St. Teresa Tidbits
Oct. 16, 2023
Parent/Teacher Conferences
All conferences are located at the Ossian site on Oct. 24 & 25. Calmar & Spillville teachers will be set up in the gymnasium and the rest of the conferences will be held in your child's respective classroom.
Electronic sign up will remain open through Friday, October 20th. Please follow the directions below and if you need any assistance please call or email Heather at 563-562-3617 or hbullerman@st-teresa.pvt.k12.ia.us
Click Parent/Teacher Conferences located toward the bottom of the left column.
Click the Event Name.
Use the dropdown to Select a Teacher.
Type the parent email address in the row of the desired date and time slot.
Click Save.
To delete the reservation, refresh the pack and click the red dash.
The screen will also list reservations scheduled for other family members.
Conference Bake Sale
We have Good News!
Good News Book Fair, that is. The Saint Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School Library is excited to welcome you to our first ever Good News Book Fair beginning October 23rd and ending November 3rd. Good News is a Catholic book fair company that seeks to provide students with resources that will enrich their minds, hearts, and souls. You have the option of purchasing books virtually, semi-virtually, or in-person.
There will be catalogues and flyers sent home with your eldest enrolled student for your family. It is important to wait to order books until Oct 23rd and to use the school code, SAINTTERESA23, at checkout. For more information, please contact our Librarian, Mrs. Teslow, at cteslow@st-teresa.pvt.k12.ia.us
Student Tuition Organization
Please Help Spread the Word - Our Faith STO is a great value for Iowa Taxpayers and our Schools!
With the establishment of Educational Savings Accounts (ESA), many have asked if this signals the end of Student Tuition Organizations (STO’s) and Iowa’s 75% tax credits?
The answer is “NO”, and in fact, the STO has a huge role to play in the future of Catholic education.
Here are a few important facts to consider:
1) Our Faith STO served more students in the current 2023-24 school year than in any other year, even with the ESA’s.
2) $5.6 million in tuition assistance helped 3133 students attend the school of their choice this year. This represents more than 36% of the enrollment at our Archdiocesan schools and St. Paul’s in Waverly.
3) When we hit our fundraising goal this year, $6.38 million in tuition assistance will be available for the 2024-25 school term.
4) St. Teresa of Calcutta School received $120,000 in tuition assistance for families this school year.
You are invited to the Archdiocesan Parenting Conference!
Archbishop Zinkula Installation
Fire safety dramatic play
Practice lacing beads
Putting out fires
Upcoming events:
Oct. 16 Clover Kids
Oct. 17 7:00 pm School Board Meeting- Calmar
Oct. 18 8:30 Mass- Ossian (8th grade)
Oct. 18 Living Rosary- Ossian following Mass
Oct. 19 8:45 Mass- Spillville (2nd grade)
Oct. 19 Living Rosary- Spillville following Mass
Oct. 19 8th grade to EWALU
Oct. 20 End of First Quarter
Oct. 22-28 Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 23 PD ~ No School
Oct. 24 Parent Teacher Conferences 2-8 pm ~ 2 hrs. early dismissal
Oct. 25 8:30 Mass- Ossian (7th grade)
Oct. 25 Parent Teacher Conferences 4-8 pm
Oct. 26 8:45 Mass- Spillville (4th grade)
Oct. 26 2 hrs. early dismissal
Oct. 27 No School ~ Comp day
Email: kkriener@st-teresa.pvt.k12.ia.us
Website: www.stteresaschools.com
Location: 414 East Main Street, Ossian, IA, USA
Phone: 563-532-9353