News and events

February 1, 2023
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Sign up for parent/teacher conferences on myconferencetime.com beginning on Wednesday, February 1st at 9am. Conferences will be Tuesday, February 21 - 4:15 pm - 7:30 pm and Thursday, February 23 - 4:15 pm - 7:30 pm .
Sled & Skate Night
Come sled and skate with Morris Bye on Friday, February 3 from 6-8pm at Thorpe Park. MBPTO will provide cookies, water, and hot chocolate in the warming house. Parental supervision required.
- Link to flyer: Sled & Skate at Thorpe Park
"I Love to Learn" School Carnival
As part of “I Love to Learn” month, the MBPTO is excited to support the “I Love to Learn" Carnival on Wednesday, February 15, from 6-7:30pm at Morris Bye Elementary. Come join the fun! Please see the flier attached for details. Students will receive one free book of choice and a free snack.
Link to Flyer: I Love to Learn, School Carnival
Update My Student Information
To make sure we can the correct contact information for you, take the time to log into your A-HConnect account and update your phone numbers, emails and emergency contacts under My Student Information. If you don't know your credentials, contact 763-506-HELP.
Kindness Week
February 13th - 17th
Tuesday, February 14 - Friendship & Kindness Celebrations
Wednesday, February 15 - 100th Day of School - Dress Like you are 100 Years Old
Thursday, February 16 - Be Kind....Picture Day, Be Kind.....Tiger Buddy Activity
Friday, February 17 - Random Acts of World Kindness Day
MBPTO – “I Love to Learn” Read-a-thon Fundraiser
The “I Love to Learn” Read-a-thon fundraiser will take place from Wednesday, February 15 through Wednesday, March 1. This program brings students together with family and friends to encourage literacy skills, while earning prizes, including a basic jump pass to Urban Air for securing at least one donation plus recording reading minutes for at least one session, and fundraising for our school. Go to https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/GhHiHl to get started. Thank you for your support.
Link to Flyer: Read-A-Thon
Volunteer news
Want to make a difference in your school? Sign up to volunteer at Morris Bye here.
MBPTO Staff Dinner During Parent Teacher Conferences
The MBPTO will be offering staff dinner during Winter Conferences on Feb 21. If you would like to volunteer to bring something for staff to eat that night please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094FA8AA28A7FDC07-mbpto1
Health services
If your child comes home with a change of clothes from the health office, please wash them and return them to the school as soon as possible. We are extremely short of all of our supplies. Providing extra clothing to your child is made possible through donations. The health office welcomes any new, clean or gently used elastic waist pants and new underwear.
Upcoming Events
February 3 - Sled & Skate Night
February 15 - I Love to Learn School Carnival
February 20 - No School National Holiday - Presidents Day
February 21 - No School Staff Dev Day
February 21 - Parent Teacher Conferences
February 23 - Parent Teacher Conferences
This e-newsletter is published by Morris Bye Elementary School. Questions, comment or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.