Langston Life
January 2023
Thank you for your participation!
Teaching and Learning
The last day of the first semester is this Thursday, January 12th and report cards will be sent home sometime next week. Please talk with your student about what they can do to end the quarter as strongly as possible and help them set goals for next semester.
On Tuesday, January 17th and Wednesday, January 18th, all students at Langston will complete the i-Ready reading and math diagnostics with make-ups the remainder of the week. Information gained from the diagnostics will help inform instruction and instructional groups during the second semester. Please encourage your student to apply their best effort so that we can offer the support and enrichment needed to help each reach their full potential.
Need additional math support? Mr. Markus and Mrs. Brua will begin offering "Drop-In" after-school math tutoring this month. Students and families are welcome to register daily as needed or can make long-range tutoring plans with Mr. Markus or Mrs. Brua. Mr. Markus and Mrs. Brua may also recommend students for tutoring. Please use the Tutoring Link to register your student!
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support
A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Angney for working with Principal Hicks to complete a grant application where Langston was awarded $2500 from our local Walmart to use in support of PBIS! Thank you, Walmart!!!
Have you checked your student's LiveSchool account information? Students are awarded points in each class each day for various reasons and LiveSchool points can then be used to purchase special incentives and privileges in classrooms and in The Nest. LiveSchool parent login information will be sent home with report cards next week.
Family Engagement
Thanks to Mrs. Margo Fox for bringing the Scripps National Spelling Bee to Langston! Each ELA classroom is in the process of holding individual spelling bees and the winners from each class will compete on Tuesday, January 31st at 5pm in Langston's gymnasium. The top four spellers from Langston's competition will move forward to participate in the Lorain County Spelling Bee! All are welcome to join us as we cheer on our spelling bee champions on January 31st at Langston!
Dates to Remember
- January 12th - Last Day of the 2nd Quarter
- January 13th - Records Day - No School for Students
- January 16th - MLK Day - No School
- January 17th - First Day of 3rd Quarter
- January 17th & 18th - iReady Diagnostic
- January 31st - Spelling Bee @ LMS @5pm