PREM Hosts Science Tours for ECHS
April 12, 2022
On March 24, 28 and April 12, the North Carolina Central University National Science Foundation Partnership for Research and Education in Materials (NCCU NSF PREM), a collaboration of the NC Central University and Penn State University welcomed students from the J.D. Clement Early College High School (ECHS). ECHS students enrolled in honors chemistry visited and toured the facilities of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemsitry at the Mary Townes Science Complex where they met scientists, physics and chemistry majors and learned about the science research done at NCCU.
NCCU NSF PREM is a federal funded research program headed by Dr. Marvin Wu, Dr. Fei Yan and Mr. Richard LaBennett. As part of the Education Outreach Program, members of the NCCU NSF PREM Student Club led by its president Ms. Netanya Dennis, prepared presentations and laboratory activities for the visiting high school students. PREM aims to increase interest and recruit students to the physics, chemistry, biochem and engineering programs, especially in the field of material science.
Learning from Student Researchers
Learning from the Experts
Learning Real World Science
Chemistry at J.D. Clement Early College High School
Josephine Dobbs Clement Early College High School
Robinson Science Building
North Carolina Central University
1801 Fayetteville Street
Durham, NC 27707
Location: 1801 Fayetteville St, Durham, NC 27707
Phone: (919) 560-2696