Finley-Oates Elementary School
Communication Update
September 21, 2020-September 25, 2020
Employment Survey Form (Required)
Parents: Please fill out this REQUIRED form for the Free Lunch Program. It must be submitted for every child, regardless of income status.
Thank you for your cooperation!
COVID-19 Symptoms
• Feeling feverish or a temp greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees
• Loss of taste or smell
• Cough
• Difficulty breathing
• Shortness of breath
• Fatigue
• Headache
• Chills
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Shaking or exaggerated shivering
• Diarrhea
• Nausea or vomiting
To view the Health Screening Guidelines for BISD Students, click the link below.
Face Masks
Student face masks are optional.
Handicapped Parking
Please be considerate when dropping off or picking up your student by not parking in our marked Handicapped Parking spaces unless you have a valid tag or sticker.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
- Parents may not walk up for morning drop off.
- Please do not drop students off at the front doors (east side).
- Parents may drop-off on the west side of the building, or go through the drive on the north side. The line on the north end of the building has not been as long as the line on the west end of the building.
- Doors will close at 7:40 am, and students arriving after that will be counted as tardy.
Parents are no longer allowed to park and walk to the building to pick up students.- Kindergarten Dismissal-West Side of the Building; 2:45 pm
- First Grade Dismissal-West Side of the Building; 3:05 pm
- Second Grade Dismissal-North Side of the Building; 2:45 pm
- Third Grade Dismissal-North Side of the Building; 3:15 pm
Anyone picking up a student before 2:30 pm must bring a valid government-issued photo ID
(ex: driver's license).
Attendance Policy for On-Campus and Remote Instruction
- Doors open at 7:15 am.
- Students enter classroom at 7:20 am.
- Starting Monday September 14th, the outside doors will close at 7:40 am. If your child arrives after this time, he/she will be tardy and you will need to come into the office and sign him/her in.
- Please note: if your student is absent 3 consecutive days you must provide a doctor’s note. If you send a parent note, it must be received in the front office within 5 days of the first day the student returns to school.
If you have any questions about attendance please contact your child’s teacher or call our office at 903.640.4090
- Las puertas abren a las 7:15
- Estudiantes entran al salón a las 7:20
- A partir del lunes 14 de septiembre, las puertas exteriores se cerrarán a las 7:40. Si su hijo llega después de esta hora, su hijo llegará tarde y tendrá que ir a la oficina y firmar.
- Otro recordatorio de que, si su estudiante está ausente 3 días consecutivos, debe proporcionar una nota del médico. Si envía una nota como padre, debe estar en la oficina principal dentro de los 5 días posteriores al primer día, el estudiante regresó.
Cualquier pregunta sobre asistencia favor de contactar la maestra de su niño/a o llame Nuestra oficina al 903-640-4090.
Please send a water bottle!
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast and lunch are free for ALL students.
Lunch Rotation
Student groups will be alternating between the cafeteria and their classrooms.
Cafeteria - Kindergarten and Third Grade
Classrooms - First and Second Grades
Cafeteria - First and Second Grades
Classrooms - Kindergarten and Third Grade
Alternate between groups
Family Support
(833) 986-1919. Counseling services are confidential and free of charge. More information on COVID-19 related mental health resources can be found at
Scan the QR Code above to go to our website!
The Bonham Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs. Inquiries related to the policies of the Bonham Independent School District should be directed to: Superintendent, Bonham ISD, P.O. Box 490, Bonham, Texas 75418. Telephone number is 903-583-5526, extension 1100.