona:
- 31 de julio - 3 de agosto (lunes a jueves): 8:00 a. m. a 12:00 p. m. y 1-3:30 p. m.
- Del 7 al 10 de agosto (lunes a jueves): 8 a. m. a 12 p. m. y 1-3:30 p.m.
- 14 de agosto (lunes): 8 a 12 hs. y 1-3:30 p.m. El registro puede cerrarse durante la jornada de puertas abiertas de 2 a 3 p. m., tenga en cuenta.
- 15 de agosto (martes): SÓLO Mañana 8:00 a 12:00 hrs.El registro puede cerrarse durante la jornada de puertas abiertas de 9-10 a.m., tenga en cuenta.
- 16 de agosto: NO HAY registro en este día.
Para registrar a un niño, por favor traiga:
- Acta de nacimiento de su hijo
- Comprobante de domicilio
- Identificación de los padres
- Cartilla de vacunación
El PreKindergarten de SBISD se basa en la matrícula y es gratuito según ciertos requisitos. Para calificar para prekínder sin matrícula, los estudiantes pueden calificar a través de los ingresos, el idioma, el estado de crianza temporal, el servicio militar de los padres o la calificación del Premio Estrella de Texas de los padres. Si califica para alguno de los anteriores, simplemente comuníquese con la oficina para saber qué documentos debe proporcionar. De lo contrario, las familias que no califiquen a través de esos mecanismos podrán pagar la matrícula mensual para inscribir a su hijo.
2023-2024 Income Survey Forms
At Bear Boulevard, we have the good fortune to be a Community Eligibility Provision Campus (CEP) where every child may eat breakfast and lunch for free. It is a government program that allows for this to occur and SBISD School Nutrition Services does an excellent job taking care of our kids with nutritious and yummy meals every day. It is important that every family with students attending a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) campus like ours completes ONE income survey using this link: www.schoolcafe.com/springbranchisd. Many SBISD families will also see this available through their back-to-school online Skyward Parent Portal. The online process is simple, quick, and secure for families. Please only do the form once for your entire family, regardless of how many children you have attending SBISD- either through the portal or through the link above. Please be sure to include ALL of the children in your household and ensure there are no typos of student names and dates of birth. IF you complete more than one application, please complete it similarly and completely so the system doesn't inadvertently select the incomplete application and your qualification status is hindered because a child is not counted.
This survey is so much more than a school meal application. By submitting your application, you are ensuring that SBISD receives all of the additional state and federal programs and services for which we may be eligible but also that your family receives:
- Appropriate Pandemic EBT benefits
- Reduced Registration for AP, SAT and/or ACT tests
- Free or Discounted fees for athletic activities
- Discounted rates for internet services
- Discounted rates for college applications.
Please review the attached flyer for the important reasons why we collect the forms.
If you need help, SBISD School Nutrition Services (SNS) is providing campuses with on-site support this school year to assist families with completing their Income Survey. Mrs. Spencer is working with SNS on available times and will publish those opportunities in messaging to come. Because this data is critical to school funding and all of the aforementioned reasons, please complete this form before the district's snapshot date on October 27, 2023.
Encuesta de ingresos 2023-2024
Esta encuesta es mucho más que una solicitud de comidas escolares. Al enviar su solicitud, se asegura de que SBISD reciba todos los programas y servicios estatales y federales adicionales para los que podemos ser elegibles, pero también que su familia reciba:
Beneficios EBT pandémicos apropiados
- Matrícula reducida para exámenes AP, SAT y/o ACT
- Tarifas gratuitas o con descuento para actividades deportivas.
- Tarifas con descuento para servicios de internet
- Tasas de descuento para solicitudes universitarias.
Revise el folleto adjunto para conocer las razones importantes por las que recopilamos los formularios.
Si necesita ayuda, los Servicios de Nutrición Escolar (SNS, por sus siglas en inglés) de SBISD están brindando a las escuelas apoyo en el sitio este año escolar para ayudar a las familias a completar su Encuesta de Ingresos. La Sra. Spencer está trabajando con SNS en los horarios disponibles y publicará esas oportunidades en los próximos mensajes. Debido a que estos datos son críticos para la financiación de la escuela y todas las razones antes mencionadas, complete este formulario antes de la fecha de la instantánea del distrito el 27 de octubre de 2023.
Planning for a Successful School Year: Attendance Matters in PK!
As we look to the beginning of the school year, we want to make sure all parents are aware of SBISD student attendance policies, all of which are applicable to prekindergarten students and their families. Regular and timely school attendance help children develop executive functioning, organizational skills and ensure they do not miss academic and social opportunities at school. Additionally, regular and timely attendance are required for promotion to kindergarten. Students will get sick from time to time as they adjust to school and new friends; this message is meant to help you navigate what to do when your child is ill or needs to visit their pediatrician or dentist.
SBISD Attendance Policies and Expectations
- All absences, excused or unexcused determine promotion. State law, as well as local policy, identifies several types of absences: Excused, Excused/Counted as Present and Unexcused.
- Every time a student is absent, a written note (handwritten or email) or phone call to the attendance office must be sent explaining the nature of the absence within two days of the child's return to school. If a student visited the doctor for a check up or illness visit, those excuse notes are accepted in the place of a parent note. At BBS, you may send the email or doctor's note to Cristina.Aguilar@springbranchisd.com (Ms. Aguilar is our registrar/attendance clerk)
- Absences may be excused (provided a note has been submitted within two days) for the following reasons: Illness, serious illness of a family member, death/funeral of a famil member, religious holy days, parent/stepparent on active military duty, required court appearance, naturalization/citizenship, and doctor's visits.
- When parents do not send notes when students are absent, those absences will be marked as unexcused. Each campus monitors the attendance of students and will conduct parent conferences and provide designated supports to families should unexcused absences persist.
- Students are required to be in attendance daily at the start of the school day or they will be marked tardy. BBS students must be dropped off no later than 7:45 a.m. or they will be marked tardy. Our car rider line concludes at that time, so parents will need to park and walk their children into the school and sign them in for the day.
BBS Helpful Attendance Hints:
- BBS Bears should come to school on time every day (between 7:15 a.m. and 7:45 a.m.) ready to learn.
- Bears who have fever, stomach upset or feel too poorly to attend school may stay home. Parents should send a doctor's note if the illness required a doctor's visit or a handwritten note or email from a parent to Ms. Aguilar within two days of their return to school. Please do NOT message the teacher, but instead email Ms. Aguilar at Cristina.Aguilar@springbranchisd.com.
During the week school begins, new prekindergarten students and their families will have an opportunity to meet their teacher and teacher assistants and see their new classrooms during our Parent Orientation event. Please note that we split the event into two sessions to allow more interactions between the teacher, students and parents. Students whose last names start with letters A-L are assigned the 2-3 p.m. time frame on August 14th. Students with last names beginning with M-Z are assigned to the 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. time frame on August 15th. During your child's assigned session (assigned by alpha with their last name), you can expect to do the following:
- Meet the teacher, see their classroom, put away their school supplies
- Listen to a presentation from the teacher and short message from the Director
- Complete transportation cards
- Learn the arrival/dismissal process.
- Meet and visit with the school nurse, if needed.
- Pick up the beginning of school year bundle: shirt, blanket and lanyard for $25.
The fliers are below! See you soon, Bears!
- Conozca al maestro, vea su salón de clases, guarde sus útiles escolares
- Escuche una presentación del maestro y un breve mensaje del Director
- Tarjetas de transporte completas
- Conozca el proceso de llegada/salida.
- Reúnase y visite a la enfermera de la escuela, si es necesario.
- Recoja el paquete del comienzo del año escolar: camisa, cobija y cordón por $25.
¡Los volantes están abajo! ¡Nos vemos el 14 o 15 de agosto, osos!
Bear Boulevard Appropriate Student Dress
Appropriate student dress and grooming are important factors in the safe and orderly operation of our campus. Parents are expected to be knowledgeable and supportive of the following guidelines:
Uniforms are not required; however, clothing should be neat, clean and weather appropriate.
All students are required to wear tennis shoes to be able to play on the playground safely. All other shoes, regardless of rubber soles or leather tops (saddle oxfords, deck shoes, topsiders, boots, crocs, flip flops, sandals, etc.), are not considered safe for active play activities.
During cold weather months, we encourage parents to keep a sweatshirt, light jacket, or sweater in your child’s backpack in the event of unexpected drops in temperature.
Key Bear Boulevard Staff
Ms. Spencer, Director (Directora)
Ms. Mejia, Adminstrative Assistant (Asistente administrativa)
Ms. Aguilar, Attendance Specialist (Especialista en Asistencia)
Flor Cepeda, School Counselor (Consejera)
Leah McCune, School Nurse (Enfermera de la escuela)
Ms. Lopez, CIS Case Manager (Trabajadora social de la CIS)
Get ready your BBS Bear ready for the school year! Included in the bundle packet are a lanyard, nap blanket and school shirt. Please note that ALL students at BBS wear a lanyard with identification and transportation information on them every day, so these are mandatory. One stop shopping! Pick one up today using this link!
¡Prepara tu osito BBS para el año escolar! En el paquete del paquete se incluye un cordón, una manta para la siesta y una camisa escolar. Tenga en cuenta que TODOS los estudiantes de BBS usan un cordón con información de identificación y transporte todos los días, por lo que son obligatorios. ¡Uno para de comprar! ¡Elige uno hoy usando este enlace!
Important Dates/Fechas importantes
Mark your calendars for these important dates. More details will follow in relationship to campus events as those dates draw closer. As is always the case, dates are subject to change. Please read subsequent newsletters and check your child's Thursday folders for updates each week. Marque sus calendarios para estas fechas importantes. Más detalles seguirán en relación con los eventos del campus a medida que se acerquen esas fechas. Como siempre es el caso, las fechas están sujetas a cambios. Lea los boletines posteriores y revise las carpetas de los jueves de su hijo para obtener actualizaciones cada semana.
- August 14th or 15th: Bear Blvd School (BBS) Meet the Teacher Orientation (by Last Name, please see article and flier above)
- August 16th: First Day of the 2022-2023 School Year
- August 31st: Parent Education session on Belonging at 9 a.m. at BBS (English/Spanish)
- September 4th: Labor Day Holiday (NO School for Students/Staff)
- September 20th: Early Release Day at 11:30 a.m. (NO PK3 PM Classes)
- September 21st: Parent Education session on Setting Limits at 9 a.m. at BBS (English/Spanish)
- September 27th: Fall Picture Day (Individual pictures)
- September 28th: BBS Open House from 5-6 p.m.
- October 2-6: National School Custodian Appreciation Week!
- October 3rd: Parent Coffee from 9-10 a.m.
- October 5th: End of the 1st Nine Weeks
- October 6th: Student Holiday/Staff Development Day
- October 9th: Student and Staff Holiday (Columbus Day)
- October 10th-13th: National Fire Prevention Week
- October 12th & 13th: Parent Conference/Early Dismissal at 11:30 a.m. (NO PK3 PM)
- October 24th-26th: Parent Learning Day Week (Schedule will be sent)
- October 27th: 50th Day of School
- October 31st: Character Parade
- November 2nd and 3rd: Pumpkin Patch Photos
- November 8th: Early Dismissal for Staff Development at 11:30 a.m. (NO PK3 PM)
- November 21st-25th: School Holiday for Thanksgiving!
- December 7th and 8th: Winter Holiday Photos
- December 19th: Class Winter Parties
- December 20th: End of the 2nd Nine Weeks
- December 20th: Early Release at 11:30 a.m. (NO PK3 PM on this day)
- December 21st- January 8th: Winter Holidays
- Santa Visits and Pictures TBD
- January 9th: 1st Day of the Spring Semester and beginning of the 3rd Nine Weeks
- January 18th: Spring Parent Coffee/Title Meeting at 1 p.m.
- January 22nd: Staff and Student Holiday (MLK, Jr Day!)
- January 31st: Early Dismissal for Staff Development at 11:30 a.m. (No PK3 PM)
- February 6th-10th: National School Counselor Week!
- February 8th & 9th: Parent Conference/Early Release at 11:30 a.m. (NO PK3 PM)
- February 14th: Class Parties
- February 20th: Student Holiday/Staff "Flex" Day
- February 27-29th: Parent Learning Days (Schedule forthcoming)
- March 4th: National School Social Worker Week! (Ms. Lopez with CIS)
- March 8th: End of the Third Nine Weeks
- March 11th-15th: Spring Break Holiday for Staff and Students
- March 18th: National School Speech Pathologist Day! (Ms. Mason in Speech)
- March 20th: Very Hungry Caterpillar Day!
- March 28th: Parent Education Session on Mastery at 9 a.m. at BBS (Eng/Span)
- March 29th: Student/Staff Holiday
- April 1st: Student/Staff Holiday
- April 3rd: Spring Picture Day!
- April 3rd: National Paraprofessional Appreciation Day! (Every TA on campus)
- April 4th: Kinder Transition Visits
- April 15th-19th: National Volunteer Recognition Week
- April 24th: Administrative Professionals Day! (Ms. Mejia and Ms. Aguilar)
- April 25th: Parent Education Session on Generosity at 9 a.m. (Eng/Span)
- May 1st-May 5th: Teacher Appreciation Week!
- May 2nd: School Lunch Hero Day!
- May 8th: School Nurse Day!
- May 16th: Parent Education Session on Summer Reading at 9 a.m. at BBS (Eng/Span)
- May 27th: Student/Staff Holiday!
- May 29th: PK Fun Day and Last Day of School for PK3 PM
BBS Parent Car Rider Directions
Dear Families,
Procedures are everything with managing groups of children, particularly our precious cargo, our Bear Blvd Bears! Please review the procedures below so you will know and understand the steps you will take and the route you will follow if you choose to have your student be a car rider. Please anticipate that for the first few weeks of school parents and children will be acclimating to new procedures, and for many these will be their first outside-the-home experiences. This means that traffic and our car rider line will take some time to process. Please be patient and courteous to staff. We will do our very best to support families so we are efficient in a few weeks' time. Each driver can do their part by reviewing the procedures and extend courtesy and grace to the drivers around them.
Please take caution when driving on Westview, as there are several schools along this street. Students will be traversing back and forth to school, as will parents and school buses. Please refrain from using your cell phone while operating your motor vehicle. It is our hope that our processes and procedures allow for a nice start and nice conclusion to all of our little bears' school day.
Stefanie Spencer, Director
Please follow these instructions for our car rider line so that we may get your child to his/her classroom as smoothly as possible.
Please follow instructions to get in the car rider line:
- While on Westview, enter through the entrance at “Grob Stadium, SBISD Police Department, and Yellow G 107” sign.
- Drive north past the Tax Office headed toward the tennis courts.
- Continue driving to the right around the back of the school, past the parking spaces, and into the car rider drop off line.
- Pull up slowly and wait in line until it is time.
- Please be sure to have your child seated in the back seat on the passenger side with their name tag on and backpack ready to go. This will help a smooth transition from car to school for everyone.
- At 7:15 AM, car rider will begin. Staff will open the car door so the child can step out of the car & staff will escort them to class.
- Please do not get out of your car.
Exiting the Car Rider Line:
- As you exit car rider, while watching for buses/cars entering the parking lot, pull up to the stop sign.
- Turn RIGHT onto Westview to exit and drive safely.
Direcciones para padres y pasajeros en automóvil
Para poder ayudar a su estudiante a su salón lo más fácil y seguro posible, por favor de seguir las siguientes instrucciones de como formar la línea de coche.
Instrucciones para ingresar a la línea de pasajeros en automóvil:
- Por la Westview, entre por la calle que tenga los signos que digan “Grob Staduim, SBISD Police Department, and Yellow G 107”
- Siga manejando norte pasando la oficina de Impuestos de Spring Branch hacia las canchas de tenis.
- Continúe manejando derecho alrededor de atrás de la escuela, pasando los estacionamientos, para formar línea.
- Despacio, acérquese a la línea y espera hasta que sea tiempo de entrada.
- Asegure que su niño/a este viajando atrás en el lado del pasajero con su mochila y gafete puestos. Esto ayudara que el proceso de bajar a su hijo/a sea más fácil.
- A las 7:15 AM, empezaremos la línea de carros. El miembro del el personal abrirá la puerta de su coche para que el estudiante pueda salir, y alguien del personal lo ayudara para ir a su salón.
- Por favor no salga de su coche.
Instrucciones para salir de la fila de pasajeros en automóvil:
- Mientras se va saliendo de la línea de coche, tenga presente de los autobuses y otros coches entrando al estacionamiento y siga al signo de espera.
- De vuelta a la DERECHA en la Westview y maneje con cuidado.
SBISD Volunteer Registration
All volunteers must register online through the SBISD website every year and pass a criminal background check. Volunteers approved during the previous school year may volunteer through September 30 of the current school year. At that time, the system will reset and all volunteers must re-register before being allowed on campus. We strongly encourage all volunteers to register between July 1 and September 30.
Please allow 8-10 days for the criminal background check process to occur. Volunteers who provide a valid email address on their application will receive an automatic notification if approved to begin your service. Once you receive this e-mail, please either contact the program or campus where you want to provide support. A list of those contacts can be found here.
All volunteers must bring a valid, government issued photo ID when they visit or volunteer on campus to have it scanned into the Raptor6 system. Each time you are on campus thereafter, SBISD requires volunteers and visitors to check-in at the front office and wear a Raptor6 issued name badge.
Thank you for recognizing that the safety of our schools, our students and our volunteers is of the utmost importance!
By applying to be an SBISD volunteer, you agree to abide by the SBISD Volunteer Ethics and Guidelines. For more information on volunteering, programs, please click here.
SBISD Volunteer Registration
Todos los voluntarios deben registrarse en línea a través del sitio web de SBISD cada año y pasar una verificación de antecedentes penales. Los voluntarios aprobados durante el año escolar anterior pueden ser voluntarios hasta el 30 de septiembre del año escolar actual. En ese momento, el sistema se restablecerá y todos los voluntarios deben volver a registrarse antes de que se les permita ingresar al campus. Recomendamos encarecidamente a todos los voluntarios que se registren entre el 1 de julio y el 30 de septiembre.
Espere de 8 a 10 días para que se lleve a cabo el proceso de verificación de antecedentes penales. Los voluntarios que proporcionen una dirección de correo electrónico válida en su solicitud recibirán una notificación automática si se les aprueba para comenzar su servicio. Una vez que reciba este correo electrónico, comuníquese con el programa o el campus donde desea brindar apoyo. Puede encontrar una lista de esos contactos aquí .
Todos los voluntarios deben traer una identificación con foto válida emitida por el gobierno cuando visiten o se ofrezcan como voluntarios en el campus para escanearla en el sistema Raptor6. Cada vez que esté en el campus a partir de entonces, SBISD requiere que los voluntarios y visitantes se registren en la oficina principal y usen un gafete con el nombre emitido por Raptor6.
¡Gracias por reconocer que la seguridad de nuestras escuelas, nuestros estudiantes y nuestros voluntarios es de suma importancia!
Al solicitar ser voluntario de SBISD, usted acepta cumplir con las Pautas y ética para voluntarios de SBISD . Para obtener más información sobre voluntariado, programas, haga clic aquí.
SBISD Student/Parent Handbook and Code of Conduct Resources
Now that your child is beginning their T-2-4 journey, be sure you are clear on SBISD policies, procedures and expectations. The following publications are good resources for families. The content for 2023-24 will be uploaded by the district shortly and will be found in the same location/ Ahora que su hijo está comenzando su viaje T-2-4, asegúrese de tener claras las políticas, los procedimientos y las expectativas de SBISD. Las siguientes publicaciones son buenos recursos para las familias. El distrito cargará el contenido para 2023-24 en breve y se encontrará en la misma ubicación
SBISD Student/Parent Handbook/Manual para padres y estudiantes: English/Spanish
SBISD Elementary Code of Conduct/Código de conducta de la escuela primera SBISD: English/Spanish
SBISD Code of Civlity
The following Code of Civility is a requirement and foundational practice of SBISD. You may reference it in our SBISD Handbook located here.
SBISD Code of Civility
Civility is the affirmation of what is best of each of us individually and collectively, not just an absence of harm. Therefore, SBISD requires that we communicate (faculty and staff, students, parents, guardians and members of the community) in the following manner:
Treat each other with courtesy and respect at all times:
- Listen carefully
- Share and opinions and concerns in a civil manner
- Refrain from loud or offensive language
- Refrain from profanity or offensive gestures
- Refrain from threats, including but not limited to causing property damage or bodily harm.
Take Responsibility for your actions:
- Share accurate information
- Manage anger appropriately
- Refrain from disrupting or interfering with classroom or school operations
Cooperate with one another:
- Obey school rules and district policy
- Respect each other's time
- Notify one another when we have information that affects student safety or success
- Respond when asked for assistance
- Understand that compromise is key.
SBISD Código de civilidad
El siguiente Código de Civilidad es un requisito y una práctica fundamental de SBISD. Puede consultarlo en nuestro Manual de SBISD que se encuentra aquí.
1. Escuchar atentamente.
2. Compartir opciones y preocupaciones de manera respetuosa.
3. Abstenerse del lenguaje ofensivo y en voz muy alta.
4. Abstenerse de los gestos ofensivos u obscenos.
5. Abstenerse de las amenazas, que incluyen, pero no se limitan a causar daño a la propiedad o lesiones
1. Compartir información precisa.
2. Controlar la ira de manera adecuada.
3. Abstenerse de interrumpir o interferir en el salón de clases o en las operaciones de la escuela.
Cooperar entre sí:
1. Cumplir con las normas de la escuela y la política del distrito.2. Respetar el tiempo de las otras personas.
3. Compartir con otros la información que afecte la seguridad o el éxito de los estudiantes.
4. Responder cuando se le solicite asistencia.
5. Comprender que el compromiso es importante.
SBISD Parent Protocol for Problem-Solving Process
SBISD Parent Protocol for Problem-Solving Process
Although we strive for collaboration at all times, parents/guardians may require additional assistance in resolving a situation. Please familiarize yourself with SBISD's general problem-solving process, which includes:
- Contact the appropriate campus staff member immediately. The most direct route to resolving a concern is to confer directly with the person involved. (Example: if the concern is related to the classroom, the teacher should be the person contacted).
- If not satisfied, contact the appropriate administrator (Bear Boulevard Director) in charge of the campus and responsible for concerns that may arise from the school's operation. Explanations of policies and procedures, various clarifications and all types of campus information are available at the campus level.
- Contact the appropriate central office administrator within a week. This may be a Director, Executive Director, Community Superintendent or Associate Superintendent. This step should be taken only when steps 1 and 2 have not resolved the concern.
Protocolo para padres de SBISD para el proceso de resolución de problemas
- Comuníquese con el miembro del personal del campus correspondiente de inmediato. La ruta más directa para resolver una inquietud es consultar directamente con la persona involucrada. (Ejemplo: si la inquietud está relacionada con el salón de clases, el maestro debe ser la persona contactada).
- Si no está satisfecho, comuníquese con el administrador apropiado (Director de Bear Boulevard) a cargo del campus y responsable de las inquietudes que puedan surgir del funcionamiento de la escuela. Las explicaciones de las políticas y procedimientos, varias aclaraciones y todo tipo de información del campus están disponibles a nivel del campus.
- Comuníquese con el administrador de la oficina central correspondiente dentro de una semana. Este puede ser un Director, Director Ejecutivo, Superintendente Comunitario o Superintendente Asociado. Este paso debe tomarse solo cuando los pasos 1 y 2 no hayan resuelto el problema.