Maple Monthly
December 2022
Family Center Donations!
Quietly Waiting
Note from Knight and Dean
Hello Families,
We still get Costco donations over Winter Break. Mrs. Bradley will be in front of Maple for donation pick-up on Tuesday, December 20th from 10:00-11:00. Mrs. Knight will be out front on Tuesday, December 27th from 10:00-11:00. If you need help with toiletries and food you can contact The Arc of Lane County at 541-343-5256.
On behalf of our Maple Staff we hope you have a wonderful, safe Winter Break.
Megan Knight, Principal and Calli Dean, Assistant Principal
Parking Lot Reminders
We have had instances of cars driving too fast in our parking lot. Please remember we have students crossing constantly before and after school. Please drive with caution to keep all our students and families safe.
If you are parking when picking up your child, please walk across the pick up line to pick up your child, so no students are crossing unsupervised.
Walking School Bus
Please note our route has changed from last year. If you have any questions, please call the office.
Maple Mondays
Maple Family Center
December 17th-January 3rd: Winter Break, No School
Wednesday, January 4th: Students back to school
Tuesday, January 10th: Walking School Bus Begins
Friday, January 13th: Early Release; dismissal at 12:30
Monday, January 16th: No School, Martin Luther King Jr Day
Tuesday, January 17th: Walking School Bus
Friday, January 27th: Early Release; dismissal at 12:30
Friday, February 3rd: No School