Crowley ISD Boardroom Rewind
September 20, 2018 - Meeting Highlights
CISD Honors September Heartbeat Winner
AnnaMarie Martinez, PEIMS clerk and soccer coach at Crowley Middle School, is the September Heartbeat Team Award winner.
The award recognizes employees who display heart as they go above and beyond their job description, inspiring other employees through their extraordinary work ethic. Heartbeat team members are nominated only by other district employees.
Watch to learn more about why Martinez is the heartbeat of Crowley ISD.
CISD Celebrates Hispanic Heritage
Educational activities and events are happening at campuses, and the celebration will conclude with a district-wide Hispanic Heritage Bowl on Oct. 20 for students in grades 3-12.
Million Father March Draws Hundreds of Participants
More than 500 fathers and father figures fanned out across Crowley ISD to cheer on and welcome students to school on Sept. 20 as part of the third annual Million Father March.
Watch to see highlights from the morning's events.
Enrollment Continues to Climb
Increase Breakdown:
•96 more high school students
•92 more middle school students
•78 more intermediate school students
•280 more elementary school students
Construction Projects Underway Across CISD
Video above: Construction on the new elementary school, located west of the Chisholm Trail Parkway off McPherson Boulevard, is on schedule. The school is set to open in the fall of 2019. Watch aerial footage of the construction site above.
•The Career Tech Center design is currently at 95 percent. The project is divided into three Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) proposals. The first GMP is the rough grading package, which is already approved. The second GMP will be for Utilities and Steel package and will be brought forward to the regular October board meeting. The third GMP is the main building and will be brought forward to the November board meeting.
•Both high school renovations, Crowley Ninth Grade and the new elementary school project are all currently on schedule.
New Operations Facility To Open in 2020
Pictured above: A rendering of the new Operations Facility shows the design of the building.
CISD Saves Almost $7 Million With Low Interest Rate
The district was successfully able to lock in lower-than-anticipated interest rates, saving taxpayers more than $6.9 million over the life of the bond. The bond funds will be used for construction of a new CTE center and other facility needs.
Crowley ISD Board of Trustees
From left to right (front row): Lyndsae M. Benton, board secretary; Superintendent Dr. Michael D. McFarland; June W. Davis, board president; Mia Hall, board vice president
From left to right (back row): Gary Grassia, board assistant secretary; Nedra Robinson, board member; Dr. La Tonya Mayfield, board member; Ryan Ray, board member