Heards Ferry Elementary TAG Program
Welcome to TAG at HFE!
Heards Ferry Elementary’s Talented and Gifted Program (TAG) provides enriching experiences to meet the educational needs of eligible students. The program meets all requirements of the Georgia Department of Education and provides a variety of high-quality opportunities for students. Specially-trained educators guide gifted students in ways that maximize each child’s unique learning characteristics, interests, personal needs, and capabilities.
At all grade levels, the TAG Program’s goals are to:
• Develop advanced research methods and independent learning
• Generate new ideas and product
At all grade levels, the TAG Program’s goals are to:
• Develop advanced research methods and independent learning
• Generate new ideas and product
• Think creatively and use those skills to problem solve
• Develop higher order and critical thinking skills
• Develop advanced communication skills
Elementary students receive gifted services one day per week in a resource class. The program includes challenging interdisciplinary units related to science and social studies curriculum and the Georgia Standards of Excellence.
TAG Screening, Referral, and Testing
Parent Resources
Contact the TAG Department
If you have questions regarding the gifted program at HFE or have questions regarding the screening and referral process, please send an email to the TAG Team members listed below.
Laney Chambless: ChamblessM@fultonschools.org
Sarah Sapir: Sapir@fultonschools.org
Raiford Strasburger: StrasburgerR@fultonschools.org
Sarah Sapir
Sarah is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters