Patriot Post
Counseling Corner: October
Wellness Corner
In Dr. Rafter's October newsletter, Christina Sun, our new full-time, on-site Mental Health Specialist introduced herself. She is here to provide support for students who are having difficulty managing their school work as a result of social and emotional struggles. Please reach out to your child's counselor for more information on having your child access this amazing resource!
Click here to access TUSD's new Mental Health Services Newsletter!
School Counseling Needs Assessment Data
All grade levels participated in an introductory counseling lesson during their tutorial class on September 9th that overviewed how students can access their counseling support team, introduced social/emotional learning, encouraged students to reflect on how they take care of themselves in a healthy way, and collected student feedback via a schoolwide Needs Assessment.
Here are a few important points from the 2500+ students that completed it:
- 57.2% of students indicated that they could use help with “learning study skills.”
- 54.7% of students indicated that they could use help with “time management and organization.”
- 57.8% of students indicated that they could use help with “Managing stress/and or anxiety.”
- 19.8% of students indicated that they could use help with “Mental Health/therapy resources.”
School Counseling Response to Needs Assessment Results
In response to these results, the counseling team has developed school-wide lessons that will be implemented during tutorials throughout the school year. These lessons will provide opportunities for all students to engage in Social Emotional Learning or SEL.
Topics for this semester include:
- Understanding and Coping with Stress
- Study Skills for Self Management
- Skills for Time Management
- Goal Setting
- Finals Wellness
- Relationship Skills
These tutorial lessons are followed by optional Lunch & Learn virtual events for a more in-depth look. See the attachment below for the full schedule.
Students: If you missed yesterday's Time Management lesson or want to review the slides, it is available in your Schoology account in your grade level specific course.
Revision 2020 w/ Challenge Success
When: Friday, Oct. 23rd, 11 am
Join Challenge Success Co-Founders Dr. Denise Pope and Dr. Madeline Levine with special guest Lori Gottlieb for their joint annual parent education event. Together, they will examine how 2020 has highlighted the importance of well-being and relationships.
Register for free here.
AP Exam Registration Information
Reminder: November 2nd is the deadline to order and pay for the 2021 AP Exams.
Click the flyer below for more information.
The coronavirus pandemic has created uncertainty in the college admissions process and SAT/ACT exams.
Please see the attached PDF for an overview and frequently asked questions created to assist students and families as they navigate college testing.
College and Career Resources
BHS Fall Virtual College Visits
College Admission Reps from a variety of universities are scheduled to meet exclusively with Beckman students to discuss their university and the admission process. Students must be logged in to their mytusd account in order to access the college visit list. Colleges are added every day so be sure to check the list weekly. Click here for the most up-to-date listing.
Santiago Canyon College Bi-Weekly Virtual Rep Visits
Starting October 20th, from 1:30-2:30 pm, Griselda Morones from Santiago Canyon Community College will be available virtually to meet with Beckman students and parents.
She will assist with applying to SCC, exploring SCC programs and services, support with general community college exploration/questions, and help completing FAFSA/Dream Act applications.
Click here to email your appointment request.
Vital Link CTE Student Leadership Conference
Vital Link OC is hosting their first virtual Student Leadership Series. Students will be able to view recorded clips from industry professionals and learn the tools and skills needed to be successful in their career pathway.
Dates: November 2nd – December 11th, 2020
Times: Open Series (LIVE Sessions Every Thursday from 3 pm - 4 pm)
RSVP: Here
WACAC College Fairs
Student registration is open for WACAC College Fairs taking place this month. You will have the opportunity to participate in a virtual fair where you can hear from several different colleges and universities in one session. You can find more information and register on their website.
The UC System
UC Application Guide: Gain insight into each section of the UC application and how to best complete.
How UC Applications are Reviewed: Because the pool of students who apply to UC is different every year, the level of academic performance necessary for admission to a particular campus or major is different too.
Personal Insight Questions Guide: This worksheet is designed to help freshman applicants start the writing process for the personal insight questions.
Undocumented Student Resources: UC welcomes and supports students without regard to their immigration status.
Admission Guidance: The California State University is committed to helping high school students overcome college admissions challenges presented by the physical closures of schools.
Reminder: The priority application period for the Fall 2021 semester opens on Thursday, October 1, 2020, and closes on Friday, December 4, 2020. Please encourage your students to apply early.
CSU Video and Campus Virtual Tour Links
- A new CSU overview video and virtual tour links for all 23 campuses have been placed in one central location. These are located under the Choosing a Campus section of the Cal State Apply web site.
Senior Scene
Taking a healthy approach to college admissions.
With the recent release of the US News & World Report Rankings, tension and anxieties surrounding the college admissions process are only increasing due to COVID-19.
Change is stressful for all of us. Seniors who are ready to embark on this new chapter of their lives are finding this disruption particularly stressful.
Here are some tips that parents and loved ones can do to help support their student:
· Agree and appreciate that this is a stressful time for them.
· Allow them to share their feelings with you while also assuring them you have faith they will be successful during this time.
· Help them find positive coping strategies that will benefit them as they enter their early adulthood years.
· Honor and celebrate their accomplishments even if it's virtually.
· Read this article for a healthy framework to consider this year's unique admissions process.
· Watch our 2-minute video about why a college that "fits" matters.
· Encourage students to use this interactive tool courtesy of GA Tech to determine what they want in a college.
· Find Out which colleges are test-optional this year.
12th Grade BCAP Review Lesson
On Wednesday, August 26 every 12th-grade Tutorial class participated in a lesson created by the Counseling Team that reviewed the Beckman College/Career Admission Process (BCAP) which students started in their 11th grade English classes.
- 80% increase in students who indicated they feel “Very Confident” that they “understand the information and the required steps for my plan for after high school.”
- On the two knowledge-based questions 84% or more of students selected the correct answers. (84.3% and 97.5%)
If you were curious about the post-secondary plans of the class of 2021, check out the image below.
Important information for seniors regarding their mytusd.org email
- As you start working on your college applications, it is important that you are using your personal email address when completing applications and not your mytusd.org email.
- Once you graduate, the Tustin Unified email address will no longer be available to you. Using a personal email address when applying will allow you to continue to receive communication once you have graduated.
Junior Junction
- Discover what you are looking for in a college/university/trade school by attending virtual college visits.
- Get involved in Beckman High School’s Clubs and find a community that you are passionate about. Many clubs/orgs are still meeting virtually.
- Community Service during COVID you can still serve from the comfort of your own home! 9 Places to do Community Service Virtually
- Give 3600: Rather than do just the bare minimum, why not make a HUGE impression by combining the right organization with the ideal number of hours? They start by assessing your goals, connecting you with nonprofits, and making sure goals are met. Make YOUR college application stand out; Give3600 can help you take it to the next level!
- Contact Info: carol@give3600.com | 949.292.2944 | www.give3600.com
Sophomore Stop
As a sophomore, you’ve acclimated to high school and are more or less in the swing of things. Here are five things you can do to own your 10th-grade year:
- Planning for what comes next: Think of 10th grade as a planning phase. Last year you were just getting used to high school, and next year is an action year when you will take more challenging courses and hone your college list. Start developing strategies and plans now. That way, you’ll be in great shape for the rest of high school and beyond.
- Look for Leadership Opportunities: You have likely identified a few extracurricular activities that align with your talents and interests. If you haven’t, start thinking about which activities on your plate best showcase and use your skills.
- Keep Your Grades Up: If your freshman-year grades weren’t as high as you would have hoped, don’t worry too much; you can catch up. In fact, an upward grade trend—a steady rise in your GPA from one year to the next—can be beneficial to your application.
- Start Visiting Colleges Virtually and Creating Your College List: If you begin considering which colleges you might apply to for your senior year early on, you’ll have ample time to research your schools, consider potential majors, and visit campuses.
- Think About Your Future: What do you want to do for your career? What major will help you with this career? These are the questions to start asking yourself. Of course, you don’t have to have it all figured out but it helps to start thinking about it earlier than later! Naviance has several surveys to assist you with these questions.
Freshman Forum
In August, Mrs. Charles hosted a "Be Prepared for High School" virtual parent night. You can visit the site here and post questions on the padlet wall.
On November 4th, freshman will receive a counselor led lesson on pathways, high school graduation requirements, and A-G requirements. After the lesson, freshman will enter their four-year academic plan in Aeries. They will continue to revise this plan throughout high school to select their coursework.
Parent tip: 10 ways to help your student succeed in high school
Parent workshop
Western Youth Services: The TUSD Student Services Department has partnered with Western Youth Services to host a parent information night providing information on youth wellness and mental health on Wednesday, October 21st @ 5pm via zoom. Parents will learn how to identify symptoms of stress and anxiety in their students and learn healthy coping skills they can use.
Upcoming Dates
Student Dates:
October 14th, 21st, 28th & November 4th & 18th - College Application Help with Beckman Counselors
October 27th – Financial Aid Presentation
Parent & Student Evening Dates:
October 14th – COVID 19th and Mental Health Parent Workshop
November 2nd – Deadline to order and pay for AP exams
Counseling Haiku Pages
Need immediate information related to academics or college & career?
Check out our grade-level Haiku pages or the Beckman Counseling page linked below.