The Olive Branch 8.18.20
What's Up At The Nest...
Principal's Message
1st Grade - Mrs. Katie Morris
3rd Grade - Ms. Stephanie Tinaglia
4th Grade - Ms. Emilee Lim
5th Grade - Ms. Amanda Range
Part-Time Resource Teacher - Mrs. Sujung Choi
Resource Teacher - Mrs. Amanda Lace
Resource Teacher - Miss Michelle Angelico (joined us in January of the 19-20 school year)
School Psychologist - Mr. Tremell Goins
Math Interventionist - Mrs. Beth Klimas
Part-Time Math Interventionist - Mr. Shannon Santos
Part-Time Literacy Interventionist - Mrs. Claire Hasemeyer
Registered Nurse - Mrs. Rhiannon Rose
Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Beata Selbka
Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Amy Braun
We are still hiring! If you know of anyone interested in working with us at the nest please have them apply!
.2 Art Teacher - needed Monday and Friday afternoons
.5 Teaching Assistant - needed Monday through Friday - AM schedule
We will be creating a Welcome Back video so that your children can see all of our "old" and "new" faces before the first day of school. Stay tuned!
Erin and Julia
Class Lists
We greatly appreciate the way the OMS community has come together to support one another during remote learning. With our goal to return to in-person learning through our district transition model, D25 is not grouping students in classes for the purpose of learning pods or neighborhood cohorts. As you know, we spend countless hours each year making sure to place each student in a classroom, with the teacher and peers in which we feel he/she will be the most successful. Our staff works together to ensure a balance in a wide variety of areas including heterogeneously grouped students or students of varying abilities, students with special needs or concerns, social/behavior patterns of students, gender, the number of students assigned per room, learning styles of the students, peer relations, classroom structure, and the instructional styles of the receiving teacher. In addition, we take into account parent requests and information shared with us each spring through our placement feedback google form. We respect the convenience that remote learning pods/cohorts offer parents and hope you understand our need to keep classes as they have been created for our return to in-person learning.
Daily Schedules
Please take a moment to review your child's grade-level schedule linked below. Please keep in mind that there will be some flexibility in the schedule as your child's teacher plans lessons of different lengths and for small instructional groups. For example, while all students log on for live instruction, the instruction may or may not take the full 30-minutes listed. Depending on the day, a teacher's lesson may be 20 minutes or it may extend to 40 minutes. After the live instruction, the teacher will direct the students on what to do next during their asynchronous time.
The schedules we have included indicate the specific beginning times for each content area in which the students need to be logged on for live instruction.
School Supplies
Meet & Greet
We are excited to share with you two options for your child to meet their teacher before the school year begins.
“Meet the Teacher” Zoom Meetings - Thursday, August 27th
On Thursday, August 27th, each teacher will have time dedicated to Zoom with small groups of students from the classroom. A sign-up genius will be sent soon.
*If your child has an IEP/504 with an accommodation to meet the teacher individually, your child's teacher will set up these Zoom meetings with you.*
Material Pick-Up - Friday, August 28th
On Friday, August 28th we will have families pull into the loading zone and your child's teacher will bring them their school supplies. We ask all families and students to remain in the car for health and safety reasons. Our staff members helping during this time will be wearing face masks.
Supplies will include textbooks, workbooks, IPad, or Chromebook, and any additional materials your child may need along with the school supply box you may have ordered through the PTA.
*If you are unable to make multiple pick-ups we will arrange to have all of your children's materials available during 1-time slot; however, the grade-level teacher may not be present for your child to see.
For those of you that picked up your children's materials in June, this procedure will be very similar. Grade-Level Times will be shared soon!
Mark Your Calendars
Olive-Mary Stitt Virtual Curriculum Night - Wednesday, September 16th, 2020.
Additional details regarding Zoom times with your classroom teacher will be shared soon.
D25 Adopted a new calendar at the last board meeting, please click here to access it.
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Ms. Erin Davis, Principal
Mrs. Julia Pemberton, Assistant Principal
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive