August 2023 District Newsletter
August 2023 Back to School News
Welcome Back!
Wilmington City School District is excited to welcome students, families, and staff back to school for the 2023-24 school year. During the Summer our staff worked hard to prepare the buildings and systems for students.
- Construction projects to secure the entrances at Holmes and Denver are nearing completion
- Our phone system has been overhauled for better service .
- New securities for District technology have been added.
- The website has been updated for security and ADA compliance.
- Our Window Film project is nearing completion.
- New energy-efficient lights at Alumni Field have been installed!
Instructional staff are preparing lessons and activities to engage learners, and the food service and transportation departments are gearing up for the new school year. All WCS staff will be ready and waiting to get the school year off to a great start and help students have a successful school year.
Check out the rest of our newsletter for important information for the 2023-24 school year!
Open House Information
Open House is a great way to tour the school, meet teachers and staff, and engage with your child's school for the next year. You'll find all our Open House information for each school below:
August 14th Open House Schedule:
- East End Preschool: 5:00 to 7:30
- Holmes Kdg-2nd: 5:00 to 7:30
- Denver 3rd-5th, and K-5 MH Unit: 6:00 to 8:30
- Wilmington Middle School: 5:00 to 7:30 (See their Start of Year Newsletter for more info)
- Wilmington High School: All WHS Students 5:00-7:30 PM (Freshmen Orientation 5-6:00). See their WHS August 2023 Newsletter for more!
Supplies, Chromebooks, Meals, and More!
Looking for school supply lists, handbooks, etc? Here are some additional links that may be helpful:
- 2023-24 School Supply Lists
- WHS Chromebook Distribution Aug. 7th-11th from 9am to 2pm (See Details)
Please visit our Food Service page to review our 2023-24 Free/Reduced Meals information. Ohio has made some changes this year and will offset the reduced cost of meals for those who qualify for reduced meals. It's important to get your applications in no later than September 28th!
The District will continue to utilize Peachjar for distribution of digital flyers for both school and community events. For information on the program, please visit the Peachjar page on our website. Just look for the little peach icon at the very top of the website to learn more and to catch up on current flyers.
Time to Update FinalForms!
Parents are encouraged to login to FinalForms ( as soon as possible to verify/update their information and sign forms for the new school year so that you receive important phone/text/email messages in the event of an emergency. If you need assistance with FinalForms, you can visit our District Forms & Documents page for helpful information and tutorials. You can also contact the Enrollment Office for assistance at (937) 382-7410.
Calendar Postcards Are On the Way!
Back by popular demand, our Back to School Postcards are on their way. If your household doesn't receive theirs in the mail by 8/15, please do the following:
- Log-in to FinalForms to update/verify your household mailing address
- If yours has not arrived by 8/15, then submit the Postcard Request form
We'll get a postcard to you right away. If you need assistance with FinalForms, please visit our Forms & Documents (under Parent Resources on our website) for helpful information.
WCS Earns Auditor of State Award
Wilmington City Schools has earned the Auditor of State Award for excellence in financial reporting. This award is presented to local governments and school districts upon completion of a “clean” audit report.
Every year, an audit team spends weeks reviewing accounting practices, internal controls, and compliance against state and federal rules and regulations for financial reporting. They randomly choose from all financial transactions to ensure an objective examination of the financial statements. Less than eight percent of the entities audited qualify for the Award.
“Receiving this award is testimony to the excellent work of all staff members across the District who handle public funds and to our ongoing goal to be good stewards of our taxpayers’ dollars”, said Wilmington Treasurer Kim DeWeese.
This award certifies that:
- Wilmington City Schools filed a timely financial report in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
- The district’s audit report does not contain any findings for recovery, material citations, material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, Single Audit findings or questioned costs.
- Wilmington City Schools management letter contains no comments related to: ethics referrals; questioned costs less than $10,000; lack of timely report submissions, reconciliation, failure to obtain a timely Single Audit; finding for recovery less than $100; or public meetings or records issues.
- No other financial or other concerns exist that involve Wilmington City Schools.
The financial audit report is designed to provide citizens, taxpayers, investors, and creditors with a general overview of the district’s finances and show the district’s accountability for the money it receives. Wilmington City Schools financial audit report can be found by searching for Wilmington City Schools at . For questions related to the district’s audit or other school finance issues, contact Mrs. DeWeese at 937-382-1641 or
L to R: Ryan Holiday (SW Region Liaison, Ohio Auditor of State Office) and Kim DeWeese (WCS Treasurer)
The following articles from other sources are provided for our WCS families and community. Links and content from external sources are not under the control of the District.