December 2023

Hello Wabash Community!
It is hard to believe that December is already here! I always tell our students, "Time sure does fly, when you are having fun!" Our teachers and staff are dedicated to providing the best education possible, while maintaining a fun and comfortable environment for our students.
Some reminders:
- In the morning in the car riders line, please do not release the children from their vehicles until the morning staff are on the front sidewalk. The bell alone is not the signal to release from cars. We really like to have staff outside on duty when the children start to exit cars to ensure safety between our students and cars.
- If you have a transportation change for your child(ren), please communicate with our main office so we are aware of the change.
- Please make sure your child(ren) brings their coats, hats and gloves every day, because we still go outside for recess during the winter months. If your child(ren) are in need of winter clothing, please do not hesitate to contact our school counselors. If your family is able to share extra winter coats, gloves and hats, please contact our school counselors as well.
- Our second quarter will be coming to an end on December 21 with report cards being emailed home on January 12.
- Please remember there is no school for students December 22 - January 3. We return to school on January 4. I hope everyone enjoys the winter break with friends and family!
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts!
Mr. Schulte
We hope you have a wonderful Winter Break full of family, friends, relaxation and reading! Please help your child make time for reading their library books and more over winter break.
Your student(s) also have access to the amazing nonfiction database - PebbleGo - through the library! You can access it on any device by visiting www.pebblego.com. Our username is: wabashes and password: school.
PebbleGo is great for K-2nd and the tab for PebbleGo Next is great for 3rd-5th. Please let Mrs. Collins know if you have any questions.
Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025
All children who will turn five before Aug. 1, 2024, are eligible to attend kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year. View registration event dates, starting as early as Jan. 11, and get more information here.
NPHS Community Engagement | Postponed
The North Point High School feeder pattern student/school showcase and community roundtable on Dec. 6 has been postponed. A new date will be available soon and more information is forthcoming. Learn more about these community events.
12 Days of Jeans
This is a fun thing we do as a staff, but wanted to share out with you so if students would like to participate they are welcome.
As December approaches many start to think about gift buying and the rush of the holiday season. This year we thought we might offer you an alternative option of gifts that won’t cost you anything, yet they keep giving throughout the years to come.
Nine Gifts You Can Give Your Child- For FREE
Talk less, listen more.
Spend 90% of the conversation with your child listening and 10% talking.Don't sweat the small stuff.
FOLLOW THROUGH when it comes to discipline.
Think before you say it, but once it is said, no matter how hard it is, you must stick to it. If the punishment is dropped, they learn nothing. Be careful with the punishments, however. If you take away your child's participation in a baseball game, you have put yourself in a difficult position. Not only do you have to stick to what you said, but you are now punishing their entire team, which depends on each player.Label the behavior, not the child.
Never call a child a bad boy or bad girl. There are no bad children, only bad behaviors/choices.Give hugs and kisses often.
Show affection for your children, no matter what their age, in a way that is meaningful to them.Be a parent, not a friend.
Be an advocate for your children.
Be a part of their educational experience. Be the voice for them when no one else seems to be listening.Establish expectations.
Praise your children for good academic achievements. Limit rewards for their achievements. Explain to them your expectation is for them to do their best and bring home work that reflects their efforts.Teach kids about money and investing.
Teach your children about real-world choices. Have them put money into two bank accounts, one for spending and one for saving.
Stuff the Stockings
We are so grateful for everyone that has participated in Stuff the Stockings. Wabash is so blessed to have the best families with the most giving hearts. If anyone is still interested in participating, we have several red stockings left. Please feel free to contact the front office or a counselor if you would like a red stocking sent home with your child.
24 Hour Rule
Parents, please remember that if your child is vomiting, they must remain home for 24 hrs after the last time they vomit.
If your child has a fever, they must remain home for 24 hrs fever free without the use of medications.
Head Lice
It is good practice to check your child’s head once a week while in school. If you find lice, please contact your school nurse and treat your child. Your child is allowed to return to school once they have been treated and no longer have live lice.
St. Charles County Library Partnership
St. Charles County public school district students have automatic access to library materials and online resources through the St. Charles County Library. This year, our families were provided the opportunity to opt out of this automatic access when completing annual forms at the beginning of the year. If desired, parents may opt out by working with their school librarian mid-year.
In order to stay safe and participate in all PE activities, please remember that students must wear tennis shoes on PE days. Crocs, sandals, boots, flip flops, etc. are not safe to wear for our lessons.
Thank you - the Wabash PE Team
The WSD will once again be providing supervision for K-6 students who need to be dropped off at the regular start time on scheduled Late Start Days in the 2023-2024 school year. This is separate from our Before Care Program through Chautauqua, so if you are registered for Chautauqua, please DO NOT register for Late Start Supervision.
Information on how to register and pay for Late Start Supervision can be found HERE!
Future Late Start Dates:
December 11, 2023
January 8, 2024
February 12, 2024
March 11, 2024
April 15, 2024
Wabash Elementary
Email: jillmitchell@wsdr4.org
Website: www.wentzville.k12.mo.us
Location: 100 Golden Gate Parkway, Wentzville, MO, United States
Phone: 636-887-3884
X (formerly Twitter): @WabashStation