Dewing School
Office Update: May 2, 2022
Dewing School Information from Mrs. Gerrish and Mrs. Bosworth
Hello Dewing School Community,
We have a couple of additional announcements to share, so we are sending a beginning of the week message.
May 4th-Star Wars Day-"May the 4th Be With You." Wear your favorite Star Wars Shirt or Socks. No costumes, lightsabers or pj's please
Book Fair: Our spring book fair is coming next week. Please see the flyer below.
21st Century Summer Program-Please see the updated information below
Spring Art Show: Please join us on May 6th and 7th at Tewksbury Memorial High School for an exhibition of visual art and performances by Tewksbury Public Schools Students.
Tewksbury Memorial High School
Dates and Times:
Friday, May 6th, 2022
6:30 - 7:30 pm - Band and Chorus Concert
7:00 - 9:00 pm - Public Showing of Art Exhibit
Saturday, May 7th, 2022
10:00am - 2:00 pm - Public Showing of Art Exhibit
Have a fantastic week!
Terry Gerrish and Alexis Bosworth
Important Dates:
May 6-Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Week of May 9-Book Fair
May 19-Field Day/Carnival Day (rain date May 20)
Friday, May 27-Early Release-Staff PD Day-No PM PK
Monday, May 30-Memorial Day-No School
June 13-22-Kindergarten End of Year Celebrations (information will be forthcoming)
June 17-Preschool End of Year Celebrations (information will be forthcoming)
June 20-No School-Juneteenth Day (Observed)
June 21-Last Day of School-1/2 day-No PM PK
Thank you for all of the beautiful chalk art! We loved it!
Dewing School
Website: www.tewksbury.k12.ma.us
Location: 1469 Andover Street, Tewksbury, MA, USA
Phone: 978-640-7858