John Adams College & Career Academy
Weekly Bulletin 1.5
Welcome to week 5
Welcome to yet another week at JACCA! The month of August has come and is practically gone. The bulk of our staff has been back in action for 5 full weeks, and students have been back in action 4 weeks. As with weeks prior, there are many positive things happening at JACCA. Most notably, the week ended with the 9th grade teams' first Town Hall meeting. The 9th graders heard from some of our partners, and learned who won the first "scholar & rebel of the month," awards. The senior class officers also stopped in and spoke to the 9th graders to introduce themselves, and Vice President Amari Holloway gave them words of encouragement. Encouragement didn't stop there, but was returned to the adults, as freshmen, Justin Carter shared a letter with the group that he wrote about two of his teachers. The conclusion of his letter was met by cheers from his classmates! It was interesting to see the senior group pour into the youngest group, and then have a member of the younger group turn around and pour into a the lead-group, (teachers). It was as if a relational circle, (of sorts), was completed in one session.
This brings me to the importance of building relationships with students. Author, Venola Mason states that relationships are key to helping teachers create opportunities for students to use their skills and to develop the confidence to think harder and to strive for higher levels of difficulty. Relationships, (which is one of our 5-core values), help build the emotional, interpersonal, and cognitive skills that students will need in the future, in order to be prepared to address a rapidly changing world. We must not just build relationships for the sake of building relationships, but we must use them to make learning relevant, (real-world), and then connect the relevance to rigor, (critical thinking and problem solving). "Relationships make relevance possible. Relevance makes rigor possible. Rigor makes life success possible." "Academic achievement and latter success in adulthood rest on our student's ability to continue to develop strong relationships that facilitate social and emotional learning." If we believe this, it is important to not leave this to chance, but instead, become intentional in addressing the relationship needs of our students. In doing this, we foster lasting influences in their lives well beyond the classroom walls. Think of one student that has benefited from having a positive relationship with you. Now think of one student that could benefit from having a more positive relationship with you. Don't just think of the student that this would be easy with. Think of the student who needs it the most. This could be your most challenging student, OR it could be the student that goes unnoticed. Go out of your way to make sure that student is welcome in your classroom. Go out of your way to make sure that that student feels welcomed in this school. Relationships matter!
Building Goals at a glance
- Focus on building systems
Teaching staff
- Focus on building instructional capacity
- Focus on closing the achievement gap
- Focus on providing academic opportunities
- Focus on improving the graduation rate
- Focus on accountability
Portrait of a Graduate Indicators
- Critical Thinking
- Academic Mindset
AAP at a Glance
- Click the link for access to the AAP Cheat Doc: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rSH3pFyZMCY5UEdTlR-agHPU1BFXeZtio2Zgrm9we5E/edit?usp=sharing
Helpful Information
11th Grade Teachers! Take advantage of SAT Suite to prepare develop SAT readiness with your juniors!
Copy the following link to access the events & field trips calendar:
Copy the following link to access the assessment calendar:
Having Tech issues? Click the link below to access the district's I.T. page and enter a ticket:
Any newly enrolled students may stop down for a device upon official enrollment. After 08/04, any newly enrolled students must stop by the 3rd floor tech room to receive a device as John Vandernburg is now the Tech for the entire building. Refrain from sending students to the 3rd floor without a pass. Send them to the office, and we will take it from there.
We currently have 17 students playing Race to the Top.
This game requires students to answer Trivia questions that are based on news, and world events.
Last weeks weekly winner was Anthony Gremillion and
this weeks winner is Korey Swift!
Over all Korey and Anthony are tied for the lead with 19 stars each!
Close behind is Brittani Morman with 17, Ray Horton with 15 and
Andrew Al-Jeel with 10!
The overall winner will get $25 at the end of the quarter!
Procedure reminders
- Admit students into your classroom until 8:15 before requiring a pass, after 8:15, all late arrivals must sign-in at the planning center.
- Refrain from issuing hall passes the first 10 and the last 10 minutes of class.
- Refrain from "replying all" to mass emails, as it pushes important information down the thread, (potentially causing it to be missed).
- Review the assessment calendar & make sure that you issue a diagnostic (pre-test), mid-term & final in all classes. These assessments should always access a priority-standard.
- Only permit students in your class who are on your roster for that period, (unless you are covering a class). This includes advisory.
- Use all 46 instructional minutes for instruction. Students should not be idle at any time during the period. Prepare critical thinking task for those who master the concepts, and interventions for those who do not.
- Apply the knowledge gained from PDI into your everyday practices.
John Adams College and Career Academy
Email: info@johnadamscca.org
Website: www.clevelandmetroschools.org/jacca
Location: John Adams College & Career Academy, Martin Luther King Junior Drive, Cleveland, OH, USA
Phone: (216) 838-4050
Facebook: facebook.com/JohnAdamsCCA