Miniature Open Online Course In Educational Technology
The toolkit is designed to get social media novices, who are interested in education, up to speed with using twittter, and blogs in educational contexts. It covers the basics, with howtos, examples, exercises, and live support over twitter, email, and blogs. It runs from March 24th.
If you are a social media novice, and want to learn about the technical and teaching ins and outs of twitter, and blogs, the toollit is for you. It also focuses on the tools and techniques you will need to be familiar with to partake in an online course.
The #moocie Edtech course is a series of seminars, tweetchats, and online conversations over social media between participants, about the theories and practices of learning over social media. And it runs from April 7th.
#moocie runs for one week from April 7th. It'll be a series of one hour seminars, at 8pm GMT, with blog based and twitter conversations at different times. It will take as much, or as little time as you want to give it.
#moocie covers digital literacy, digital curation, privacy and content ownership in digital media and online platforms, and 21st century skills and tools. We're targeting these seminars at anyone and everyone in any educational context. If any of the jargon here is new, we've provided a glossary
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to do the course?
An email address to sign up. A twitter account, and a woprdpress account for blogging are ideal. If you don;t know how to use them., then the Social Media Toolkit will teach you how.
What are the key ideas?
Digital Literacy - the abilitly to use digital tools effectively to find, assess, share and adapt information online.
Digital Curation - the process whereby to categorise, organise, assess and put to uyse the information you find, and networked learning - the development of a network of people, places, resources and tools, online, that help you navigate and learn in the social online world.
How these two ideas shape ecuatoprs professional development, and their use of technology in their classrooms are the core and key ideas. We'll also be looking at online privacy, and ownership of content, as well as looking at 21st century skills and digital tools for teaching and learning.
Why are you doing this? It's my research project for my MSc, and, also, my cv. My research comes from engaging in moocs, and watching people fall byt the wayside. In my course, I'm providing support for people who are new to social media, and lessons, guidance and structured help to facilitate people developing social media skills befirw the main couyrse starts. I'm looking to see if that has any effect on people's participation.
Contact us
Email: keith@moocie.org
Website: moocie.org
Twitter: @wiltwhatman