Picnic Lunch Tomorrow June 14th
Abernethy has reached their goal of 2,500 stars
The Students Did It!
The students of Abernethy worked hard and reached their goal of 2,500 stars! As a reward we are having a picnic lunch tomorrow, June 14th, 2023.
Lunch times will be the same, however, instead of eating in the cafeteria we will eat picnic style in the covered play area. Students will still be able to get a hot lunch if they would like. They will bring it outside and eat it just as if they were inside.
I would encourage student to bring a beach towel or a small blanket that they don't mind using to sit on while they eat. This will be a great way to celebrate the last day of school!
Abernethy Bike Bus Is Tomorrow! And You Are Not Going To Want To Miss It!
It is the last day of the Bike Bus for this school year and you are not going to want to miss it this time. So jump on your bike, grab your adult and say let's go! Tomorrow is guaranteed to put a smile on your face!
Here is the additional rout that is making our Bike Bus Awesome!