Dealey Community
The mission of George Bannerman Dealey is to provide an exemplary education that develops and empowers all students to become productive citizens in our global society.
Follow the Child
Greetings Dealey Community!
I hope you all are staying warm and safe today. We look forward to welcoming back our students tomorrow morning. We would like to say "Great Job" to our Dallas ISD Montessori Summit presenters that represented Dealey. They are Dr. Mallet, Ms. Durkin. Ms. Moschioni, and Ms. Thompson. We appreciate you all!
Here at Dealey , we are focused on nurturing each child’s full potential by providing quality learning experiences that support their intellectual, physical, emotional and social development. In addition to language acquisition and mathematics, the Montessori Curriculum also covers practical life, sensorial, and culture. All aspects of children’s development and learning are intertwined and perceived as equally important.
Even in our middle school honors classes, we our foundationally grounded in Maria Montessori's original vision. Maria Montessori stated, “Follow the child, but follow the child as his leader.” We believe in the observation of the child and delight in the wonders of their self discovery. Our role as the educator is to follow along and lead as facilitators of the learning. We are still accepting magnet applications until January 31, 2024 for the 2024-2025 school year. Spread the word!
In Spring 2024 , you will also see more parent engagement opportunities. We look forward to seeing everyone at the PTA’s “Havana Nights” charity auction. Our brand new Dealey Parent University preliminary feedback has been positive. Our next Parent University event is Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 7 pm. It is a very informative 6th Grade meeting .Please continue to share your needs, concerns and questions with us into the new year. We are here to help, learn, & always support you!
We are Soaring to New Horizons!
- Monday, January 15, 2024 - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday- No School
- Tuesday, January 16, 2024- Inclement Weather -District Closed-No School
- Wednesday, January 17, 2024 - Orchestra Grades 1-3 Open House 4:30 pm -7:00 pm
- Wednesday, January 17, 2024 - Parent University- 6th Grade Parent Meeting - 7:00 PM on Zoom-Click Here for Link
- Friday, January 19, 2024 - Extended Deadline-Field Trip & Fundraisers are due to Main Office. (see flyer below)
- Monday, January 22. 2024-Friday, January 26, 2024- Parent Conference Week (see flyer below)
- Saturday , January 20, 2024 - Parent Conference Sign Up Begins (see flyer below)
- Monday, February 19, 2024- Professional Development Day for Staff -No School for Students
Amber Garrett, Principal
Office- 972-794-8409
Follow the Child- Weekly Community Message
Parent Conference Sign Up Begins Saturday 1/20/24
Field Trip/Fundraiser Deadline EXTENDED 1/19/24
Parent University-6th Grade Parent Meeting
Join Champs Summer Camp at Dealey!!
Hot tip: Join Champ Camp for summer break!
To say that we’ve got something amazing to offer you this summer at Champions Champ Camp is an understatement. Our education experts have built a summer program that'll have kids flipping for camp!
Campers are looking for fun, friends, and variety. Check out everything we’ve wrapped into our summer. We know it'll check all your boxes, and we’re certain your big kid will appreciate it too:
- CONVENIENT AND FLEXIBLE. Join Champ Camp for one week or all summer long! Just pick the days or weeks that work for you and we’ll handle the rest.
- DIFFERENT DAILY. No two days are the same. We'll include off- and on-site field trips, interactive sports, STEM, water play, group activities, and more!
- A SAFE PLACE. When you drop your camper off, you know they’re with people (and in environments) you already know and trust.
- CONFIDENCE. By fall, your child will be more confident, with new skills and new friends!
Get a jump start on setting your summer routines and enroll today. Just so you know – you are under no obligation to select a schedule quite yet, however, we know these next few weeks and months will fly by and registering now will help ensure you have one less thing to worry about the closer we get to the end of the school year.
Registration: $25/Child OR $50/Family
Tuition: $195/Week
Give your child a creative space to explore what they love. Don’t wait to save your spot—we’ll fill up fast! Click here to enroll now or give me a call!
We hope you’ll join us this summer! Champ Camp’s always more fun with friends.
Mark Johnson
Site Director
P: (940) 368-3614
January Orchestra News- Ms. Russell
Dealey Teacher of the Year!
Elementary Counselor's Corner- Ms. Morales
SchooLinks is a college and career readiness program that helps K-12th grade students discover their interests and strength, explore colleges and careers, and create a personal graduation plan that best reflects their post-secondary goals.
The district mandates that kindergarteners choose one to three jobs they are interested in. This must be completed in Clever. Tablets are required for students complete this task.
Based on the shared schedule, my goal is to work with small groups in my office. Please be aware that the timeline could change depending on how soon I can finish working with each group.----------------------------------
The Hulcy STEAM Cheer & Dance Program is hosting a 15- week residency for 4th & 5th grade students to learn competitive cheer and dance skills with the opportunity to showcase their skill at the Dance & Duets Spring Show!
They are requesting that we share the attached flyer with our 4th and 5th grade parents.
More details are available using the QR-code. There is a $185 fee included for participation.
The registration deadline is Friday, December 15th.
Thank you for passing this information along.
Working Together: Kindness, Acceptance, Inclusion
Crista A. Morales
Professional School Counselor
George B. Dealey Montessori Academy
Office: 972-794-8420
Email: crimorales@dallasisd.org
Middle School Counselor's Corner -Ms. Kirk
Skyline High School and Career Development Center is the largest High school in Dallas ISD. Legal Studies program introduces CTE learners to the occupations and educational opportunities related to representing clients in litigations and other legal proceedings while studying the possible specializations in a single area of law.
If you are considering a career in Law or Law enforcement, want to learn how the law applies to our daily life, want to be part of a program that will provide leadership opportunities, take you on field trips, give you a chance to travel and build a resume that will provide you with the best opportunity to go to the best colleges, we are the program for you, apply today. Please click
Pre-Law for more information.
Woodrow Wilson Open Houses and Deadlines: https://www.dallasisd.org/Page/90208
Traditional: https://www.woodrowwildcats.org/welcome November 16 from 6-8 (Run through the week of 11/13)
WW I.B.: 12/13 @ 2:00 (Run through the week of 12/11)
WW I.B. ZOOM: January 10th @ 6:30 (Link to come and will send through Remind as well.) (Run through the week of 1/8/24)
Hillcrest IB has another IB open House this Saturday. I already sent that out on Remind and resent this morning.
*Here is the link for admission information and timelines as well as how to book a tour for Booker T. Washington School of the Performing Arts: Booker T. Washington
*If you need assistance with the application process or copies of your child's test scores, grades, etc., I am more than happy to help! Just send me an email. Applications open November 1st. It is not a first come, first served, so take your time and evaluate your selections carefully. Here is the link for applying: High School Application
*ADVANCEMENT: Is your child looking to take classes higher than their current grade level next year? They can do this by showing mastery through CBE testing. For elementary students wanting to skip a grade level, they can do this by mastering the CEFA testings. Please contact me with any questions. (Mrs. Morales for CEFA)
Here is a link: CBE and CEFA
* SCHOOLINKS: The district has provided this wonderful resource in order to assist you and your child through their entire educational journey. SchooLinks is a modern, college and career readiness platform to prepare students for what comes after graduation. SchooLinks asks questions to helps student discover their interests and strengths, explore colleges and careers, and create an individualized career and academic plan that best reflects their post-secondary goals. It is also beneficial to parents as colleges/universities can be researched outlining admission requirements, tuition/fees, housing, and many more areas for any specific learning institution. This year students will now be working on their 4-year plan utilizing Schoolinks which will directly link to their schedule for the following school year. All students 6-8 should all have been exposed to this, but it is an ongoing venture. If your child says they are not familiar with Schoolinks, please have them stop by my office and I will give them a quick tutorial. When your child says their bored, please tell them to get on Schoolinks! They login through Clever. There is a screen outlining Suggested Actions. This will tell them what they have overdue, and what deadlines are upcoming. It is something the district requires, but other than Advisory there is not a set time during the school day to fit this in, so we needs students to take the initiative to work on this program when they have any spare time either on campus in Advisory, upon work/assessment completion, or at home. The required activities are not time consuming at all! However, students can spend as much time on their research as they desire. Some reported that they found it fun, informative, and really enjoy it! Thank you for teaming with me on your child using this great tool.
Have a Great Day!
Mrs. Kirk, M.A.
Counselor, Dealey International Academy
Grades 6-8
Join Our Facebook Group!
PTA Announcements
Carpool Information
Transportation Form
Transportation Form 2023-2024 (All Students)
All Students- Every student needs a transportation form filled out. Thanks!
Bus Riders Only- Please use this Dealey Transportation GroupMe if your child rides the bus.
Elementary School News
Dealey GT Website
PK-5 Communication
Class Dojo is your one-stop shop for 1-on-1 communication with your child's teacher, classroom updates, school-wide updates, and individual progress updates! Class Dojo is FREE - there is no need to pay or upgrade the membership.
Middle School News/Website
The new Texas Assessment Family Portal was launched on January 2, 2023, and is available for parents to view test scores for the Texas Assessment Program. The portal can be accessed via the Texas Assessment.gov website, https://www.TXFamilyPortal.org, or the easiest way by using the single sign-on feature in PowerSchool at www.dallasisd.powerschool.com/public
House Bill 114 will become effective Sept. 1, 2023:
Any student caught with a vape device on campus, within 300 feet of school property, or at a school-sponsored event, must be placed in DAEP.
Learn more below.
Dealey Family Quicklinks
Dallas ISD Calendar
Parent Liaison
Social Media
Welcome Executive Director Choice!
About Us
As one of the best schools in Dallas, we provide an exemplary Montessori education that empowers all students to become productive citizens in our global society.
6501 Royal Lane, Dallas, TX, USA
Principal -Amber Garrett
972) 794-8400