CCOG Newsletter
Weekly Updates
Reflections from Pastor Jennifer
What you do matters. You are greatly appreciated, if rarely celebrated. With the help of the Lord, you have made the last 77 years of CCOG possible. Happy Homecoming!
Pennies for Pineapples
Father's Day Breakfast
The 100 Dreams Exercise from finance team, Dan & Kay of Centsei
Kay first found this exercise in Laura Vanderkam’s book, 168 Hours.
Here’s how it works:
Take a piece of paper or open a word document, and then write 100 things you would like to have, do, become, or spend more time in your life.
We found that the first 10-20 things are easy. We all have at least 10 things we’d like to have, do, become, or spend more time on. After that it gets more difficult. Here are some questions we asked each other to make the process easier:
- Where are places you’d like to go/visit?
- What skills would you like to develop?
- What would you like your relationships to be like?
- What do you want to have in 5 years?
- What concerts performances would you like to see?
- What do you want in regards to your health?
- What are your business aspirations?
- How would you like to give/serve?
- What are dreams you have already accomplished (these should go on the list too, e.g. getting married, graduating college etc.)
The list of 100 dreams can change and should change. This is just your list at this moment in time. In 6 months or a year, you will probably take certain things off of your list and add new ones.
This simple exercise will bring clarity to your life and purpose. Dan found that he surprised to find common themes. (Travel, Building Businesses, and the enabling other people’s futures through giving.)
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Email: jwilliams@churchofgodcornelius.org
Website: churchofgodcornelius.org
Location: 19525 Oak Street, Cornelius, NC, USA
Phone: 704-651-0310
Facebook: facebook.com/corneliuschurchofgod